Chapter 1993 Ten Dao Power, the Origin of the Earth

“Mr. Jiang Chen… Is this to cultivate Martial Dao?”

Feng Yan looked at Jiang Chen who had directly entered the cultivation state, his pupils suddenly shrank, and an incredible look of horror appeared on his face.

To know.

Jiang Chen has broken the limit of the gods three times and became the sacred god of the nine realms!

If he is cultivating Martial Dao, doesn’t it mean that Jiang Chen wants to master the tenth Martial Dao power in the Heavenly God Realm?

In the realm of God.

The holy god is the real limit of the realm of the god Realm.

Even in the ancient times recorded in ancient books, there are countless geniuses in God’s Domain Continent, and various divine bodies emerge in an endless stream, but I have never heard of anyone who can break the limit of the gods four times and become the existence above the sacred gods.

Now Jiang Chen actually wants to break this shackle and master the power of the tenth way.

This…this is also terrifying.

Feng Yan held his breath and stared at Jiang Chen in the cultivation, not even daring to make a sound.

If Jiang Chen succeeded today, he would really become the first god in God’s Domain since ancient times.

Jiang Chen naturally didn’t know the horror in Feng Yan’s heart.

After he picked up a piece of the earth god crystal, he concentrated on entering the cultivation state.

And he Jiang Chen began to cultivate, and the earth god crystal in his palm melted quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What about an hour’s time.

A fist-sized earth crystal was completely absorbed by Jiang Chen.

at the same time.

The reminder of the system also sounded continuously in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of earth crystal to trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand the true meaning of the earth!”


“Ding! You understand one thousandth of the origin of the earth!”

A fist-sized earth crystal, instantly let Jiang Chen, who had never cultivated the way of the earth, understood one thousandth of the origin of the earth.

Regarding this result, Jiang Chen was very shocked.


What shocked Jiang Chen’s heart was naturally not the power of the Earth God Crystal, but the difficulty of the tenth Martial Dao cultivation, which was beyond his imagination.

He also finally understood why God’s Domain Continent had never existed beyond the Saint-Rank Celestial God.

Although every time you master a Martial Dao in the Celestial Realm, the difficulty will increase exponentially.

Especially after the sixth rank of the gods, it is even more difficult to break the limit and master one more Martial Dao.

But even with the cultivation of the ninth Martial Dao breakthrough sacred deity, Jiang Chen felt that the increase in difficulty was still within the acceptable range.

Now that he is cultivating the tenth Martial Dao, Jiang Chen really feels how difficult it is.

Divine Crystal of the Earth!

This is a peerless fetish that is one level higher than the ultimate fetish.

When Fuyan got a thumb-sized earth crystal, he easily cultivated the origin of the earth to reach the Realm, and made a breakthrough in the super-grade god in one fell swoop.

Now Jiang Chen has absorbed a fist-sized earth crystal, and with the blessing of the system a hundredfold, he has actually understood only one-thousandth of the earth’s origin.

In other words.

He wants to cultivate the origin of the earth to complete Realm, and he needs a thousand fist-sized earth crystals.

This is still the case when he has the system to cheat.

If the ordinary holy gods want to take this step, I am afraid it will be a hundred times more difficult than him!

“Fortunately, this time I was lucky. I encountered such a piece of the earth crystal, divided into thousands of fist-sized fragments. Otherwise, it would not be easy to master the tenth Martial Dao.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

The power of the Ten Paths cannot be grasped at all without heaven-defying opportunity.

If it weren’t for the luck to get this earth crystal, even if he had a system in his body, it would be difficult to master the tenth Martial Dao without a thousand years.

And the average God’s Domain genius, even if they exhausted their entire life, it would be difficult for them to take this step at all.

It is precisely because of this.

Since the birth of God’s Domain, the Saint Grade Celestial God has become the limit of the Celestial God Realm, and no one has ever been able to cross this step.

“It seems that after mastering the power of the ten realms, it is time to cultivate all the powers to achieve Realm, and then prepare to break through the realm of the realm!”

Feeling the difficulty of cultivation in the Heavenly God Realm, Jiang Chen also had some plans in his heart.

This tenth Martial Dao is already so difficult to master.

Jiang Chen couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to master the eleventh Martial Dao.

not to mention……

Once you have mastered the power of the ten realms, you have surpassed the holy rank of the gods, and no one in the entire gods can match it, and there is no need to continue to cling to the cultivation of the gods.

While the thoughts flashed in his heart, Jiang Chen didn’t waste time, and continued to pick up the second piece of earth god crystal to cultivate.

Seeing that Jiang Chen had absorbed a fist-sized earth crystal in just an hour, Feng Yan couldn’t help but smile bitterly in his heart, and it was difficult to recover from the horror for a long time.

At the beginning, it took him more than a year to absorb a thumb-sized earth crystal.

And Jiang Chen completely absorbed a fist-sized earth crystal in just one hour.

No wonder this guy can become a sacred god who has broken the limit three times, and he is indeed a monster that cannot be described by common sense.


Feng Yan even has a feeling that Jiang Chen might really be able to cultivate the origin of the earth this time and become a heaven-defying existence beyond the holy gods!

Under Feng Yan’s shocking gaze, Jiang Chen absorbed the earth god crystal piece by piece like this.

“Ding! You absorb a piece of earth crystal, trigger a hundredfold comprehension, you comprehend one thousandth of the origin of the earth!”

“Ding! You absorb a piece of earth crystal, trigger a hundredfold comprehension, you comprehend one thousandth of the earth’s origin!”


As the system prompts kept ringing, Jiang Chen’s Earth Origin was also Ascension at a terrifying speed.

And just when Jiang Chen fully absorbed the earth god crystal, Ascension earth origin.

Somewhere in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe.

A slight spatial fluctuation suddenly rippled from this side of the world.


The two Daoist shadows also slowly emerged from the void of space.

One of the young men in black is the god You Wuling of the Darkwing Peng clan.

Beside You Wuling, there is also a mysterious old man with an aura in the Super-Rank Heavenly God Realm.

The old man was dressed in a black robe, his figure rickety, and his old face looked extremely dry. His eyes were sunken, and in his eye sockets, there were two groups of black light beating, revealing a strange aura.

“Ancestor, this is the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe. The location where we came this time is not very good. I am afraid there is still some distance from the central area of ​​the Golden Winged Condor Clan’s ancestral land.”

You Wuling looked around and couldn’t help but respectfully said to the old man in front of him.

The old man nodded and said faintly: “Don’t waste time, take me to find the sacred god of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

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