Chapter 1976 Tianzun middle stage, I can kill it as well

“No, Xuanji Venerable didn’t lose, he succeeded!”

An earth-sovereign-level expert seemed to have sensed something, and his whole body was shocked, and two bright rays of light appeared in his eyes.

The rest of the elders are also eyes reveal, staring at the black hole in the sky.

There, a vaguely terrifying aura was brewing rapidly.

“It’s done, the ancestor really succeeded!”

The One Yuan Di Zun also felt the situation in the black hole, and finally couldn’t help but show an expression of ecstasy in his eyes.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths…

Just when most people thought that Xuanji Tianzun had been defeated, only listening to the ten thousand zhang black hole, there was a sudden scream that was shocking to the sky.


I saw a gleaming blue figure slowly walking out of the black hole area, and it was the Xuanji Tianzun who had been swallowed up by the black hole before.

His whole person looked extremely embarrassed, and none of the Dao robes on his body were intact, and his body was wounded everywhere, and even the body of Tianzun was almost completely destroyed by Jiang Chen.


Xuanji Tianzun didn’t care at all about it, but couldn’t help laughing heartily.

“Haha… the deity was trapped in Tianzun’s early stage for thousands of years, and now he finally took this step and entered the middle stage of Tianzun!”


As Xuanji Tianzun’s laughter resounded through the world, a surging energy of heaven and earth, like a breast swallow, madly gathered towards his divine body.

To the end.

A vast cloud storm formed directly in the void, with a radius of ten li, and the sky and the earth moved.

What shocked countless people even more.

The place where Xuanji Tianzun suffered heavy damage was also regrown with new flesh and blood at a terrifying speed.

He casually moved, and the surrounding heaven and earth’s vitality directly turned into an Azure Taoist robe, covering him in it.

At this time, Xuanji Tianzun was not in a rickety figure, and his dry and old face was also reddened. The whole person looked dozens of years younger, and his whole body was exuding a misty aura of fairy wind.

this moment.

All those who watched the battle on Guhuang Mountain understood it instantly.

Xuanji Tianzun… breakthrough!

“Unexpectedly, Xuanji Tianzun actually broke through, and now Jiang Chen is afraid it is dangerous.”

Many people couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing in their hearts.

Jiang Chen defeated Xuanji Tianzun, a veteran Tianzun in the real martial world, with the Cultivation Base of the holy product, he was unparalleled in combat power.

But with the breakthrough of Xuanji Tianzun, the next situation is afraid that it will be completely reversed.

The Cultivation Base of Xuanji Tianzun is at the peak of the early stage of the upper realm god, which is the Realm of the early stage peak of the Tianzun.

Now that he succeeds in making a breakthrough in battle, he must have entered the middle stage of Tianzun.

Although it was only a small Realm, it would take at least hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years to accumulate at the level of the Realm God Realm, and the strength would naturally be doubled.

Xuanji Tianzun has been trapped in Tianzun’s early stage for thousands of years, and now he has broken through the middle stage of Tianzun, and his strength is not the same.

The entire Zhenwu Great Realm can be compared with it, and there will never be more than three people!

With such an existence, is Jiang Chen an opponent?

“This old guy, I didn’t expect to really make a breakthrough with this battle.”

Looking at the Xuanji Tianzun in front of him, Jiang Chen’s expression instantly became a lot more solemn.

At the level of Realm God Realm, every point of Ascension in Cultivation Base, the strength will change drastically.

not to mention……

Xuanji Tianzun now also Ascension a small Realm, from the early stage of Tianzun to the middle stage of Tianzun.

When he came to the realm of Zhenwu, he faced the powers of the Earth Sovereign, only the Golden Fire Earth Sovereign and the Silver Moon Earth Sovereign early stage.

If he had just entered the realm of real martial arts, facing the powerhouse of the middle stage of the earthly respect, I am afraid that he would not have much chance of winning.

And the difference between the middle stage of Tianzun and the early stage of Tianzun is even more terrifying than the difference between the middle stage of the Tianzun and the early stage of the earth-zun.

“Jiang Chen, you helped the deity break into the middle stage of the heavenly deity. I should have thanked you very much. But if you killed the three Venerables of the Nine Profound Array Sect, how can the deity spare you?”

When Xuanji Tianzun said this, his words suddenly changed: “But… if you are willing to join my Nine Profound Formation Sect, the deity can forget the blame, and even call you the Nine Profound Formation Sect Taishang Elder, with the same status as the deity.”


As soon as Xuanji Tianzun said this, the entire Guhuangshan couldn’t help being in an uproar.

Xuanji Tianzun not only invited Jiang Chen to join the Nine Profound Formation Sect, but also named him the Supreme Elder, with the same status as him!

But after another thought, everyone quickly understood Xuanji Tianzun’s intentions.

Jiang Chen is the legendary sacred god, and it can be said that he is the first arrogant of the Zhenwu Great Realm since the ages.

If Jiang Chen joined the Nine Profound Array Sect, it would be equivalent to an extra Tianzun-level powerhouse in the Nine Profound Array Sect!

By the time.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect is really one of the best in the realm of Zhenwu.

“The Nine Profound Formation Sect is too elder, the earthly respect is equal to you, it sounds like it’s pretty good.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and refused directly: “Unfortunately…I am not interested in your Nine Profound Formation Sect!”

