Chapter 1981

“Yes, the person we are looking for is indeed in the realm of Zhenwu.”

The white-haired young man stared at the black token in his palm and slowly said.

This black token is their Sect’s famous soul chasing order, which can track the target they want to find through the token.


The target they were going to track this time was too far away, even if they urged the Soul Pursuit Token, they could only sense a general direction.

And now, the Soul Chasing Token has taken the initiative!

Unless the target is in the same realm as them, the Soul Chaser will never change like this.

“Unexpectedly, that guy is in the realm of Zhenwu, it’s really great.”

The thin young man said with excitement: “Brother, it should not be too late, let’s solve him quickly and go back to life.”

For this mission, the palace owner only gave them a soul chasing order, and then let them leave the continent of God’s Domain to pursue the target in the endless eternal void.

Although the soul chaser can provide them with an approximate location, they can still find it in the endless eternal void, still like finding a needle in a haystack.

He originally thought.

It would take them at least ten years or even hundreds of years to complete this task.

However, they did not expect that they would discover the existence of the target all the way south from the continent of God’s Domain, passing through the eternal void to reach the first realm.

This is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

The white-haired young man gave the thin young man a faint look: “Don’t be too careless. Since the Lord has called you and I to deal with this person, it is enough to prove that that person is not easy.”

“Brother, you are too aspiring to others, so let’s destroy our own prestige. A genius born in the eternal void is nothing more than an ant in my eyes.”

The thin young man curled his lips, as if he did not take the white-haired young man’s words to his heart.

The two of them came from the Wraith Temple, the top power of the Gods Territory, and they were the Wraith Guards carefully cultivated by the Wraith Temple. The Cultivation Base has reached the Divine Realm, and it is also a one-star land in the Divine Realm of the Super-Rank Heaven Breakthrough Realm. Respect.

With their talents, even if the early stage powerhouses in the realm of Eternal Void, they may not be their opponents.

The person the palace master asked them to chase was just a young man in black who looked very young.

This black-clothed young man was born in the eternal void, no matter how enchanting his talent is, how can he compare with them?

“Soul Chong, don’t underestimate the world outside the Divine Realm Continent.”

“Although these realms in the Eternal Void are far from being comparable to the Gods Realm Continent in all aspects, many of the superpowers that stand on the top of the Gods Realm Continent today have also come out of these realms.”

After the white-haired young man finished speaking, he immediately used the Soul Chasing Token to sense the direction of the target, and directly skyrocketed toward the south of Zhenwu Great Realm.

Golden-winged Condor tribe, the Central Council of Great Hall.

Jiang Chen and Fengchi Tianzun sat side by side in front of the Great Hall.


Jiang Chen seemed to sense something vaguely, his brows couldn’t help but he wrinkled slightly, and his eyes couldn’t help but look towards the north.

At that moment, Jiang Chen seemed to be peeped by a mysterious force from the north.

Feng Chi Tianzun also noticed Jiang Chen’s strangeness, and couldn’t help but asked with some doubts: “Brother Jiang Chen, what happened?”


Jiang Chen shook his head, but he felt a little more vigilant in his heart.

Although the peeping power was far away, Jiang Chen really felt it.

And being able to peep at him from such a distance, even a general titled Celestial Venerable, I am afraid it would be difficult to do so easily.

It can be seen that the person who peeped at him must be extraordinary.

He has not been in the realm of Zhenwu for a long time. Except for the Nine Profound Formation Sect and the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, he has not had any intersection with other top forces in the realm of Zhenwu. Who is spying on him in secret? ?

Could it be… the real Martial Sage sect?

Probably only the real Martial Sage sect in the huge real martial arts world has the ability to spy through the air.

While Jiang Chen thought secretly, the senior level of the Golden Winged Condor Clan, also under the call of Fengchi Tianzun, came to the Great Hall one after another.

Not long.

In the Great Hall, a dozen powerful men of the Golden Winged Condor Clan gathered.

They looked at Jiang Chen who was sitting side by side with Fengchi Tianzun, and there was a look of doubt in their eyes.

An elderly golden-winged condor Elder couldn’t help but ask first: “Patriarch, I don’t know why you called me to come here this time?”

“I would like to introduce to you, this Jiang Chen brother is a peerless genius who I specially invited to help my Golden Winged Condor Clan open the Skyhawk Shuttle.”

Fengchi Tianzun couldn’t help but smiled and introduced to everyone.

As Fengchi Tianzun said this, there was an uproar in the Great Hall.

“Patriarch, it is not trifling to turn on the Skyhawk Shuttle, can he really do it?”

Many people couldn’t help showing a look of suspicion when they looked at Jiang Chen.

For the Golden Winged Condor tribe’s township artifact, the Tianying Shenshuo, the high-level members of the Golden Winged Condor tribe naturally also know it very well.

Over the years, the Golden Winged Condor tribe has been trying to open the Skyhawk Shuttle, but no one has ever succeeded.

If you want to turn on the Skyhawk Divine Shuttle and go to the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Condor tribe, I am afraid that it will take at least twice to break the limit of the Divine God to have hope.

Today’s True Martial Realm, there is only the true Martial Sage sect, the power of the god king, and there is only such a god of heaven.

Could this unfamiliar boy in front of him still be a goddess?

“rest assured.”

Feng Chi Tianzun smiled confidently: “If even Brother Jiang Chen can’t get the approval of the Skyhawk Shuttle and turn on the Skyhawk Shuttle, I am afraid that few people in this world can do it.”

“Jiang… Jiang Chen?”

A tall, blond young man seemed to have thought of something, his figure was suddenly shocked, and he shouted in disbelief: “He is the saint deity who fought against Xuanji Tianzun on Guhuangshan?”


As soon as the blond young man said this, he immediately stirred up a thousand layers of turbulent waves in the Great Hall.

In everyone’s eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was an unconcealable horror at this moment.

Jiang Chen and the ancestor of the Nine Profound Formation Sect fought against Guhuang Mountain, and they naturally heard about it.

If it wasn’t for the decisive battle that was far away from the Golden Winged Condor Clan, and they needed to guard the Golden Winged Condor Clan, I am afraid they would also go to watch this earth-shattering battle.

Originally they thought.

Even though Jiang Chen is a sacred deity who has broken the limit three times, facing the veteran Tianzun powerhouse in the real martial world like Xuanji Tianzun, he still loses more and wins less.

But if Jiang Chen really lost, it would be impossible to come to the Golden Winged Eagle Clan at the invitation of Feng Chi Tianzun.

Doesn’t this mean.

In the battle of Guhuangshan, this guy really defeated the Xuanji Tianzun with the strength of the sacred god?

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