Chapter 1973 Nine Profound Shock, Heavenly Sovereign War Script

Jiuxuan Mountain, the Great Hall of the Jiuxuan Formation Sect.

Seven strong-spirited figures sat in the Great Hall one after another during the discussion, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall seemed solemn.

These seven Daoist shadows are the seven world gods Venerable of the Nine Profound Array Sect.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect, as the top realm god Sect of the True Martial Great Realm, possesses extremely huge strengths.

In addition to the Tianzun ancestor of Closed Door Training all the year round, and the Xuanxin who recently made the breakthrough one-star Venerable, there are also nine world gods Venerable sitting here.

Among the nine realm gods Venerable, there are three of the middle realm gods of the earth and 6 of the lower realm gods of the Venerable.

But in the last period of time, the Nine Profound Array Sect has successively lost two world gods Venerable.

Not only that.

Even the one-star Venerable Xuanxin who went to deal with this matter, the soul card left in the Nine Profound Array Sect was shattered not long ago.

Such a loss, for the Nine Profound Formation Sect, is also a great loss of vitality.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect has been standing in the realm of Zhenwu for so many years, and it has never suffered heavy losses one after another like it has now.

“Everyone, today I will call you to come here because of a major event in my Jiu Xuan formation.”

“Not long ago, the first genius of my Nine Profound Formation Sect, Xuan Xin, fell.”

I don’t know how long it took, an elderly man in Taoist robe, sitting in the first place, finally broke the silence in the Great Hall.

The old man does not know how old he has lived, his face is mottled and wrinkles are deep. Only those pupils, black and white, are as pure and clean as a baby, but when you look closely, you will feel those eyes as deep as the sea.

This Dao-robed old man is no one else, but the Sect Leader of the Nine Profound Array Sect, the one-element earth-sovereign.


Following this one-yuan respect, the remaining six people couldn’t help being in an uproar.

Xuan Xin, the first genius of the Nine Profound Formation Sect, also fell. How could this be possible?

To know.

Xuan Xin is a one-star Venerable of the Super Grade Celestial Breakthrough, and his strength is not much inferior to the Sect Leader of their Nine Profound Array Sect.

not to mention……

On Xuan Xin’s body, there is also the Heavenly Sovereign Array given by their ancestor of the Nine Profound Array Sect. Unless the titled Tianzun takes action, it is impossible for anyone to kill Xuan Xin.

“Sect Leader, with Xuan Xin’s strength, it’s impossible for ordinary people to kill him. Could it be that the ancient emperor Tianzun from Guhuangshan didn’t make it?”

A Nine Profound Formation Sect Elder couldn’t help but said solemnly.

I am afraid that only the ancient emperor Tianzun can easily kill Xuan Xin.

“No, according to the news I got, the ancient emperor Tianzun did not show up.”

Yiyuan Venerable shook his head slightly, and then slowly said: “The one who killed Xuanxin is still the young man named Jiang Chen. Ignoring the Law of Heavenly Dao, this boy breaks through the Saint God of Heaven in the battle, fist breaks the formation of Heavenly Zun, and finally Exterminate Xuan Xin.”


After hearing this one yuan Venerable, everyone in the Great Hall couldn’t help taking a breath.

Ignore the Law of Heavenly Dao and breakthrough the holy product of the gods!

One punch breaks the Tianzun formation!

This…what a terrifying existence is this?

They couldn’t believe that there would be such peerless evildoers in the realm of Zhenwu.

To know.

Even if the only god-king power in the real martial arts realm, the prestigious god son of the true Martial Sage sect, it is no more than the strength of the god-level god.

Holy product god!

Not to mention that in the realm of Zhenwu, even if you look at the entire Divine Realm, it is almost a legendary existence.

“Sect Leader, the sacred god is comparable to Tianzun. This matter is no longer something we can handle, let’s ask the ancestors to come out of the mountain.”

At this moment, a white-robed earth-zun who was on the left side of the Yiyuan earth-zun had a solemn expression on his face.

“Yes, Sect Leader, please hurry up and ask the ancestors to come out of the mountain.”

Several other people also quickly echoed.

Although the Nine Profound Formation Sect was powerful, it was not an easy task to deal with a sacred god.


Behind this sacred deity, there is also a Tianzun-level powerhouse who has yet to show up.

I am afraid that this matter cannot be resolved without the ancestors coming forward.


When everyone was talking about it, there was a strange spatial fluctuation in the Great Hall.


I saw a quaint scroll with a faint green glow, which also emerged out of thin air in the middle of the main entrance of the Great Hall.

at the same time.

Once the old voice of endless coercion is contained, it is also slowly resounding in the Great Hall.

“Yuan, I already know about this. The majesty of the Nine Profound Array Sect is not to be desecrated. Immediately send this battle book to the hands of the holy God, and the deity will make it personally to prove my name of the Nine Profound Array Sect!”

The Purple Tiger Clan.

Jiang Chen naturally didn’t know that his own killing of Xuan Xin had already shocked the Nine Profound Formation Sect. Even the Tianzun ancestor of the Nine Profound Formation Sect had already issued a battle statement to him.

After arranging Xiaoyue Dizun to assist Lu Qingling, Jiang Chen spent some time to refine a sword talisman for Lu Qingling.

In this sword talisman, a piece of his Sword Qi is stored.

Once the sword talisman is activated, it can easily severely injure the earthly superior.

after all.

Xiaoyue Dizun will return to the realm of Zhenwu after helping Lu Qingling defeat the Tianling Leopard Clan. This sword charm can save the Qinghu clan once at a critical moment.