Although Xuanji Tianzun provided him with good treatment, he didn’t want to do this, and he wouldn’t stay in the real martial realm for a long time. How could he join the Nine Profound Formation Sect?

“Jiang Chen, don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

Xuanji Tianzun’s face was slightly cold: “Do you know what the consequences of rejecting the deity will be?”

Jiang Chen has no sadness or joy on his face, and the vast nine-color energy surrounds him.

“Xuanji Tianzun, don’t talk nonsense, let me see what you are capable of in the middle stage of breakthrough Tianzun.”

Jiang Chen gave a long roar, and the surging power of the nine-color world surged wildly like the Yangtze River, and its momentum went straight to Xiao Han.


Jiang Chen gathered all his strength and punched out abruptly.


At that moment, there was a loud noise from the sky and the earth, as if the sky had been knocked down by Jiang Chen’s punch.

“I can’t help myself!”

“Jiang Chen, since you have to be stubborn, then I will show you the power of the middle stage of Tianzun!”

Xuanji Tianzun coldly’s voice fell, and his sleeves were lightly waved. The energy of the world in a radius of three thousand miles was instantly gathered in his palm, and then turned into a blue cloud, which lightly supported Jiang Chen’s shocking punch. .

“Boom boom boom!”

Jiang Chen threw three punches in a row, but was lightly blocked by Xuan Ji Tianzun three times.

Three energy fluctuations that ruined the sky and the earth rippled in the void, causing the entire sky above the ancient emperor mountain to fall into utter silence.

Even if it is separated from the sky, some of the weaker War Practitioners are pale and shivering.

Jiang Chen’s black hair is scattered, his blood is surging, and the brilliant nine-color brilliance surrounds him, and various Martial Dao magical powers are continuously swayed out.

Human Emperor Seal!

Seven Star Heaven Sword Jue!

Divine Body Vision Man Emperor Sword!

Taixu Sacred Dragon Figure Cultivation Technique vision!

“It’s useless, I’ve entered the middle stage of Tianzun, and this level of power can’t help me.”

Xuanji Tianzun sneered disdainfully.

He raised his palm, and a strange formation condensed in the void, and then evolved a cyan light curtain to lightly block Jiang Chen’s Second Stage vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon.

“Jiang Chen, although I have to admit that your talent is rare in the world. If you were to break through the realm of the realm of the gods, there are probably few people in the realm of heaven who are your opponents. But now you are still a little short of it.”

As Xuanji Tianzun said, the blue formation in the void suddenly changed, and then turned into a huge blue palm, slapped against Jiang Chen.


Another sound of heaven and earth cracking resounded in the sky above Guhuang Mountain.

I saw that Jiang Chen’s whole body was shot a thousand feet away by the cyan giant palm volley, and there was also a vague touch of blood constantly overflowing at the corner of his mouth.

“It seems that Jiang Chen has lost.”

Seeing this scene in the void, everyone couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing.

If Xuanji Tianzun failed to break through the middle stage of Tianzun at the last moment, Jiang Chen would defeat the strong Tianzun with the holy God, and he would surely survive forever in the realm of Zhenwu!

Although Jiang Chen’s combat power is strong, it is still difficult to compete with the Xuanji Tianzun of the breakthrough Tianzun middle stage.

In this battle, luck did not stand on Jiang Chen’s side after all.

“The middle stage of Tianzun is indeed many times stronger than the middle stage of Tianzun!”

Jiang Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and forced down the churning aura in his body, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

The sacred gods can be compared to the strong ones, although it is not a false statement.

But the general holy gods, they can compete with Tianzun early stage, which is already very good.

With his incomparably powerful background, Jiang Chen defeated Tianzun’s Xuanji Tianzun in the early stage, and his combat power was already extremely powerful.

Now that Xuanji Tianzun breakthrough Tianzun’s middle stage, even Jiang Chen is a bit powerless.

“Jiang Chen, with the Cultivation Base of the sacred god, you can fight against the deity to such a degree, you are already proud of it.”

Xuanji Tianzun controls the sky, like the ruler of the heavens and the earth, overlooking Jiang Chen, his indifferent voice also instantly resounded through the heavens and the earth: “Lastly give you a chance to join the Nine Profound Array Sect, I will spare you not to die!”

“Ha ha……”

“Xuanji Tianzun, do you really think you have a chance to break through the middle stage of Tianzun?”

“What about the middle stage of Tianzun? I can kill it like Jiang Chen!”

Jiang Chen raised his head to stare at Xuanji Tianzun, and his proud laughter slowly echoed between the heavens and the earth.


When Jiang Chen moved his palm, a palm-sized golden palace suddenly emerged from his palm.

With the appearance of this golden palace, an ancient aura that overwhelmed the world slowly spread in the endless void.

this moment.

Whether it is the many onlookers below, or the Xuanji Tianzun opposite Jiang Chen, they feel as if they can’t breathe under the pressure of this ancient aura.

“Ok…what a terrifying breath, this…what is this?”

Everyone’s eyes were staring at the golden palace in Jiang Chen’s hands, and an unprecedented horror appeared in their eyes.

A mere item can create such a terrifying power.

Could it be…

This golden palace is the legendary king artifact?

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