Chapter 191 Master Zhong’s Disdain!

Yueyang Zhou said, and handed over the identity card of the guest secretary of the Yuehen Chamber of Commerce Elder to Jiang Chen’s hand.

“Yangzhou Dage should just say what’s the matter with me.”

Jiang Chen took the identity card of Keqing Elder and smiled at Yueyangzhou.

“Moonmark Chamber of Commerce discovered an ancient pill refining master Immortal Cave not long ago, and obtained several lost pill recipes in Immortal Cave.”

“It’s just that these pill recipes are old, and some of the materials are not clear.”

Yueyangzhou smiled slightly and said: “I know that Jiang Chen brothers are very good at pill refining, so I want Jiang Chen brothers to help.”

“no problem.”

Jiang Chen said readily: “If Yangzhou Dage can trust me, take me to see those pill recipes.”

Deciphering the incomplete pill recipe may be difficult for ordinary people.

But for Jiang Chen, who has a system, it’s just a breeze.

Since receiving the Supreme Gold Order from the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Chen has already gained considerable benefits from the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, Yueyangzhou has a bold personality and a bright and upright personality. He is an old Dage who is worthy of being acquainted with.

Since Yueyangzhou is here now.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not refuse because of emotion and reason.

Under the leadership of Yueyangzhou, Jiang Chen soon came to the altar hall of the Moonmark Chamber of Commerce.

Dantang, the entrance of the headquarters of the Yuehen Chamber of Commerce specially set up for the pill refining division.

There are a large number of pill refining divisions from the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce, who specialize in refining Medicine Pill for the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that almost 90% of the Medicine Pill sold by the headquarters of the Moon Mark Chamber of Commerce came from the pill refining master of Dantang.

Walking into the hall of Dantang, Jiang Chen found that there were a dozen pill refining divisions gathered in the front of the hall.

The strength of these pill refining divisions is extremely strong, and the lowest are the third rank junior pill refining divisions.

Among these pill refining teachers, the leader is a white-haired old man in a green robe.

On the chest of the white-haired old man, there is a fourth rank senior alchemist badge hanging impressively!

At this moment, the white-haired old man seems to be organizing these pill refining divisions to discuss something intensely.

“Three Elder!”

Looking at Yueyangzhou walking into the hall, the white-haired old man stopped discussing with the ten pill refining teachers and stood up to say hello to Yueyangzhou.

“You are welcome.”

Yueyangzhou smiled slightly, and then said to the white-haired old man: “Master Zhong, I wonder how you discussed it?”

“Three Elder, there are a lot of missing materials in these pill recipes. I am afraid it will take some time before we can find them out.”

The white-haired old man called Master Zhong stroked his beard and said: “But don’t worry, three Elder, give me one more day, and I should be able to look forward to it.”

“Master Zhong, let me introduce to you, this is Elder Jiang Chen from the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce.”

Yueyangzhou pointed to Jiang Chen next to him, and smiled at Master Zhong: “Brother Jiang Chen has extraordinary accomplishments in pill refining. He may be able to help you insight into these remnants!”

“Just him?”

Master Zhong cast a glance at Jiang Chen, and a look of extreme disdain suddenly appeared in his old eyes.

He looked at Yueyangzhou with an incredulous expression: “San Elder, you… are you right?”

He is a dignified fourth-rank alchemist, and he is only the first-class guest of the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce.

Why is this 15 or 16-year-old boy in front of him becoming the Elder of the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce?

What left him most speechless was that Yueyangzhou also said that this kid could help them insight into these incomplete ancient pill recipes!

This… This peat is a little too outrageous.

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