Chapter 1939 Stepping on Ziyun Gate!

“Impossible, it is absolutely impossible!”

Qilin Venerable said with an incredulous expression: “Brother Jiang Chen, how can a clone possess the same strength as the main body, you must not believe him, this should be his blindfold!”

As the Sect Leader of the world god Sect Qilin Sect, Qilin Venerable is also a well-informed person.

Although Qilin Venerable also knew that there were many secret techniques for cultivation clones in God’s Domain.

But he hadn’t heard of it, there is a clone of secret technique cultivation, the strength can be equivalent to the body!

not to mention……

Ziyun Venerable really has a clone of the same strength as the body, which means that Ziyun Gate has two world gods Venerable.

If this is the case, Ziyun Venerable might have led Ziyun Gate to level the Qilin Sect. How could he hide this clone until now?

“Hehe… this is indeed the clone of Ziyun Venerable, and it does have the strength comparable to the realm god Venerable.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then looked at Ziyun Venerable calmly: “If I guess right, your clone should have a huge flaw, I’m afraid it will be difficult to leave Ziyun Gate with Ben.

“Yes, this clone of the deity does have great restrictions and cannot leave the scope of Ziyun Gate.”

Ziyun Venerable smiled frankly: “But… this doesn’t seem to affect our negotiation, right?”

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “It really doesn’t affect. Even if your deity is here, you don’t have the qualifications to negotiate with me, let alone a mere clone?”

“Jiang Chen, don’t go too far! Even though you are a talented evildoer, now you are considered a unique super god, the deity may not be afraid of you!”

Upon hearing this, Ziyun Venerable’s complexion instantly became extremely gloomy.

There are already two world gods Venerable in the ancient dragon world, plus Jiang Chen who is comparable to the world god Venerable, the strength is only stronger than Ziyunmen.

If the Ancient Dragon Realm joins forces with Qilin Sect again, the situation at Ziyun Gate will probably be dangerous.

It is precisely because of this.

Ziyun Venerable only intends to temporarily stabilize Jiang Chen and the ancient dragon world, first solve the Qilin sect, and completely control the Zilin world before making plans.

“Ziyun Venerable, stop talking nonsense, do it.”

“Today I said that I will step down Ziyun Gate, and I will never break my promise!”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes calmly looking at Ziyun Venerable, his faint voice resounded in the heavens and the earth.

At the beginning, in the northern region of the ancient dragon world, Jiang Chen killed the Ziyunmen genius Lu Xingyu.

Returning to the Zilin world this time, he killed the newly promoted Ziyun Cangyun Venerable in the Qilin Sect.

It can be said.

There was no possibility of reconciliation between him and Ziyun.


When he came back this time, it was impossible to stay in the ancient dragon world forever.

If he chooses to reconcile with Ziyunmen now, maybe after he leaves, Ziyunmen will attack the ancient dragon world again.


Jiang Chen had already made up his mind for a long time, this time he would destroy the Ziyun Gate, and he would never have trouble!

Don’t say that this is just a clone of Ziyun Venerable, even if Ziyun Venerable’s body is here, I don’t want to stop him from stepping down on Ziyun Gate today!

“Good! Good! Good!”

“The deity wants to see if you have the ability to destroy Ziyunmen!”

Ziyun Venerable smiled furiously, a purple electric glow in his eyes blasted towards Jiang Chen.


Two purple lightning flashed in the void, a huge oppressive force, surging across the sky, and it made people feel suffocated.

If it is a strong person of the sixth-order heavenly god, I am afraid that he will be instantly oppressed and his body will collapse.

But Jiang Chen stood calmly with his hands on his face, as if he hadn’t been affected by the pressure of the Ziyun Venerable world god at all.


Seeing that Jiang Chen ignored the coercion of the own world god, Ziyun Venerable snorted and stepped out abruptly, the sharp purple light in his eyes surging like waves.

this moment.

The world with a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be furious. Thunder exploded one after another, and terrifying purple light filled the world.

To the end.

Countless purple thunders descended from the heavens and the earth, causing the entire Ziyun Gate to collapse continuously, as if the end had come.


Holding the Heavenly Fire God Sword, Jiang Chen directly activated the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art, spurring a Star Sword Qi, and slashed down with one sword.

This sword caused the void to burst.

A long and narrow black gap spread down from the vast void, and the bright sword light instantly smashed the purple thunder in mid-air.

“Ziyun Jianzhi!”

Seeing that this strike was easily cut by Jiang Chen, Ziyun Venerable moved his palm and raised his hand to point out Jiang Chen.

This finger condenses all the strength of Ziyun Venerable. Although it seems small, it seems like a huge mountain, containing incomparably terrifying power.

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and with a wave of the Heavenly Fire God Sword in his hand, another Star Sword Qi fell from the sky.

call out!

Star Sword Qi cut through the world and penetrated Ziyun Venerable’s sword fingers in the blink of an eye, hitting Ziyun Venerable’s chest like a dragonfly.


