Chapter 1937

Zilin World, Ziyun Mountain.

This is a mountain shrouded in endless purple clouds. The outside of the mountain is thunderous and stormy, and inside is the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Here is where the Sect of Ziyunmen, one of the two great powers of the Zilin Realm, is located.

There is an Elder mansion in the center of Ziyun Gate.

Two purple-robed elders with breaths reaching the sixth rank of the gods were playing against a stone table in the courtyard.

“Xu Elder, this task of guarding Sect is really boring.”

The old man holding a white piece on the left dropped a piece and said boredly.

“Ding Elder, don’t be careless. The sect master delegates the task of guarding Sect to you and me. This is a trust in us. If anything goes wrong, how can you and I explain it to the boss?”

Xu Elder on the right is more cautious.

“Hehe…Xu Elder, you are too worried, right?”

Ding Elder curled his lips in disdain.

Now that Qilin Sect has been defeated by their Ziyun Sect, even Qilin Venerable has suffered heavy losses. Cangyun Venerable has led dozens of powerful men to block the door of Qilin Sect.

This Zilin realm almost belongs to their Ziyunmen world, who has the courage to come to Ziyunmen to go wild?



Just as Ding Elder’s voice fell, the entire Ziyun Gate was like an earthquake, with a loud noise that shook the mountain.

“Wh…what’s the matter?”

Many of the Ziyunmen disciples who stayed behind at the mountain gate were shocked by this sudden huge movement.

The two Ziyunmen Elders who were playing against each other changed their expressions and immediately appeared above the Ziyunmen.

Through the numerous obstacles above the Ziyun Gate, their eyes were directly locked on the body of a black-clothed youth outside.

I saw that the black-clothed youth stretched out two fingers, and kept tapping the large array of mountain guards at Ziyun Gate.

Every time he clicked a finger, the entire Ziyun Gate vibrated violently.

at the same time.

A clear voice also passed into the ears of everyone in Ziyun Gate through repeated formations.

“Gulong Jiang Chen, come to step on the mountain!”

this moment.

Ding Elder’s complexion also instantly became very difficult to look at.

He just vowed to feel that no one would dare to come to Ziyun Gate to be wild, who knew that someone would hit the door in an instant.

“Huh! Where did the Maotou boy dare to come to my Ziyun Gate to run wild, he is looking for his own death!”

Ding Elder snorted angrily, and was about to rush out of the formation, tearing the kid outside to pieces.

“Ding Elder, don’t be impulsive.”

Xu Elder’s complexion changed, and he could not help hurriedly stopping Ding Elder, and said in a deep voice, “Didn’t you hear this kid self-declare his family? He is Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen of the Gulong clan!”

Gulong Jiang Chen!

Ding Elder also recovered in an instant, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Since the Blood Moon Realm was destroyed and the Blood Moon Venerable came to Ziyun Gate, all the senior members of Ziyun Gate were almost familiar with this name.

This is a peerless genius born in the ancient dragon clan of the ancient dragon world.

He has a talent for evildoers and unparalleled combat power, and the third-tier deity can rival the powerhouses of the sixth-tier deity.

Lu Xingyu, the genius disciple sent by Ziyunmen to the ancient dragon world, was said to have fallen into the hands of Jiang Chen.

It can be said,

In the battle between the Blood Moon Realm and the Ancient Dragon Realm, Jiang Chen almost turned the situation around with his own power.

They never thought of it.

This peerless evildoer of the ancient dragon clan would unexpectedly appear out of thin air after disappearing for a period of time, and he would directly kill Ziyun Gate.

At the beginning, the Cultivation Base was at the third level of the Celestial God, so it could hardly shake the powerhouse of the sixth-tier Celestial God of the Blood Moon Palace.

Now that he disappeared for so long, his strength must be even more terrifying.

With their Cultivation Base of Tier 6 of the Gods, if they go out to fight Jiang Chen, they may not be Jiang Chen’s opponent.

“This son is talented close to the evildoer and has unparalleled fighting power. Don’t go out and fight hard, and try your best to urge the mountain guards.”

Xu Elder took a deep breath, and then quickly changed his hands to make a seal.

And Ding Elder beside him did not hesitate either, and began to use his full strength to urge the mountain guard formation of Ziyun Gate.

As the two urged the formation, the purple clouds above Ziyun Gate became more dense in an instant.


One after another purple thunder and lightning blasted out of thin air, best turned into a bright thunder curtain, as if to isolate the entire Ziyun Gate from the outside world into two worlds.

Above this thunder curtain, there was a frightening purple thunder flashing.

Even if it is a strong person of the sixth-order Tianshen, I am afraid that it will be blasted into nothingness in an instant.

“Ha ha……”

“Do you really think that you can shut me out just by relying on this mere formation?”

“In that case, today I will break this formation first, and then level the Ziyun Gate!”

Seeing that the Ziyun Gate had directly activated the mountain protection formation, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but show a sneer of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen raised his palm and pointed directly at the front lightly!

“call out!”

Jiang Chen’s finger didn’t have any brilliant brilliance, and there was no strangeness at all, it looked extremely dull.

“Haha…I’m really ashamed!”

Ding Elder saw this scene and suddenly couldn’t help but sneered with disdain: “My Ziyunmen’s mountain guard formation, even the world god Venerable, may not be easily broken, let alone…”


Ding Elder’s words were not finished yet, and an incredible scene happened.


I only heard a loud noise in midair, and an invisible sword finger slammed on the thunder curtain of purple thunder and lightning.


Countless purple thunder and lightning that can easily blast away the power of the sixth-order Tianshen, have dissipated in the world.

Even the purple thunder curtain below was chopped open by the invisible sword fingers, tearing a huge crack that was thousands of meters long.

To the end.

The entire mountain protection formation was cut into pieces by the invisible sword fingers, and then exploded in the void.

that moment.

Even the purple clouds and mists that have remained in the sky over Ziyun Gate have completely dissipated, completely exposing the Ziyun Gate below.


The mountain protection formation shattered, and the two Ziyunmen Elders who activated the mountain protection formation trembled suddenly, and immediately retreated hundreds of meters away in the void, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

Both of them stared at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly in the sky, with incredible horror in their eyes.

The two of them naturally knew how strong the defenses of the Ziyunmen Mountain Guard Array were.

This is a formation that even the world god Venerable cannot easily break.

But in front of this boy, with just an understatement, they completely shattered their mountain protection formation.

This… how is this possible?

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