Chapter 1945 The Only Descendant Of The Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace

Ancient sacred dragon relics, the top of the sacred dragon mountain, under the kingly path leading to the sacred dragon palace.

The two paths were filled with a powerful silhouette of the world god, standing proudly at the bottom of the god king way.

These two Daoist shadows are the Nebula Venerable of the Starscar Gate of the Four Great Realms, and the Thunder Punishment Venerable of the Sky Thunder Sect.

After the ancient sacred dragon ruins were opened, the two entered here for the first time, and they were not far from the ruins of the sacred dragon palace, so they came to the top of the sacred dragon mountain for the first time.

“The Holy Dragon Temple is indeed the legendary Holy Dragon Temple!”

Thunder Punishment Venerable looked at the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace suspended in the void, and the faintly gleaming eyes of thunder also showed excitement that could not be concealed.

Since the ancient times the Holy Dragon Realm shattered, the four major realms spent countless manpower and material resources before finding the ancient sacred dragon relics lost in the eternal void in the Holy Dragon Realm.

these years.

The four great realms open the ancient sacred dragon relics every thousand years, mainly for the inheritance of the sacred dragon palace.


They explored the ancient sacred dragon ruins countless times in the four realms, but they have not found any news about the sacred dragon palace.

This time.

They forcibly opened the ancient relics of the ancient sacred dragon in the four realms, and finally saw the legendary sacred dragon palace.

Shenglong Tiangong, the only god king force in the holy dragon world in ancient times.

There are not only many inheritances of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, but also an opportunity for the Cultivation Technique of the Divine King and even breakthrough to the Divine King Realm.

Even if it is a realm godlike powerhouse like Thunder Punishment Venerable, his heart is full of enthusiasm.

Nebula Venerable also took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said in a deep voice: “It is indeed the legendary Holy Dragon Palace, it is really extraordinary.”

“Nebula, shall we go up and have a look first?”

Thunder Punishment Venerable tilted his head to look at the nebula Venerable next to him, and couldn’t wait to go to the Holy Dragon Palace to take a look.


Thunder Punishment Venerable has already planned to seize the opportunity at this moment, and take the first step towards the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Palace.

“Let’s wait a moment.”

Nebula Venerable shook his head and slowly said: “This Holy Dragon Mountain top has the power of the god king to forbid the air.

Compared with Thunder Punishment Venerable, Nebula Venerable is undoubtedly calmer.

Although he was very greedy for the inheritance in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, the ruins of the power of the gods were not so easy to break through.

They want to forcefully volley to the Holy Dragon Temple, almost impossible.

And the only way to the King of God that leads to the Holy Dragon Heaven is a trial road for the Holy Dragon Heaven to recruit disciples.

Whether this road allows the world god Venerable to pass is also unknown.

not to mention……

The last time the ancient sacred dragon relic was opened, the disciples of the four realms met the descendants of the sacred dragon palace here.

After the Holy Dragon Temple, there may not be no descendants of the Realm Holy Dragon Temple.


Nebula Venerable obviously does not intend to venture into the Holy Dragon Palace easily.

Seeing that Nebula Venerable didn’t mean to act, Thunder Punishment Venerable had to suppress the impulse in his heart and waited quietly.

Waiting like this.

Before long, Kunshan Venerable of Cangshan Realm and Yunyin Venerable of Biyun Realm both rushed to the top of Shenglong Mountain.

When they saw the huge palace in the void that exuded the ancient atmosphere of Sacred, there was also a touch of excitement that could not be concealed in their eyes.

“Tsk tusk… The legendary Shenglong Tiangong site was finally found by us.”

Kunshan Venerable gave a chuckle, and immediately looked at the Nebula Venerable: “Nebula, you didn’t even go to the Holy Dragon Temple first?”

“I thought, but unfortunately I don’t have that ability.”

Nebula Venerable said faintly: “The void of the Holy Dragon Mountain has the means of forbidden air left by the great power of the Divine King Realm. Unless the great power of the Divine King Realm comes in person, I am afraid that no one can easily volley into the sky.”

“Really? I’ll try it!”

When Kunshan Venerable’s voice fell, he was about to fly towards the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace in the void.


His feet had just left the ground, and a horrible pressure was directly pressed towards Kunshan Venerable as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top.

With the strength of Kunshan Venerable, Rao is already very strenuous just volleying less than a thousand feet high.


Kunshan Venerable fell from mid-air to the top of Shenglong Mountain in an embarrassing manner under the pressure of the mighty world.

“It deserves to be a powerful means of the Divine King Realm, it is really terrifying!”

Kunshan Venerable took a deep breath, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Yunyin Venerable swept his gaze on the God’s King’s Path before him and whispered softly: “Since the Holy Dragon Mountain cannot fly in the air, it seems that if you want to enter the Holy Dragon Palace, you can only rely on the God’s King’s Path in front of you.”

“The Way of the King of God is evolved from the power of the great power of the King of God Realm, and it still contains incomparably terrifying power.”

