Chapter 1909

Cangyou world.

Naturally, the other Tianjiao of the Great Wilderness had no knowledge of what happened to Jiang Chen and Mo Jinglei at the Cangyou Temple site.


All the Tianjiao of the Great Desolation Realm were baptized by the golden stars that suddenly descended from the void at almost the same time.

Immediately afterwards.

There is a Cultivation Technique called Immortal Art in their minds.

When they feel the heaven-defying and power of the immortal power, their hearts instantly become extremely hot.

Indestructible Heavenly Art, the grade is not inferior to the God King Cultivation Technique, not only is powerful, but also can increase the life of the practitioner.

If the cultivation is to the extreme, it can be immortal and immortal!

Such a peerless Cultivation Technique is definitely the existence that countless practitioners dream of.

this moment.

Except for a handful of calmer Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness World, who felt that the origin of the Immortal Art was too weird and had a trace of alertness in their hearts, everyone else had fallen completely.

Some impatient people even gave up the fight for the mark of Tianjiao, and directly sought a hidden place, and the Closed Door Training cultivation brought the immortal power of heaven.

In a dark mountain stream.

The surroundings were silent, and there was a pungent, bloody smell floating in the air, and there was a cold and solemn meaning of killing.

A man rushed out from the ground in embarrassment. His white clothes had been dyed a strange red with blood, and the scars of white bones could be seen all over his body, which was even more shocking.

This man in white is the first arrogant of Hanyue Palace, the palace mausoleum!

At the foot of the palace, there is a horrible corpse, which is the White Star Sword of Hanyue Palace.

Knowing the cruelty of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Society, the palace tombs and the White Star Sword soon gathered together after entering the secret realm world.

The two teamed up, although the strength is not strong, but it is also at an intermediate level, and most people can’t help them at all.


Gong Ling two people have always been very careful to explore this world, and occasionally encountered a weaker lone genius, they shot to grab the mark of Tianjiao.

Down the road, both of them went smoothly without encountering any danger.

But not long ago, when they explored this piece of Shangjian before their eyes, they encountered a few Tianjiao from the Great Desolate Sect.

They wanted to hand over the imprint of Tianjiao to save their lives, but the other party did not intend to let them go.


They fought a battle with those few Great Desolate Shenzong Tianjiao.

Bai Xingjian was killed by a Tianjiao of the Great Desolate Divine Sect in the battle, and the palace also escaped everything because of the arrival of Tianjiao from other forces.

This time.

Gong Mausoleum has been hiding in the underground Closed Door Training to heal his wounds, until a golden star burst into his mind before he woke him up.

“Junior Brother Bai, rest in peace.”

“Now I am blessed by the heavens, and I have obtained the unstoppable Cultivation Technique. When I am successful in cultivation, I will definitely avenge you.”

Gong Ling waved his palm, burying the body of Bai Xingjian in the mountain stream, and then headed towards the outside of the mountain stream without looking back.

At this moment.

In his eyes, the Great Huang Tianjiao was not important anymore.

He is looking for a safer place and doing his best to Closed Door Training cultivation the immortal power in his mind!

Since entering the Hanyue Palace and becoming a disciple of Haoyue Venerable, the palace has become the first arrogant of Hanyue Palace in just a few hundred years.

these years.

In the Hanyue Palace, the imperial mausoleum disregarded his disciples of the same generation, and hardly put anyone in his eyes.

I didn’t expect it.

In the Tianjiao Challenge of the Hanyue Palace, he was completely defeated by Jiang Chen in a nearly crushing manner.

He studied hard for several months and broke through the sixth stage of the gods in one fell swoop. He thought he could shine in this Great Desolate Tianjiao meeting, but he suffered another heavy hit.

Until this moment.

Gong Ling had just realized clearly how far he was from the real top arrogant of the Great Wilderness World.

In front of these people, the achievements he had made in the Cold Moon Palace were nothing at all!

Whether it is talent or strength, he has no advantage.

To make himself stronger, the only thing the palace can rely on is the immortal power that suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although this Cultivation Technique came a bit weird, the palace did not care at all.

As long as he can be made stronger, he will not hesitate to pay any price!

Leaving the ruins of the Cangyou Temple, Jiang Chen did not continue to explore the Cangyou Realm, but went straight back to Yue Wushuang’s Closed Door Training.

after all.

Yue Wushuang is not only a disciple of the Hanyue Palace, but also one of his few friends since he came to the Great Desolation Realm. Jiang Chen naturally does not want Yuewu dual cultivation to practice this so-called immortal heavenly power.

When Jiang Chen found Yue Wushuang, explaining the situation of the immortal power, Yue Wushuang seemed indifferent.

She smiled at Jiang Chen and said, “Relax, my Moon Yingying Divine Body is extraordinary. Just when this immortal Cultivation Technique appeared in my mind, I had already deduced it again and found that this Cultivation Technique seemed to be defective.”


Jiang Chen couldn’t help being surprised suddenly.


“I feel that this is not the real Immortal Art, it should be a kind of Cultivation Technique created by Immortal Art, but it is very close to Immortal Art.”

Yue Wushuang nodded, and said astonishingly: “The person who cultivates this Cultivation Technique will most likely become the puppet of the Cangyou Divine King.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his eyes instantly became extremely solemn.

That Cangyou Divine King was really borrowing this Cultivation Technique to make a great chess game.

for the rest of the time.

Jiang Chen didn’t intend to continue exploring the Cangyou Realm either. He found a secluded place in Yue Wushuang’s Closed Door Training and waited for the end of the first link.

Jiang Chen knew very well in his heart,

Because of the advent of the Immortal Heavenly Art, Mo Jinglei will definitely do everything possible to end the first link of the Great Wilderness Tianjiao as soon as possible, and inform the Great Wilderness God Sect of this news.


It won’t be long before the first link of Great Desolate Tianjiao should be over.

Under Jiang Chen’s waiting like this, half a day passed in a flash.

Within this half a day.

In the Cangyou realm, two successive existences condensed the heavenly arrogant divine light were born.

If Jiang Chen guessed right, these two should be Lu Changqing and Zu Sijun.


It does not rule out that in the Tianjiao of the Great Wilderness Realm, there is a powerful dark horse like him, which condenses the divine light of Tianjiao faster than the two of Lu Changqing.


Jiang Chen didn’t care too much.

With his current strength, no matter who is condensing Tianjiao’s Divine Light, he will not have the slightest fear.

After the two Tianjiao divine lights condensed, Jiang Chen waited quietly for two more hours.


Suddenly, there was a strange wave of fluctuations in the entire Cangyou Realm, and all the Great Desolate Realm Tianjiao felt that this world seemed to be trembling.

The next moment.

I saw that all the Tianjiao in the Great Wilderness Realm were wrapped in a strange light, and then disappeared into the Cangyou Realm out of thin air…

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