Chapter 1991 The Legendary Earth God Crystal

Jiang Chen looked at the pale yellow spar spit out by the strange beast, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

Although he didn’t know what the light yellow spar was, he could clearly feel an extremely pure earth power from above.

Even the Xuanbing Dao Fruit of the Extreme Dao Divine Object that Jiang Chen had ever obtained, the energy contained is probably not so pure.

That is to say.

The pale yellow spar in front of me is at least a heaven-defying treasure that is not inferior to the ultimate gods.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen obtained the Xuanbing Dao Fruit of the Extreme Dao Divine Object, and then with the help of the system’s one-hundredfold increase, his ice Dao origin reached Realm almost instantaneously.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but reveal a hot look in his eyes.

With this mysterious spar that is not inferior to the ultimate gods, he may be able to try to insight into the power of the earth, so as to master the power of the ten ways, and become an existence beyond the holy gods.

“Big… the earth god crystal, this… this is the legendary earth god crystal!”

At this moment, the gaze from the side stared at the spar spit out by the alien beast, and couldn’t help but scream out in surprise.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, and he couldn’t help but look at Feng Yan: “Fu Yan, do you know this thing?”

“Mr. Jiang Chen, if I’m not mistaken, these are the legendary gods of the earth in all likelihood.”

Feng Yan slowly took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, and then introduced the earth god crystal to Jiang Chen.

The God Crystal of the Earth, as the name suggests, is a God Crystal condensed from the purest power of the Earth.

The conditions for the condensing of the earth god crystals are extremely harsh. Generally, only the supreme land where the Xiantian spirit veins exist can have a certain chance to condense the earth god crystals.


There is also a place where the god crystals of the earth can be condensed, that is, the place where the god king realm who has proven the king way of the earth god has fallen!

When Jiang Chen heard Feng Yan’s introduction, he couldn’t help but feel a little bitter in his heart.

Although the lake in front of me is full of energy and unique geographical location, it is far from a mysterious Xiantian spiritual place.

This also means.

Divine objects such as the earth god crystals can be born here, and it is very likely that they have fallen through the god king realm power that cultivates the earth god king way!

Seeing the strange beast in front of him, Jiang Chen instantly thought of a possibility.

The legendary Black Tortoise clan seems to be the existence of majoring in the power of the earth. There may have been a black Tortoise god king realm power that fell here, and the earth god crystal was born.

And this strange beast in front of me, because Life was in the fall of the Black Tortoise Divine King Realm, was able to evolve and upgrade, and has a trace of Black Tortoise characteristics!


The Black Tortoise clan has long been a legend in the realm of Gods. The ancestor of the Golden-winged Condor clan, how could the Black Tortoise clan’s god king fall here?

“Mr. Jiang Chen, the earth god crystal is many times more precious than the ultimate god thing, and it contains the purest earth power between the heaven and the earth.”

“It is said that the Earth God Crystal is even helpful to Insight Earth God King Dao. Even for some Heavenly Supreme Peak-level powerhouses who major in the Earth Way, they are all coveted treasures.”

“At the beginning, I was in the eternal void, and I was lucky to get a thumb-sized earth crystal from a pirate in the void. It was with that earth crystal that I understood the origin of the earth in one fell swoop and made a breakthrough in the super-grade gods.”

Just as Jiang Chen’s thoughts were flying in his mind, Feng Yan’s somewhat shocking voice rang again.


Hearing Fengyan’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath.

The thumb-sized earth god crystal possesses a terrifying power not inferior to the ultimate god fetish.

What kind of terrifying power will this fist-sized earth crystal spit out by this alien beast?


What shocked Jiang Chen the most was that the Earth God Crystal was also helpful to Insight Earth God King Dao.

This… This is too heaven-defying.

“Go, let’s go and have a look at the bottom of the lake.”

Jiang Chen suppressed his excitement and couldn’t wait to go to the bottom of the lake to find out.

In the interior of the Dark Wing Peng Clan of the God’s Domain Continent, more than a dozen black-robed figures stared at the strange space shrouded in golden light.

The first person is an old man in a black robe with an unfathomable aura.

The old man’s face was pale, his eyebrows were a little dark, and his pair of pupils were black and white, which seemed to give people a rather strange feeling.

“Big Elder, three more disciples who entered have fallen.”

“The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan has not known how many years no one has set foot in it. We rashly sent You Wuling and others in, isn’t it a bit sloppy?”

Suddenly, a burly middle-aged man in black robe broke the silence in the field and reported to the black robe elder headed by him.

When he spoke, a worried look appeared between his brows.

This time.

The Darkwing Peng Clan sent twenty disciples to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, and nine of them have fallen one after another.

Including one of the super grade gods, has also been left forever in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Race.

This shows that the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe must be very dangerous.

The twenty disciples they sent this time may even be wiped out.

To know.

Among the twenty people, there is a god-ranked god and three super-rank gods, all of which are the top ten geniuses of the Darkwing Peng clan.

If all of them fell into it, it would also be a very huge blow to the Darkwing Peng Clan.

“The Golden Winged Eagle Clan originally existed on a par with the main clan Tianpeng God Clan, and their ancestral land was naturally extraordinary.”

“If you want to explore the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, how can you not pay some price?”

The black-robed old man said indifferently: “Don’t worry, You Wuling has a life-saving jade symbol given by the ancestors. As long as there is no god king realm capable of shooting, he will definitely be able to return safely.”


Just as the black-robed old man’s voice just fell, the void in front of them suddenly heard a strange spatial fluctuation.

The next moment.

I saw a peculiar light group, violently breaking through the space, and escaped from the rift in the void.

In the light group, a pale-faced young man in a black robe slowly emerged.

This black-robed youth was just You Wuling who had escaped from Jiang Chen.

Seeing the You Wuling that appeared out of thin air, the expressions of the black-robed old man and others couldn’t help but change drastically.

The dignified god You Wuling was forced to use the old clan’s life-saving jade amulet and fled back embarrassedly from the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan seems to be much more terrifying than they thought.

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