Nebula Venerable said in a deep voice: “This kingly path of God is a trial path opened by the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace for recruiting disciples, and the world god Venerable may not be able to enter it either.”

“Speaking of which, wouldn’t we be able to go to the Holy Dragon Palace at all?”

Kunshan Venerable’s face suddenly became a little unsightly.

The legendary Sacred Dragon Temple is right in front of them, but they can’t go there at all, they can only watch.

This is more uncomfortable than not discovering the Holy Dragon Temple.

Nebula Venerable pondered slightly: “We tried to make a break. If it fails, we can only select elite disciples from the four realms to break into the King’s Way of God, and go to the Holy Dragon Temple to investigate.”

“If that’s the case, let’s give it a try.”

Before Lei Chaizun’s voice, who had been impatient for a long time, hadn’t finished his voice, he was about to rush towards the first step of the God King’s Way.

But at this moment.

However, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in Shenglong Mountain, which caused the four Venerables on the top of Shenglong Mountain to be taken aback.

The next moment…

A mysterious black-clothed youth with a delicate face appeared in front of them like a ghost, directly under the gaze of the four.

The young man in black is naturally Jiang Chen who dared to come to the pilgrimage to Longtian Palace.

“Boy, who are you from, why hasn’t the deity seen you?”

Nebula Venerable looked at the black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared in front of him, and a look of vigilance passed through his deep eyes.

This time entering the remains of the ancient sacred dragon, in addition to their Venerable, there are also many strong celestial gods in the four realms.

However, in the memory of Nebula Venerable, there does not seem to be a young man in the celestial realm like the young man in black.


He also vaguely felt a breath of danger from the black-clothed youth.

The young man in black in front of him is not in the four realms in all likelihood.

In this ancient sacred dragon remains, if it is not for the people of the four realms, there is only one possibility.

Descendants of Shenglong Tiangong!

This kid is most likely the descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace who has been living in the ancient sacred dragon ruins!

“Of course you haven’t seen me. I am not a member of your four realms.”

Jiang Chen’s gaze swept across the four of Nebula Venerable, and he couldn’t help but smiled faintly: “Four realm gods Venerable, it seems that your four realms really have been sacrificed for the inheritance of the Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace.”

The four realm gods Venerable in front of them are all extremely strong, and the weakest one is probably not inferior to the Ziyun Venerable of the Zilin realm.

Especially the middle-aged star-robed man with the strongest strength, I am afraid that he is no less inferior to the black and white Venerable killed by him.

With Jiang Chen’s words, the four Venerable complexions changed drastically.

Nebula Venerable couldn’t help but stared at Jiang Chen: “You really are a descendant of Shenglong Tiangong!”

“I am not a descendant of Shenglong Tiangong, but I am the only descendant of Shenglong Tiangong.”

Jiang Chen said calmly and calmly: “The inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is not something you can get involved. If you are more aware, it is too late to retreat now.”

“Haha…I’m really ashamed!”

“Boy, with you alone, you also want to prevent us from gaining the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace?”

“Since you sent the door to death by yourself, then I will fulfill you!”

Kunshan Venerable laughed disdainfully, flipped his hand to Jiang Chen and patted it out. The terrifying power of the world god directly turned into a thousand-foot sacred mountain, smashing out a huge hole on the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

The terrifying power seemed to crush Jiang Chen below.

Facing the blow from Kunshan Venerable’s suppression, Jiang Chen was not afraid, with a shocking punch from the seven powers, and slammed the thousand-zhang sacred mountain fiercely.


Only a loud noise was heard, and Qianzhang Shenshan suddenly collapsed in the void.

Even Kunshan Venerable’s figure is two or three steps away from the void retreated in a row.

“The power of the seven realms! You… have you stepped into the Realm of the super-grade gods?”

Kunshan Venerable looked up at Jiang Chen, and there was an incredible horror in his eyes.

The Nebula Venerable trio on the side couldn’t help but be surprised.

“This kid… turned out to be a peerless evildoer who has stepped into a super-grade god!”

Nebula Venerable finally understood why he would feel a hint of danger from this kid.


This black-clothed young man who claims to be a descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is a super-grade god who broke the limit!

“Shoot together and kill him!”

Nebula Venerable’s eyes flickered slightly, and a cold light burst into his eyes.

If they want to get the inheritance of the Holy Dragon Temple, they must get rid of the descendant of the Holy Dragon Temple in front of them.

And this descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is already a super-grade god of the enemy world god Venerable.

It is probably not an easy task for any one of them to kill him.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Nebula Venerable obviously does not intend to give Jiang Chen any chance, and intends to join forces with the other three to kill Jiang Chen as quickly as possible!

Regarding Nebula Venerable’s proposal, the other three Venerables naturally did not have any objections.

They entered the ancient sacred dragon relics this time, in addition to gaining the inheritance of the sacred dragon palace, they wanted to cut the grass and roots and destroy the descendants of the sacred dragon palace.

Since this kid claims to be the descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, how can they be soft-hearted?

The four of them did not hesitate at all. The powerful aura of the world god Venerable burst out almost at the same time.

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