After doing all this and sending away Lu Qingling and his party, Jiang Chen directly found Jinhuo Dizun and was about to leave the Purple Tiger Clan.

“Brother Jiang Chen, are you leaving now?”

When Jin Huo Di Zun heard that Jiang Chen was about to leave, he couldn’t help being slightly surprised.

If it was before the Battle of Guhuangshan, Jinhuo Dizun would naturally agree to Jiang Chen’s departure, and would not dare to let Jiang Chen stay with the Zijin Tiger Clan for a long time.

But now that Jiang Chen has made a breakthrough in the holy grade god, even the Nine Profound Formation Sect, I am afraid it will be difficult to easily win him.

Jin Huo Di Zun originally wanted to have a good relationship with Jiang Chen, but didn’t expect Jiang Chen to leave so soon?

the most important is.

The Nine Profound Formation Sect suffered a big loss in Jiang Chen’s hands, and he will definitely not let it go.

If Jiang Chen left like this, the Nine Profound Formation Sect would be angry with the Purple Tiger Clan, and their Purple Tiger Clan would have no resistance at all.

“Why, doesn’t Dizun plan to let me leave?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I have already overfulfilled the conditions you put forward at the time. Leaving now does not count as a violation of our agreement.”

“Brother Jiang Chen wants to leave, he can do it at any time, how can Jin Huo dare to stop him?”

Jin Huodi said with a wry smile: “It’s just…I’m worried that the Nine Profound Formation Sect will not stop here.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his brows couldn’t help but frowned.

After all, the Nine Profound Formation Sect is the super master of the Zhenwu Great Realm. Now that Sect’s several powerhouses have fallen into his hands, it is naturally impossible to swallow his breath.

Once he left here, the Nine Profound Formation Sect was really likely to vent its anger on the Purple Golden Tiger Clan and the Silver Moon Wolf Clan.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t have much affection for the Zijin Tiger Clan, the Silver Moon Wolf Clan had already surrendered to him, and Xiaoyue Earth Zun was also working for him. Naturally, Jiang Chen couldn’t just watch the Silver Moon Wolf Clan’s destruction.


It is impossible for him to stay in the realm of Zhenwu forever.

In this case, the only way is to completely defeat the Nine Profound Formation Sect, so that they will retreat when they hear the name of own.

“The Nine Profound Formation Sect is one yuan, specially came to visit the holy god Jiang Chen, please also show up!”

Just as Jiang Chen muttered to himself, a faint voice rang abruptly in Jiang Chen’s ear.

This sound was not loud, but it was like a rolling thunder that shook the sky above the entire Zijin Tiger tribe.

Hearing this voice, Jin Huo Di Zun’s expression suddenly changed: “Brother Jiang Chen, the person here is the Sect Leader of the Nine Profound Array Sect, the One Yuan Di Zun.”

“I was about to find him, but he took the initiative to send it to the door unexpectedly, which saved me a lot of trouble.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately moved his body, and appeared directly above the Purple Tiger Clan like a ghost.

He raised his head slightly, his gaze fell on the void thousands of feet away from the Purple Tiger Clan.


An old man with a deep robes stood out of thin air.

In his hand, there is also a mysterious scroll with a faint green glow.

In the mysterious cyan scroll, there was a breath that made Jiang Chen very familiar.

This kind of aura is very similar to the Tianzun formation that Xuanxin sacrificed at the beginning, and it should be the aura exuded by the power of the Tianzun level.

“One Yuan Earth Sovereign, your Nine Profound Formation Sect is too dear to you as the Sect Leader. You alone want to deal with me, but you are far from qualified!”

With his hands on his back, Jiang Chen looked at Yiyuan Dizun faintly, with a sneer of disdain in his eyes.

“Your Excellency is the sacred deity who has broken the limit of the deity three times. His combat power is unparalleled in the world. One yuan is naturally not an opponent.”

One Yuan Dizun placed the cyan scroll on his chest, and said with a blank expression: “I am here this time, only to send a copy of the war book for the ancestor. Three days later, the ancestor will be in Guhuang Mountain, waiting for your arrival. Decisive victory, but grievances.”


The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “Go back and tell your ancestors that I will go to Guhuang Mountain for the appointment on time in three days.”

The ancestor of the Nine Profound Formation Sect must be the Heavenly Venerate level powerhouse of the Nine Profound Formation Sect.

He originally planned to challenge the Tianzun ancestor of the Nine Profound Formation Sect and completely defeat the Nine Profound Formation Sect. Now, when the Tianzun ancestor of the Nine Profound Formation Sect sent the war script, it was in the middle of Jiang Chen’s arms.

“Your Excellency, please accept the battle book.”

The Yiyuan Dizun’s voice fell, and with a wave of his palm, the cyan scroll shot directly at Jiang Chen.


The cyan scroll broke away from the palm of Yuan Zun, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an incomparably bright blue light in the void.

These green lights quickly changed and converged, and then quickly condensed into a huge green characters: war!

Although this war character looks simple and does not have any energy fluctuations, it exudes a supreme soul pressure.

Even if it is an ordinary earth-zun, it seems that there is a feeling of being crushed.

“Okay… what a terrifying Tianzun coercion!”

Behind Jiang Chen, Jin Huo Di looked at the word of war that flew by quickly, and his expression turned pale in an instant.

What kind of battle book is this, it is clearly the blow that the ancestor of the Nine Profound Formation Sect Tianzun prepared for Jiang Chen, which is a bit stronger than the Tianzun Formation that Xuan Xin sacrificed in the first place.

If Jiang Chen’s strength is not sufficient, I am afraid that he will fall under this battle script in an instant.

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