Chapter 197 Nangong Yi, do you still have a face!


In any case, I must never give Jiang Chen a chance to tell this secret!

“Jiang Chen, you insidious villain, finally let me meet Nangong Yi!”

“On the day I joined forces with you to attack Tianlong Mountain, I did not expect you to join Tianlong Mountain’s Xiang Tianlong to attack me at a critical time. My two juniors were killed because of this!”

“Today, I killed you insidious villain to avenge my two younger brothers!”

A cold light flashed in Nangong Yi’s eyes.

With a loud shout, the momentum of the Xiantian Realm Practitioner exploded in an instant.

at the same time.

His figure also directly turned into an afterimage, with a fierce energy between the five fingers of his right hand, he grabbed Jiang Chen’s Tianling Gai with one claw.

After escaping from Tianlong Mountain to Ziyun Wufu last time, Nangongyi began to work hard.

After nearly a month of crazy cultivation, Nangong Yi finally broke through Xiantian and became a Xiantian Practitioner.

Now that he met Jiang Chen, Nangong Yi did not hesitate to show off his full strength!

Because he had to kill with one blow, he didn’t give Jiang Chen any chance to refute!


Nangong Yi’s ideals are full, but the reality is very backbone.

When his confident killer hit just appeared on Jiang Chen’s head, Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared in front of him like a ghost.

Nangong Yi’s face changed drastically in an instant.

He suddenly raised his head and looked forward in response to his gaze.

I saw Jiang Chen’s figure, and he didn’t know when he had already appeared ten meters away from him.

“Hehe…Nangong Yi, your story is pretty good!”

“In order to survive under Xiang Tianlong, you did not hesitate to use the bodies of your two companions to shield you from the knife.”

“Now you are embarrassed to bite me in reverse, do you still have a face like rubbish!”

Jiang Chen faintly looked at Nangong Yi in front of him, the disdainful sneer also resounded in the air.

“Boy, don’t talk nonsense, don’t give me death!”

Nangong Yi was frightened.

Without any hesitation, he directly took out the long sword, and a mysterious sword skill, Tianyue Slash, slashed directly at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and the movement of the universe started instantly.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared in place like a ghost, perfectly avoiding Nangong Yi’s fierce blow.

“How could this kid’s speed be so fast?”

Seeing that his mysterious sword skill failed again, Nangong Yi was horrified.

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen who had appeared behind him at some point, his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

“Nangong Yi, are you so impatient to kill me?”

Jiang Chen looked at Nangong Yi with a sneer: “However, with your strength, I am afraid that you are not qualified enough to kill me!”

Nangong Yi’s complexion was extremely green.

He clenched his fists, his eyes looking at Jiang Chen almost burst into flames!

He regrets it a bit!

Knowing that Jiang Chen was so powerful, he shouldn’t have rushed to find Jiang Chen so eagerly.

Now he not only failed to solve Jiang Chen, but instead asked Jiang Chen to tell the secret of using his companion to block the knife in public.

What made Nangong Yi more frightened was that.

The father of one of the people he used to block the sword at the beginning was the deputy palace lord who led the team from Ziyun Wufu to participate in the meeting!

If the Deputy Palace Master learns the truth of the matter, then he is really dead!

“Nangong Yi, what is going on?”

Just when Nangong Yi felt a little flustered.

A cold anger sounded from behind Nangong Yi instantly.

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