Chapter 1999 The Furious Nether Night God King


As You Ye Divine King’s body exploded, a swallowing force containing the Heavenly Dao divine might instantly swept across thousands of miles.

Everything in the radius of a thousand miles, including the You Wuling who had no time to avoid it, was completely transformed into nothingness under that terrible devouring divine power.

Only the Qianzhang Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace can still stand tall under that terrible devouring strength.


When everything was gone, the originally shining golden light above the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace became extremely dim. A layer of black appeared on the surface of the entire Shenglong Tiangong, as if it had been corroded by the devouring divine power.


Although Shenglong Tiangong blocked the power of the great eruption of the god of the night, the outside was also damaged to a certain extent.

Jiang Chen received the Holy Dragon Temple, looked at the surrounding thousands of miles, and couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

The power of the God King’s Great Way is really ruining the world.

If it weren’t for the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land, which had already been suppressed by the King’s Avenue, I am afraid that this strike of the King Youye would be able to razor the Ten Thousand Miles of Condor Mountain to the ground.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, thank you for your life-saving grace.”

Feng Yan looked around with lingering fears, and said with a grateful expression on his face.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen sacrificed this treasure to protect them, otherwise their fate would be as miserable as You Wuling.

“It’s just a matter of effort.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said in a deep voice: “Let’s go, I will help you to obtain the inheritance of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan now, in case it will change later.”

The avatar of Youye God King is destroyed, the deity must be furious, and will not let it go!

Although it is said that this place is suppressed by the ancestors of the Golden Eagle Clan, Shenwang Dao, but it may not always be able to keep Youye Shenwang outside.

If he expected it well, You Ye Shen Wang would definitely try his best to break open the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

By the time.

What they are facing is the deity of Youye God King and the powerhouse of the entire Darkwing Peng clan.

Even if he condensed the power of the earth and the world and stepped into the realm above the sacred gods, it was difficult to cope with it.


Feng Yan quickly said: “I have sensed that the core heritage of the ancestral land should be not far ahead.”

He just came to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan in order to obtain the core inheritance of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, which naturally has no meaning.

Jiang Chen nodded, and then said to the old tortoise on the side: “If you are willing, just stay with us, if you don’t want to, just wait here, and we will come to you when we are done.”

“I’ll be with you.”

Laogui didn’t hesitate, and directly shrank his body to the size of three feet, and followed Jiang Chen.

Since it plans to leave with Jiang Chen, it naturally has to follow Jiang Chen. What if this guy runs away after finishing the business?

not to mention……

There have been frequent arrivals in this world recently, and things have obviously changed.

In front of this guy who can even kill the avatar of the god king, it is undoubtedly much safer.

At the same time Jiang Chen went to help Fengyan obtain the core inheritance of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

God’s Domain Continent, the center forbidden area of ​​the Darkwing Peng clan.

The originally peaceful forbidden area suddenly experienced a violent spatial fluctuation. A supreme aura that overwhelms the world, suddenly filled the forbidden ground.

Immediately afterwards.

A voice containing monstrous anger was also slowly rippling over the Darkwing Peng Clan.

“What a sacred god of heaven, this seat is underestimating you. I dare to ruin my dark-winged Peng tribe’s big event, this seat will never end with you!”

The voice of anger slowly echoed over the Darkwing Peng Clan, causing countless Darkwing disciples to be in an uproar.

Their gazes were all looking towards the sky above the forbidden area.

There, an old black shadow filled with supreme coercion also slowly condensed out.

This Daoist shadow is not someone else, it is their Darkwing Peng Clan ancestor You Ye Shen Wang.

“Hi…what happened to make the ancestor so angry?”

Many disciples of the Dark Wing Peng clan looked at the black shadow above the forbidden ground, and couldn’t help but breathe in their hearts.

To know.

Their ancestor You Ye Shen Wang closed door training all year round, unless something shocking happened to the Darkwing Peng Clan, he would hardly show up easily.

It has been at least a million years since the last time Youye God King appeared.

This Youye God King suddenly appeared with a terrible anger, and it must be extraordinary. It seems that the Darkwing Peng Clan might be about to have something big happen.

The Night God King ignored the shock of the Darkwing Peng tribe.

He stepped directly out of the void, and his figure appeared in a Great Hall in the center of the Darkwing Peng Clan.


Several Elders headed by Elder Youli, the Great Darkwing Peng clan, couldn’t help but salute hurriedly.

They were discussing something, and then suddenly they heard the voice of You Ye Divine King’s anger.

The ancestor You Ye Shen Wang hasn’t asked about the Darkwing Protoss for a long time. The last time he made a move was when he gathered his clone and went to the Golden Winged Eagle Clan’s ancestors to investigate the situation.

Now the ancestor is suddenly so angry, in all likelihood, the clone has encountered an accident in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

“You Li, this clone has already encountered an accident in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, you immediately send someone to the Tianpeng God Clan to find the Jinpeng God King for help, even if you want to break the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan at all costs! ”

The Youye God King stood with his hands in his hands, but the flat voice caused the chill in the Great Hall to rise sharply.

He originally thought that his clone should be more than enough to deal with the sacred gods, but he didn’t expect it to fail.

Even at the cost of sacrificing the clone, he unlocked the power of devouring the avenue sealed in the clone, but was still blocked by the kid offering a treasure.

What horrified You Ye Shen Wang the most was.

The last treasure that Jiang Chen sacrificed was a bit like the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace of the ancient holy dragon clan!


The Holy Dragon Palace is the Xiantian treasure of the ancient Sacred Dragons, and it is the foundation of the ancient Sacred Dragons. How can it be controlled by a hairy boy?

In other words.

The Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace he saw earlier should be an imitation divine artifact!

“That kid doesn’t have the blood of the ancient sacred dragon clan, but he cultivates the image of the imaginary sacred dragon, and he also controls a divine king tool that is very similar to the sacred dragon palace…”

An aura flashed in the Youye God King’s mind, and finally he thought of something that happened to the ancient sacred dragon.

This son may have something to do with the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan. Presumably, the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan will be very interested in him.

Youye God King’s eyes flickered slightly.

As soon as his palm moved, a jade talisman condensed out of his palm, and the faint voice resounded through the Great Hall once again.

“You Li, immediately let someone take this jade talisman and go to the ancient sacred dragon clan. Tell the ancient sacred dragon clan people, if you want to know the information in the jade talisman, send someone to the Darkwing Peng clan to find me! ”

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