Chapter 1934 I just want to be the enemy of Ziyun Gate

To the north of Zilin Jie, outside a mountain surrounded by purple clouds.

Dozens of figures exuding a tyrannical aura stood proudly on the void a hundred meters away from the mountain.

As the first purple-robed old man, his whole body exudes a powerful power that only the world god Venerable can possess, and he oppresses this world.

The entire sky above the peak of Ziyun Mountain was enveloped with an aura of Xiao Sha.

In front of this group of people, there are also two formation masters, constantly condensing one formation rune, constantly testing around the mountain peak.

“The two masters, don’t know if there is a way to break the Qilin Sect’s mountain protection formation?”

Suddenly, the purple-robed old man broke the silence around him.

“Venerable, Qilin Sect is the world god Sect with a long history in the Zilin world. The Sect mountain protection formation is extremely powerful. We may still need some time to find the flaws in the formation.”

An older formation master quickly replied.

The purple-robed old man said indifferently: “No matter what, you have to do whatever it takes to break through the Qilin Sect’s mountain protection formation as soon as possible.”

This purple-robed old man is exactly the new world god Cangyun Venerable of Ziyun Gate.

Since the defeat of Qilin Sect, Ziyun Venerable has aggressively attacked the ancient dragon world in the south under the instigation of Blood Moon Venerable.

And Cangyun Venerable stayed, responsible for presiding over the overall situation in the Zilin Realm, swallowing and destroying the remaining forces of Qilin Sect.

Now the entire north of Qilin Realm is almost controlled by Ziyunmen.

Only Qilin Sect, with its powerful background, kept him out of the gate.

For a time.

Cangyun Venerable has nothing to do with the Qilin sect remnants who are huddled in the Sect mountain guard.


Cang Yun Venerable’s opinion is to completely eradicate the Qilin Sect first, and then consider the matter of attacking the ancient world.

after all.

In the Zilin realm, Qilin Sect is the realm god Sect with a longer inheritance history than Ziyunmen. Once Qilin Sect has enough breathing opportunities, there will be endless troubles.

But Ziyun Venerable directly fought against the ancient dragon world at the instigation of Blood Moon Venerable.

Although Ziyun Gate now has an absolute advantage whether it is facing the Qilin Sect or the Ancient Dragon Realm, it is inevitable that changes will occur.


Cang Yun Venerable wanted to rush to solve the Qilin Sect.


Once something happened, Ziyun Gate might be at risk of being attacked by the enemy.

“Venerable can rest assured that we will do our best to find the flaws in the Qilin Zonghu Mountain Formation as soon as possible.”

After the two formation masters finished speaking, they immediately regained the spirit of twelve points and studied the Qilin Sect’s mountain protection formation with all their strength.

And at this moment.

Suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the distant sky.

“Huh? Someone is here?”

Cangyun Venerable, who was the first to feel this wave of fluctuations, couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and couldn’t help but suddenly looked behind him.

After a while.

Two silhouettes of people walking slowly through the air also quickly appeared in Cangyun Venerable’s sight.

The two people who appeared suddenly were Jiang Chen and Leng Tianlin who came to Qilin Sect!

Cang Yun Venerable looked at Jiang Chen and the two in his sight, his eyes constricted suddenly.

Now that Ziyunmen has defeated Qilin Sect in a big way, it almost occupies the entire Zilin Realm. Almost all the people of Qilin Sect are besieged by him. Generally, no one should come to Qilin Sect easily.

But the two guys in front of them came straight to the Qilin Sect, and it was clear that they were not kind.

“Two, Ziyun Gate is here to do business, please leave those who are irrelevant.”

Cang Yun Venerable stared closely at the oncoming Daoist shadows, and a faint voice resounded accordingly.

Cang Yun Venerable naturally didn’t care too much about the two people who suddenly appeared in front of them, one of them was a middle-aged man of Tier 4 deity.


The other black-clothed young man looked extremely strange.

Even with the eyesight of Cangyun’s Venerable Realm God Realm, he couldn’t understand the other party’s details at all!

It is precisely because of this.

Cang Yun Venerable didn’t choose to directly attack Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand and glanced at Cangyun Venerable faintly: “Heh…Ziyun Gate is really a big tone. If I don’t leave, what can you do?”

Cang Yun Venerable’s face sank slightly: “Boy, are you really going to be against my Ziyun Gate?”

“Congratulations, you got it.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lifted up a slight smile: “I am here this time, specifically to fight against Ziyunmen.”

“It’s not ashamed to say! Since you have to go to death, the deity will fulfill you!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Cang Yun Venerable’s eyes could not help but burst out with a sudden burst of killing intent.

With a move of his palm, a giant claw condensed by purple thunderclouds instantly grabbed five huge black cracks in mid-air, and shot at Jiang Chen with terrifying energy.

Looking at Cangyun Venerable’s shocking claw, Jiang Chen’s complexion looked unusually calm. He raised his hand and shook the purple claw gently.


An invisible space storm surged out of the void instantly, strangling Cangyun Venerable’s purple claws into nothingness.

“How… how is it possible?”

Cangyun Venerable’s pupils suddenly shrank, and there was also an inconceivable horror on his face.

Although he just broke through the realm of the gods not long ago, he is also a real world god Venerable!

With that blow just now, he had almost used seven or eight points of strength.

Even the practitioners at the peak of the sixth-order heavenly gods would be suppressed by him in an instant.

But the black-clothed youth in front of him smashed his attack with an understatement.

Such strength is definitely not what a practitioner of the sixth order of the gods can do!

But this guy didn’t have the breath of the world god Venerable at all.

There is only one possibility, that is, this young man in black has already broken the limit of the gods and become a super god who masters the power of the seven realms!

“Damn it, how could there be a heaven-defying existence like a super-grade god in this purple forest world?”

Cang Yun Venerable was also frightened in his heart.

The super-grade god, this is the existence that can rival the world god Venerable.

In the world of Zilin, whether it is Ziyunmen or Qilin Sect, there has been almost never a super-grade god who can break the limit of the gods.

As far as Cangyun Venerable knows.

In the entire Great Desolate Territory, only the Great Desolate Realm was able to give birth to such a peerless genius.

Cang Yun Venerable never thought of it anyway.

Such a super-grade deity comparable to the world god Venerable would suddenly appear in the Zilin world.


This super-grade deity had an unfriendly relationship with their Ziyun Gate, and seemed to be here specifically for them.

Cang Yun Venerable’s mood was extremely heavy.

Ever since Ziyun Venerable led the team to attack the ancient dragon world, Cangyun Venerable has been worried about the current situation.

In fact, as he expected, the thing that worries him the most has happened.

Now with the appearance of this super-grade god in front of him, the situation in the Zilin Realm might really be rewritten.

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