Chapter 1925 Super grade is not good, what about the divine grade

“Senior Brother Jiang is going to be unable to hold on anymore, Senior Brother Gongling, let’s take action together!”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s defeat, Yue Wushuang’s pretty face suddenly changed, and he quickly faced Gong Lingdao beside him.

“and many more……”

Gong Ling stretched out his hand to stop Yue Wushuang, with a calm expression on his face: “Since Jiang Chen has the confidence to fight one against two, he must have something to rely on. Let’s take a look first.”

Yue Wushuang’s Liu eyebrows raised and said coldly, “Senior Brother Gongling, I know you are very dissatisfied with Junior Brother Jiang. But the situation is very unfavorable to us now, and I hope you don’t be arrogant.”

“Don’t worry, I know the severity, and I won’t make fun of own life. If we act randomly now, it will not affect Jiang Chen’s performance well, wait and see.”

Gong Ling looked up at the battlefield hundreds of miles away, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

Since getting the Immortal Kungfu in the first link of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Society, Gong Ling has been trying to cultivate the Immortal Kungfu.

Although in just a few days, the imperial mausoleum was far from successful in cultivating the Immortal Art, but he had mastered a trace of immortality and possessed some incredible abilities.

Not long ago.

When the Great Desolate King erased the memory, the palace relied on this indestructible power to keep the memory intact.


Gong Ling can also vaguely feel that there is still a powerful force in Jiang Chen that has not exploded.

Once it breaks out in full force, even in the face of the black and white Venerable teaming together, it may not be without the power to fight!

“Jiang Chen, you, the No. 1 Tianjiao on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, really deserves a reputation. You can be proud of being able to hold on for such a long time under the two of us together.”

Bai Venerable stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and there was also a shock that could not be concealed in his eyes.

The strength of Jiang Chen’s combat power was beyond imagination.

The strength of the two of them is almost always ranked among the many lower realm gods in the Great Wilderness Realm.

Together, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

It can be said.

Once the two of them joined forces, they were almost invincible among the lower world gods. Unless the middle-ranking realm god makes a move, no one can match them at all.

And Jiang Chen in front of him, relying on the strength of the Super Grade Celestial God to fight one against two, has persisted in their hands for such a long time.

If it is one-on-one with Jiang Chen.

Either one of them, I’m afraid they will undoubtedly lose!

What’s more frightening is.

This time the Great Desolate God King Banquet, Jiang Chen once again got the opportunity to make a breakthrough, and he is very likely to become a god-level god who masters the power of the eight realms!

Realm of the super-grade gods, the combat power is so abnormal!

Bai Venerable couldn’t imagine at all, if this guy had made a breakthrough in the gods, what kind of heaven-defying power would he achieve?

“Never let this kid leave alive!”

White Venerable’s gaze flickered slightly, and the whole body was filled with a murderous intent.

The talent potential of this child is really terrifying!

Since he chose to fight Jiang Chen today, he must kill Jiang Chen and not give him any chance to continue to grow.


Once this son breaks through the gods of the gods, I am afraid that their ancient demon temple will suffer the disaster of extinction.

“The black and white Venerable of the Ancient Demon Palace is worthy of being the famous Venerable of the Great Wilderness World. Together, the two are extremely powerful.”

“But… you are still not qualified to kill me with the two of you!”

Jiang Chen stared at the black and white Venerable calmly, and said lightly: “Give you a chance. If you don’t want to fall here, you still have time to leave now.”


“When you die, you still dare to speak up here. With the strength of your super-grade god, wanting to kill us is simply wishful thinking!”

“Dage, talk nonsense with him, let’s kill him together.”

Hei Venerable sneered with disdain, and the power of the black world god exuding the Heavenly Demon aura instantly turned into a thousand-meter-long demon dragon, roaring at Jiang Chen with teeth and claws.

White Venerable is also surrounded by black flames, like an ancient demon god, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, with a palm toward the general suppression.

Looking at the black and white Venerable that was once again killed by his team, Jiang Chen didn’t show the slightest panic, but a ghostly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Ha ha……”

“Hei Venerable, you are right. I can’t kill you with the power of my super-grade gods. Since the super-grade gods are not good, don’t you know if the gods are good?”

As this faint laughter fell, the soul origin of the Consummation Realm also burst out of Jiang Chen’s body in an instant.


The invisible Soul Dao power overwhelmed the world, and then went straight to the sky.


The wind and clouds changed, and the sky around thousands of miles seemed to be dimmed at this moment.

“This is… Consummation Realm Soul Dao origin, his soul Dao origin is actually completed!”

Bai Venerable looked at this scene in his eyes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he hurriedly shouted with a look of horror: “No, he wants to condense the power of the soul world to break through the gods and gods, and retreat!”

call out!

Bai Venerable was horrified in his heart, and quickly dissipated all his power, and in the blink of an eye, he broke away from a distance of tens of thousands of feet.

On the other side, the black Venerable also forcibly scattered the Qianzhang Devil Dragon, and the whole person was like a frightened rabbit, retreating in panic.

“This lunatic actually triggered the thunder calamity of the god-ranked god at this time!”

While the black Venerable figure exploded, his expression also looked horrified.

The gods of the gods, this is a Realm that is more terrifying than the super gods.

The Thunder Tribulation of the Super Grade Celestial God is said to be comparable to the Celestial Tribulation of the Sixth Stage Breakthrough World God Venerable.

And how terrifying is the divine rank Celestial Tribulation that surpasses the Super Rank Celestial Tribulation, this is the existence that Black Venerable can’t even imagine.

If they reacted a little more slowly just now and were involved in Jiang Chen’s divine rank, they would probably die ugly by then.

“This kid is really looking for his own death. Divine rank Celestial Tribulation is not so easy to get through.”

Hei Venerable looked at Jiang Chen who had caused the divine robbery, and a disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Not always.”

“This kid is a little weird. Since he dares to provoke Divine Tribulation at this time, he must have some certainty.”

A cold light flashed in Bai Venerable’s eyes, and he said in a deep voice: “Be prepared, if he succeeds in Transcends Tribulation in a while, we will immediately take action and kill him as quickly as possible!”

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