Chapter 1988 Lake Containing the Power of the Earth

Inside the Shenying Mountain, there is a huge valley.

Here is a land of gentle atmosphere, full of glorious glow, five-color transpiration, and all kinds of elixir Spiritual herbs are everywhere.

In the deepest part of this valley, there is a huge lake.

The water of the lake, like a star, shone with a little bit of starlight, reflecting the starry sky in the sky.

And on the shore of the lake, there is a tortoise body and a snake head, a strange beast that is as tall as a mountain of Baizhang, crawling lazily there.

at the same time.

In a mountain forest thousands of feet away from the lake, five extraordinary figures stood there concentratingly, silently looking at the lake in front of them.

At the head is a handsome young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, eyes as dark and deep as the sea.

This handsome young man is the god of the Darkwing Peng Clan, You Wuling!

“Brother Wuling, how does the shape of this alien beast resemble the legendary Black Tortoise beast? Isn’t it a existence with the blood of Black Tortoise?”

Looking at the behemoth creeping beside the lake, a disciple of the Dark Wing Peng clan of the sixth-order Celestial God couldn’t help but breathe in his heart, his expression also seemed shocked.

“The Black Tortoise clan has disappeared in God’s Domain since ancient times. How can the Black Tortoise clan exist here?”

“But… this thing grows in a unique environment. It has been nourished by the power of the earth all year round. Obviously, it has undergone an abnormal change, but it has the appearance of the Black Tortoise clan.”

You Wuling said slowly.

“The power of the earth?”

When everyone heard You Wuling’s words, they all showed a puzzled look.

“Before you guys came, I went to investigate in secret and found that the lake here is very magical, and it seems to contain a kind of mysterious power.”

You Wuling said word by word: “As long as you drink the lake water here, you can comprehend the way of the earth!”


As You Wuling said this, everyone’s eyes were filled with inconceivable horror.

A super-grade god was horrified, and his eyes couldn’t help showing a fiery look: “Brother Wuling, do you mean, anyone who drinks the lake water can comprehend the way of the earth?”

“Yes, I just took a sip just now and I got a trace of the power of the earth.”

“If I can occupy the lake in front of me, as long as I am given some time, I will definitely be able to comprehend the origin of the earth and become a sacred god who masters the power of the nine ways.”

“And you can also use this to break the limit and take it to the next level.”

You Wuling stared at the lake in front of him, his faint words shook the hearts of everyone present.

What kind of lake water is this, it is no exaggeration to be called Shenshui.

“Brother Wuling, since the water in the lake is so amazing, then what are we waiting for, let’s just do it.”

The geniuses of the Dark Wing Peng clan all said with excitement.

One bite can comprehend the power of the earth, and the entire lake here is definitely enough for them to comprehend the origin of the earth and condense the power of the earth and the world.

This also means.

With these lakes, they will have the opportunity to break the limit and breakthrough the super devas, and the super devas can break the limit again and become the gods of the gods.

“How easy is it?”

“Not only is the strength of that strange beast not below me, but it also absorbs the power of the earth in the lake all the year round, and its defense is extremely strong. It is not easy to solve it.”

You Wuling shook his head and said in a deep voice, “Wait a minute, Youquan should be here soon. He is good at some soul-path secret arts, and it will be much easier to deal with this strange beast.”

Everyone heard the words and said nothing more.

Since even You Wuling was so jealous of this strange beast, they naturally did not dare to act rashly.

Anyway, this place is the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, and no one will come to fight for it except for the people of their Darkwing Peng Clan. It would be no big deal to wait.

With the quiet waiting of You Wuling and others, time slowly passed by bit by bit.

About half an hour later.

In the silent mountains and forests behind them, there was finally a sound of breaking through the air.

Immediately afterwards.

Three Daoist shadow also slowly emerged in the eyes of You Wuling and others.

Walking in the front is the Youquan You Wuling and the others are waiting for.

You Wuling smiled slightly, and when he was about to say hello to You Quan, he discovered that two strange figures appeared behind You Quan, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

“Youquan, who are they?”

You Wuling stared at the two Jiang Chen behind You Quan, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan has been under the control of their Darkwing Peng Clan for many years.

Their Dark Wing Peng Clan also only opened a gap in this place not long ago, allowing them these Celestial Divine Realm disciples to enter it.

These two are clearly not members of the Darkwing Peng clan, how did they appear here?

“Brother Wuling, save me, they are members of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan!”

After seeing You Wuling and the others, You Quan quickly accelerated while calling for help to You Wuling and fled towards the place where You Wuling and the others were.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen did not rush to attack You Quan.

He raised his head slightly, and looked at the lake behind You Wuling with a sense of gaze.

With Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base, the perception is several times stronger than the You Wuling of the God-class Celestial God. He almost immediately sensed the extraordinaryness of this lake.

“What a magical lake, the water of this lake seems to contain a steady stream of earth power.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

“You… are you from the Golden Winged Eagle Clan?”

When You Wuling heard You Quan’s call, her pupils suddenly shrank.

The Golden Winged Eagle Clan has disappeared in God’s Domain for many years, and it is impossible for people from the Golden Winged God’s Domain to enter here.

Could it be…

The ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe, and the life of the Golden Winged Condor tribe, can’t exist here?

“Yes, we are members of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan.”

“This place is the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, but it is not the place where you from the Darkwing Peng Clan should come.”

Jiang Chen retracted his gaze, and immediately looked at You Wuling and others on the opposite side, and said lightly: “Give you a chance to choose, do you want to decide on your own, or do you want me to do it myself?”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s words that didn’t put them in his eyes, You Wuling snorted coldly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“The Golden Winged Condor Clan has long since become the history of the Gods Domain Continent. You two are nothing more than the lingering remnants of the Golden Winged Condor Clan. Do you dare to speak up in front of me?”

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