Chapter 1953 Zhenwu Great Realm, Purple Tiger Clan

This… how is this possible?

The sudden scene in front of him also made all the members of the Qinghu tribe including Qingfeng Venerable look sluggish, and it was difficult to recover from the horror for a long time.

All around fell into a deadly silence at this moment!

Rao Qingfeng Venerable didn’t even think of it.

The young man in black that Lu Qingling kindly brought with them, Holy Maiden, had such terrifying strength.

With just one word, Venerable’s body and soul were severely damaged, and all the other members of the Sky Spirit Leopard Clan were wiped out.

this moment.

Qingfeng Venerable finally understood what is meant by goodness and goodness.

Had it not been for Lu Qingling to take the young man in black, I’m afraid they would really have no escape today.

“Before… senior, spare my life!”

The wind torment Venerable was full of souls in his heart, and he quickly begged for mercy in the void ship with a horrified expression on his face.

He originally thought.

Lu Qingling previously said that there was a distinguished guest in the Void Tower, but it was just a bluff.

But I didn’t expect this distinguished guest to actually exist.

To know.

He is the strongest world god Venerable of the Sky Spirit Leopard Clan.

Except for the Great Realm of True Martial Arts, it is rare for the lower realm gods in the small realms to be able to defeat him.

But the mysterious noble guest in the Void Tower Ship of the Qinghu tribe, with just one word of truth, instantly killed more than a dozen Heavenly God Realm powerhouses of the Heavenly Spirit Leopard Clan, causing him to suffer heavy losses.

These methods are simply not something that the lower realm gods can easily do.

Earth Zun!

This is definitely a horror method that can only be possessed by the Venerable.

The realm of the realm is divided into three realms, the lower realm, the middle realm, and the upper realm. Each realm corresponds to a different title.

The lower realm gods are generally titled Venerable.

The middle world god, the title is the earth-zun.

The upper world god, the title is Tianzun.

The mysterious powerhouse hidden in the Void Tower Ship of the Blue Tiger Clan is definitely a terrifying existence at the level of an earthly respect.


Wind Punishment Venerable couldn’t understand in any case, how these remnants of the Blue Tiger tribe would have a relationship with the powerhouses of the earthly respect level.

Three realms of world gods, one realm First Stage days.

The ordinary world god Venerable, in front of the earth-level Venerable, is almost as mysterious as the ants.

At this moment.

Wind Punishment Venerable knew very well in his heart that he wanted to save his life, but he had no other choice but to beg for mercy from that respectable person.

“I have given you a chance, but unfortunately you didn’t cherish it yourself!”

In the void building ship, the indifferent voice came out again slowly.

I saw that above the Void Tower, the golden seal of one side that broke through the thousands of miles of space was also condensed in an instant.

“Do not!”

Wind punishment Venerable looked desperate and horrified, and the whole person turned into a gust of wind and fled in panic towards the distance.


The wind tormented Venerable had just escaped less than a thousand miles away, and the golden seal with the power to suppress everything, smashed down against the wind tormented Venerable.


The loud noise that shook the sky kept rippling in the eternal void.

I saw that the space where Venerable was located was constantly shattering and collapsing.

Under the suppression of such a terrifying force, the wind torment Venerable, which had already suffered heavy damage, did not have any resistance at all, and directly together with the surrounding space, it turned into nothingness under the golden seal of God.

Wind Punishment Venerable, the first powerhouse of the dignified Sky Spirit Leopard Clan, just fell!

Seeing the shocking scene in front of him, Lu Qingling and other members of the Qinghu tribe couldn’t help taking a breath.

Their gazes toward the cabin showed an expression of incomparable respect.

The strong in God’s Domain is respected, and people of any race have a natural worship and fanaticism for the strong.

With just a handprint, Jiang Chen easily killed the wind torment Venerable, showing unfathomable strength, which obviously shocked Lu Qingling and the others deeply.

“Keep on going.”

The wind torment Venerable was killed lightly, and Jiang Chen’s faint voice came from the cabin again.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Lu Qingling hurriedly let Qingfeng Venerable rest on the void ship, and then continued on his way!

Lu Qingling took a deep breath, then walked into the cabin, and went straight to the room where Jiang Chen was.

She looked at Jiang Chen who was sitting indifferently, and she couldn’t help but gratefully said: “I would like to thank the son for helping me today.”

“You don’t have to be polite, it’s just a matter of effort.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and then asked: “How long are we from the Zhenwu Great Realm now?”

“We are not far from Zhenwu Great Realm now.”

Lu Qingling said a little cautiously: “At our current speed, as long as there are no accidents, we can reach the realm of Zhenwu in at most two months.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then slightly pondered: “You Qinghu tribe, do you have a map of the eternal void?”

Although he now knew that this place was the True Martial Realm, he didn’t know exactly where the True Martial Realm was, let alone how to get to the God Realm Continent at the center of the Eternal Void.


What Jiang Chen urgently needs now is a detailed map of the eternal void, and the wider the map, the better.

“Our Blue Tiger clan has never stepped out of Zhenwu Tianyu, so there are only maps within the Zhenwu Tianyu.”

Lu Qingling groaned slightly: “If the son wants a map outside the realm of Zhenwu, he can follow us to the Zijinhu clan. The Zijinhu clan is a big clan in the big realm of Zhenwu, and they should have a map outside the realm of Zhenwu.”