Ziyun Venerable let out a muffled hum, and the whole person stepped on the void to burst a distance of thousands of meters before barely stopping.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Although Ziyun Venerable also knows that the Super Grade Celestial God is very powerful.

But he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen’s combat power to be so powerful.

This clone of his strength equivalent to that of the body can’t even take the opponent’s sword!

call out!

Just when Ziyun Venerable’s heart was in horror, the Northern Dipper seven-star map above Jiang Chen’s head once again bloomed with bright stars, and another Star Sword Qi broke through the world and struck Ziyun Venerable with a sword.

“Purple pupil sky sword!”

Ziyun Venerable’s complexion was as solemn as water, and he also let out a cold stern in his mouth.

boom! boom!

I saw two purple sky swords suddenly shot out of his twinkling purple eyes!

The sky sword is three feet long, condensed by pure purple light, and the whole body is crystal clear, exuding incomparably terrifying power.

The two purple sky swords instantly tore through the thousands of feet of the void, facing the falling Star Sword Qi.


Two similarly terrifying kendo magical powers collided in mid-air, sending out a sharp sword groan.


Ziyun Venerable’s purple heavenly sword, compared to Jiang Chen’s Star heavenly sword, was finally a step behind.

It took less than a moment.

Star Sword Qi shattered the two purple sky swords in front of him.

The next moment.

Star Sword Qi slammed on Ziyun Venerable’s horrified gaze.


The purple light of Ziyun Venerable’s whole body was also shattered. The whole body was cut down by Star Sword Qi with a single sword. It fell from a height of thousands of meters, and hit a Great Hall that was angered by Ziyun Gate.

The Great Hall collapsed suddenly, turning into ruins in an instant.

The aftermath of terrifying vigor swept across the four directions, and many of the weaker Ziyunmen disciples were torn to pieces in an instant before they even had time to react.

The remaining Ziyunmen disciples who had escaped by chance had a pale face, like a concubine bereavement.

Even Ziyun Venerable was beaten so hard to fight back, how could anyone else at Ziyun Gate get this killer god in front of them?

Their Ziyun Gate, I am afraid it is really inevitable today.

“It’s really abnormal, even the world god Venerable doesn’t have any power to fight back in front of him.”

Qilin Venerable stared at the situation in front of him blankly, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although Qilin Venerable already knew, Jiang Chen beheaded Cangyun Venerable outside the Qilin sect, showing very terrifying strength.

But Qilin Venerable didn’t see it personally.

Now that he saw Jiang Chen fighting Ziyun Venerable, he really felt how terrifying Jiang Chen’s strength was!

It seems that their world god Venerable, in front of Jiang Chen, is almost indistinguishable from the ants.

In fact.

This Ziyun Venerable is just the world god Venerable from the small world. Its combat power is even worse than the ancestors of the Southern Li family in the Great Wilderness World, not to mention the black and white Venerable that he killed not long ago. .

Even if Jiang Chen only had the strength of a super-grade god, facing such a world god Venerable, it would not seem dangerous to him at all.

With the strength of his current divine rank god, like the lower realm god in the small world like Ziyun Venerable, it is indeed not much different from the ant.

If he wants to kill it, it’s just easy.

Just as everyone was shocked by the scene before them, in the Great Hall that had been turned into ruins inside Ziyun Gate, suddenly there was a terrifying roar.

“Ah… Jiang Chen, I’m going to kill you!”


A shimmering figure of purple light suddenly rose into the sky from the ruins. It was the purple cloud Venerable that was cut down by Jiang Chen with a single sword.

He was covered in blood, his hair was messy, and his clothes were not intact, and he looked extremely embarrassed.


His eyes looked at Jiang Chen, but there was a burst of bright light.


I saw him walking towards Jiang Chen step by step in the void.

With every step he took, his momentum skyrocketed.

Boom boom boom…

After taking nine steps in a row, the aura on Ziyun Venerable’s body also rose to an extremely terrifying point in an instant.

Thousands of miles of void, all under the pressure of the terrifying aura of Ziyun Venerable, continue to collapse.

His big sleeves are fluttering, his purple clothes are hunting, and the purple awns linger in his eyes, like an ancient god overlooking the sky and the earth.

“Brother Jiang Chen, be careful, these are the nine steps of Ziyun Venerable’s supreme supernatural power!”

The Qilin Sect’s complexion changed, and he could not help but hurriedly called out to Jiang Chen.

With nine steps to win the sky, this is a supreme magical power that Ziyun Venerable has mastered, which can make its combat power soar to a very terrifying level in a short period of time.

Even at his peak, he can only contend with it when he is blessed by the heart of the Zilin Realm Realm.

“Jiang Chen, you shouldn’t force me. Once my clone has performed nine steps to win the sky, it will be completely destroyed. Now only with your blood can I wash away the anger in my heart.”

Ziyun Venerable roared in anger, rolling and reverberating between heaven and earth.

Every time he said a word, his breath rose by a point.

The sky and the earth are moving, and the storm is like a dragon.

A world god’s coercion that is several times stronger than before, is also overwhelming from Ziyun Venerable…

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