Chapter 1932 The One Who Killed The Ziyun Gate

In the endless eternal emptiness, a black figure with both hands behind him, stepping slowly.

His steps seem unpleasant, but he seems to be able to shrink to an inch, and each step can span a distance of thousands of miles.

Even some of the extremely fast-moving void ships around were quickly left behind by them.

This black shadow walking slowly in the eternal void is no one else, it is Jiang Chen rushing towards the ancient dragon world.

This time on the way, Jiang Chen did not use the Void Boat.

Back in the Eternal Temple, Jiang Chen only promoted the Void Boat to Intermediate, at the same speed as the fourth-order powerhouse of the Heavenly God walking in the Eternal Void.

Such a speed is quite satisfactory to Jiang Chen at the beginning.

Now Jiang Chen has become a god-level god who is comparable to the middle-level world god, and the speed of the middle-level void boat can no longer enter the eyes of Jiang Chen.

If you are not in a hurry, it doesn’t matter if you use a void boat to hurry slowly.

But now that the ancient dragon world is fighting against the Zilin world, Jiang Chen obviously doesn’t want to waste too much time in the eternal void.

With the speed of his supernatural god, it was many times faster than the speed of the intermediate void boat.

In such a full rush, Jiang Chen had reached the scope of Qilin Sect in the north of Zilin Realm in less than a month.

Jiang Chen felt that the atmosphere here was a little different from the past.

The entire north of Zilin Realm seemed to be exuding a solemn and slaughter aura.

To the north of Zilin Realm, Binglin is the kingdom of God.

Jiang Chen quickly flew past the Binglin Divine Nation, and soon came to a place three thousand miles away from the Binglin Divine Nation’s imperial city.

Two violent energy fluctuations also came from the sky above the capital of Binglin Divine Kingdom in an instant.

“There are practitioners who are above the fourth level of the gods are fighting.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the direction of Binglin Divine Kingdom, and a strange look also passed through his eyes.

The Binglin Kingdom is the northernmost kingdom of Qilin Sect.

In this place, the practitioner of Tier 4 of the Celestial God is not the emperor of the Kingdom of Binglin, but is probably the top powerhouse of the Kingdom of Binglin.

The Binglin Kingdom is located in the northernmost part of Qilin Sect, and generally no war will happen.

Now that people have hit the imperial city of the Binglin Kingdom, it seems that a shocking change has indeed taken place in the Zilin Realm.

Jiang Chen hesitated slightly before turning into a black streamer and flew towards the imperial city of Binglin Kingdom.

Binglin Divine Kingdom Imperial City, above the void.

A middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous silver robe and a silver crown stood proudly above the imperial city with a cold face.

The middle-aged man is Leng Tianlin whose Cultivation Base is at the pinnacle of the fourth-order Celestial God and the Emperor of the Kingdom of Binglin!

Opposite Leng Tianlin was a skinny old man in a purple cloud robe, exuding an aura that was a little stronger than Leng Tianlin.

“Leng Tianlin, the Qilin Sect is over. I will give you one last chance. If you surrender to my Ziyun Gate now, you may still have time.”

The skinny old man looked indifferent and looked down at Leng Tianlin with a murderous look: “Otherwise… after today, there will be no more Binglin Divine Kingdom in the Binglin Realm!”

Leng Tianlin was expressionless: “Yunyan Mountain, don’t talk nonsense. If you want to fight, you will fight. My Binglin Kingdom will never surrender.”

“Give you a face not wanting face, since you have to find your own way, then I will fulfill you!”

Yunyan Mountain’s face turned cold, and the fifth-order aura of the Heavenly God also burst out of its body.

Seeing this, Leng Tianlin didn’t shrink at all, and was enveloped in a shuddering cold light, and once again fought with Yunyan Mountain.

Bang bang bang…

The terrifying energy ripples are also constantly permeating the void.

Leng Tianlin is the god emperor of the Kingdom of Ice Lin, Cultivation Base has reached the fourth-order peak of the gods, and his combat power is extremely strong.

But on the opposite side of Yunyan Mountain, the fifth-order Tianshen, Leng Tianlin was still hard to see and contend.

After the two played more than ten moves in a row, Leng Tianlin gradually became passive and was completely suppressed by Yunyan Mountain.

To the end.

Leng Tianlin was slapped in the palm of Yunyan Mountain, and his figure exploded hundreds of feet away in the void, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Leng Tianlin, relying on your Cultivation Base of Tier 4 of the Celestial God, you dare to lead the Binglin Divine Kingdom to fight against you. He is simply seeking his own death!”

Yunyan Mountain hit Leng Tianlin with a palm, and the disdainful sneer resounded instantly.

In the imperial city of the Binglin Kingdom, many people in the Binglin Kingdom saw the defeat of Leng Tianlin, and their faces were pale, like a bereaved concubine.

Binglin Divine Kingdom, I am afraid that it will be completely finished today.

“Yunyan Mountain, you are too much nonsense.”

Leng Tianlin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and there was a crazy look in his eyes looking at Yunyan Mountain.

“Today, if you want to destroy my Binglin Divine Kingdom, this emperor will also make you pay a price you will never forget!”

Yunyanshan smiled disdainfully: “Is that right? Today’s Binglin Divine Kingdom, my Yunyan Mountain is dead. I want to see, how can your Leng Tianlin be me?”


When the Yunyan Mountain’s voice fell, the five world powers of the fifth rank of the gods also quickly interweaved from the body.


Just as Yunyan Mountain was about to make an all-out effort to completely kill Leng Tianlin, a faint voice was spread in the void like a ghost.

“Who is the Binglin Divine Emperor?”

The sudden faint voice also surprised everyone in the field.

They suddenly looked up and saw a black-clothed young man with an indifferent complexion, who did not know when he had stood proudly on the void above Yunyan Mountain and Binglin Divine Emperor.

“Underneath is Leng Tianlin, the god emperor of the Binglin Divine Kingdom. I don’t know if this friend is…”

Leng Tianlin came back to his senses and couldn’t help but said to Jiang Chen cupped fist with a look of doubt.

The black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared in front of him was undoubtedly very strange to Leng Tianlin.

In his memory, there was no impression of the young man in black.

Leng Tianlin also really couldn’t understand, this young man in black, who had nothing to do with him, what was going on looking for him at this moment?

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, “I want to ask the emperor about something, can I go forward and tell you something?”

“Who is your excellency? The Ziyun Gate is here to do business. If you don’t want to cause trouble to your upper body, you’d better not be nosy!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen ignored the existence of own and directly invited Leng Tianlin to give a comment, Yunyanshan’s expression instantly became extremely gloomy.

“I also advise you not to interfere with my affairs.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Yunyan Mountain indifferently: “Before I have a murderous heart, get out of me now, you may still have a chance to survive!”

“Don’t be ashamed!”

Yun Yanshan sneered with disdain: “No matter who you are, in this Zilin Realm, you don’t have the qualifications to be wild in front of Ziyun Gate!”

“Is Ziyunmen great? I killed you from Ziyunmen!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and the whole person disappeared in place without warning…

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