Chapter 2001 The Crisis Is Coming

The power of the three kings of the gods!

Looking at this scene, the expressions of many Dark Wing Peng Clan disciples were horrified.

Divine King Realm mighty power, this is the existence that stands at the pinnacle of the Divine Realm.

Any great power in the Divine King Realm, any power placed in the Divine Realm Continent, is a peerless powerhouse capable of shocking one side.

Now they Darkwing Peng Clan, unexpectedly have three god king realm powers gathered here.

This is a spectacular scene, even in the Continent of God’s Domain, it is an extremely rare existence.

What happened to the Dark Wing Peng Clan that actually attracted the Jinpeng Divine King of the Tianpeng Divine Clan and another Divine King Realm power to appear at the same time?

“God Qingyuan, what are you doing here?”

King Jinpeng looked at the old man in Tsing Yi who suddenly appeared, his complexion changed slightly.

Ancient Sacred Dragon Clan, this is a top-level clan that is only stronger than their Tianpeng Protoss. The strength of the Qingyuan God King in front of him is even more unfathomable, and even Jinpeng God King is three points jealous of him.

He didn’t expect it.

This ancient sacred dragon clan’s divine king realm power, unexpectedly will also appear in the Darkwing Peng clan at this time.

“Clan Chief Jinpeng stay calm, Qingyuan God King is also my invitation to the Darkwing Peng Clan.”

At this moment, the figure of God King Youye also appeared in the middle of the two instantly, and explained to God King Jinpeng with a smile.

King Jinpeng frowned.

Before he could speak, Qingyuan Divine King faintly looked at You Ye God King and said, “You Ye Divine King, you should know why the old man came here. Now you can tell me the specific situation.”

The god of the night stretched out his hand and pointed towards the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan: “King Qingyuan, the person you are looking for is there.”

The gaze of Qingyuan God King followed Youye God King’s fingers, and his brows suddenly couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly: “Where is a piece of Minor World?”

“Yes, that’s the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan. It is suppressed by the great power of the Golden Winged Condor Clan. Although I have opened a gap, I can only allow the Heavenly God Realm to enter it at the moment.”

You Ye Shen Wang explained lightly.

“Youye God King, are you sure you are not mistaken?”

God King Qingyuan looked at God King Youye with an incredulous expression: “How could the person I’m looking for be in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan?”

The God King You Ye spread his hand and said, “That’s the truth. If you don’t believe me, I can’t help it.”

“In that case, I will send a few disciples from the Celestial Realm to find out.”

Qingyuan Shenwang’s eyes flickered slightly.

This matter was too important to the ancient holy dragon clan, and he also believed that You Ye Divine King should not use it to entertain him.

No matter what, he has to make sure if there is really someone the ancient holy dragons are looking for in it.

“It’s useless.”

The God King You Ye shook his head and said, “That kid has the Cultivation Base of the Sacred Celestial God, and in his hands he holds an imitation of your ancient Sacred Dragon Clan’s treasure. Even the clone of the Celestial God Realm can’t help him. I can deal with him.”

“Forcibly break it directly.”

“Although the ancient powers of the Golden Winged Condor tribe can reach the sky, they have been dead for a long time. With the cooperation of the three god-tier kings, it may not be impossible to break the power of the great avenue on Minor World.”

King Jinpeng looked indifferent.

The God King You Ye nodded and said, “I am looking for the two of you to come, and that is exactly what I meant.”

“Okay, then don’t talk nonsense, I’ll wait for a shot together.”

The Qingyuan God King’s voice fell, and when he raised his hand, it was a huge blue palm that covered the sky and covered the sun.

The Jinpeng God King and You Ye God King did not hesitate, and the power of the vast God King Dao also roared out, surging towards the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe, in the center of Shenying Mountain, is an ancient Great Hall that has been sealed in dust for many years.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged on a huge boulder about a thousand feet away from the ancient Great Hall, while the old turtle was crawling beside Jiang Chen, and Feng Yan had long been nowhere to be seen.

“Ten days, I don’t know how long it will take Fengyan to obtain the core inheritance of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan…”

Jiang Chen raised his head to look at the ancient Great Hall in front of him, his brows could not help being twisted together tightly.

The ghost king of You Ye was destroyed, there must be the next move. If they stay here too long, I’m afraid they will have big troubles next.


While Jiang Chen was pondering, a strange wave suddenly rippled through this world.

Jiang Chen was startled, he couldn’t help but suddenly raised his head and looked towards the void.

“Jiang Chen, the suppression of the avenues in this world is weakening, and someone should be forcibly breaking the power of the avenues here.”

At this moment, the old tortoise on the side suddenly said with a face.

It has lived in this world for tens of millions of years, and is far more familiar with this place than Jiang Chen, and naturally felt the changes in the surrounding environment for the first time.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he felt it carefully, and he realized that the suppression of own in this world was gradually weakening!

“It seems that Youye God King has already started.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes could not help but a dignified look appeared.

The great power of the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestors gradually weakened. Although this weakening rate was not fast, it would disappear sooner or later.

Once the suppression of Dao’s divine power is gone, what they will face is the entire Darkwing Peng clan, and the consequences may be unimaginable.

“I hope Feng Yan can quickly obtain the inheritance of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself.

He can only hope that Fengyan can obtain the inheritance of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan before the suppression of the avenue disappears.

Outside the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe.

The three great powers of the god king realm including You Ye Shen Wang shot at the same time, and the power of the vast god king’s avenue continued to rush toward the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

With the passage of time, the bright golden light that has been covering the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe has been steadily weakening.

Unconsciously, half a month passed.

Under the joint attack of the three god-tier kings, the ancient power of the Great Dao on the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe was also eliminated by more than half.

“Okay, we can’t continue.”

“Have you noticed that the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe seems to be showing signs of collapse. It seems that the great power of the road laid by the Golden-winged Condor tribe is probably related to the survival of the ancestral land of the Golden-winged Condor tribe.”

“Once the power of the Great Dao is completely dissipated, I am afraid that the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land will also completely collapse.”

God King Qingyuan seemed to sense something and suddenly said.

“It’s almost there. The suppression of the great power of the Great Dao here shouldn’t have much impact on us.”

The Jinpeng God King said in a slight reflection: “Now the Golden Winged Eagle Clan ancestors are not stable. I will stabilize this Minor World outside. You two will go directly into it.”


The God King You Ye and the God King Qingyuan looked at each other, and didn’t hesitate at the moment, their figures were submerged in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

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