The eternal void is vast, a vast map, which is very precious to any race, and it is generally not easily revealed to outsiders.

But Jiang Chen is her savior.

As long as she reaches the Purple Tiger Clan, she will definitely try her best to get Jiang Chen a map outside of Zhenwu Tianyu.

“Okay, let’s go to the Purple Tiger Clan to check it out.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

After he came out of the ancient sacred dragon ruins, he directly descended on the real martial arts realm, not knowing where to go for a while.

Since the Zijin Tiger tribe has a map outside of Zhenwu Tianyu, let’s go to the Zijin Tiger tribe first.


Jiang Chen and the others did not encounter any danger along the way, even some of the void creatures that appeared occasionally were easily killed by Qingfeng Venerable and others.

One month later.

Jiang Chen and the others finally successfully reached the main realm of Zhenwu Tianyu, the Great Realm of Zhenwu.

Entering the Great Realm of Zhenwu, Jiang Chen was grateful for the heaven and earth energy here, which was more than one level higher than that of the Great Wilderness.


Although the Great Wilderness Realm and the Zhenwu Great Realm are both the main interface of the same domain, the strength of the Great Wilderness Realm is not at the same level as the Zhenwu Great Realm.

The Great Realm of Zhenwu is a huge interface than the Great Wilderness, with a total of 18 regions.

The land of every domain is even broader than the land of a state in the Great Wilderness.

The place Jiang Chen entered was the Nanling Region in the south of Zhenwu Great Realm.

The Zijin Tiger tribe that the Qinghu tribe wants to take refuge in is one of the top big tribes in the Nanling Region.

After entering the realm of Zhenwu, Jiang Chen followed Lu Qingling and the others for more than half a month, and finally appeared in front of a rolling golden palace.

The golden palace is majestic and majestic, faintly exuding the vicissitudes of the ancient king.

Lu Qingling and other members of the Qinghu tribe are all standing respectfully, with excitement and yearning in their eyes.

“Who came from?”

At this moment, in the golden palace, two burly men wearing purple and gold robes flew out directly.

“We are from the Qinghu clan of the Qingyuan realm. On the order of the elders in the clan, we came to the Zijinhu clan to see the noble Zitianhe Elder.”

Lu Qingling took a deep breath and carefully handed out a letter.

Although the Qinghu tribe has the same blood line as the Zijinhu tribe, the Qinghu tribe is only the realm god race of the small world.

The Zijinhu clan is a big clan that dominates one side in the real martial arts realm. The clan is even more powerful with an earthly respect level. It can be said to be the same heaven and the underground with the Qinghu clan.

If it hadn’t been for the patriarch of the Blue Tiger clan to show some kindness to an Elder of the Zijin Tiger clan, they might not even have the qualifications to take refuge in the Zijin Tiger clan.

call out!

A member of the Zijinhu tribe quickly returned to the clan.

After a while, the purple-golden tiger clan guarding Jiang Chen and the others took out a token to read a message, and then said indifferently: “You follow me.”

After speaking, he immediately led Jiang Chen and his group into the Purple Tiger Clan.

Along the way, Jiang Chen also kept looking around.

Although the Zijin Tiger race is also a realm god race, its strength is much stronger than the general realm god race.

Jiang Chen could vaguely feel that there are many Venerables in the Purple Tiger Clan’s inner world gods, and I am afraid that there are at least five world gods Venerable.

One of the most powerful auras even made Jiang Chen feel a bit of pressure.


Most of the adult young disciples of the Zijin Tiger tribe almost all have the Cultivation Base of the fourth-order deity, even many of them are the sixth-order deity.

It can be said.

Among the world god forces Jiang Chen had seen, the Zijin Tiger Clan was definitely one of the best in strength.

Even the Qingming Sword Sect in the Great Wilderness Realm might not be comparable to the Purple Tiger Clan.

“You live here first, Zi Elder has things to deal with now, when he has time, he will meet you.”

This member of the Purple Tiger Clan took Jiang Chen and the others to a dilapidated courtyard, then said lightly, then turned around and left.

The tens of thousands of tribes in God’s realm, strength is king.

In particular, the Zijin Tiger tribe has the same blood line as the Qinghu tribe, and the stronger Zijin Tiger tribe has a natural sense of superiority in front of the Qinghu tribe.

Even if it was the gatekeeper of the Zijinhu clan, he would feel that he was much more noble than the Qinghu clan.

The Qinghu tribe looked at the dilapidated courtyard in front of him with an extremely unhappy expression.

These dilapidated courtyards are clearly the courtyards inhabited by the inferior people of the Zijinhu tribe.

The Zijinhu tribe even allowed them to live in such a courtyard, it would be too despised of their members of the Qinghu tribe.

“Let’s stay and rest for a while, at least now we are safe.”

Qing Feng Venerable smiled and said.

The strength of this world is respected, their Azure Tiger clan was destroyed, and now they came to take refuge in the Zijin Tiger clan, no matter how they were treated, they could only endure it.

In front of the overlord of the real martial arts realm like the Zijinhu Clan, dozens of them are too small.

If the patriarch had some friendship with the Elder of the Purple Tiger Clan, they might not even be able to enter the door of the Purple Tiger Clan.

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