Chapter 1904

The God King Cangyou was actually sealed at the site of the Cangyou Temple!

This… how is this possible?

Jiang Chen looked horrified.

The Cangyou Realm disappeared in the Great Desolate Heaven Territory, far more than 100 million years ago.

And the great power of the god king realm, the general life expectancy will not exceed 100 million years.

How could God King Cangyou survive from that era to the present?

But according to Xuanhun’s induction, the existence that was sealed at the Cangyou Temple site was far more terrifying than before he was alive. If it weren’t for the Cangyou God King, who could he be?

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, suppressing the horror in his heart, and his eyes fell on Mo Jinglei who was cross-legged in the void.

I saw Mo Jinglei’s hands constantly changing in the void, and mysterious energy imprints kept blending into the space storm on the top of the mountain.

“This guy… seems to be strengthening the seal?”

Jiang Chen looked at the scene before him, his eyes condensed slightly.

Mo Jinglei is the strongest Tianjiao of the Great Desolate Divine Sect’s generation. He will come here to reinforce the seal, which is enough to prove that the seal of the Cangyou Temple site is probably arranged by the Great Desolate Divine Sect.

The Great Desolate Divine Sect placed a seal at the site of the Cangyou Temple, who is it for sealing?

Except for that Cangyou Divine King, Jiang Chen couldn’t think of anyone else, who deserves to be sealed by the Great Desolate Divine Sect with such a big hand!

“I didn’t expect that the second person who condensed Tianjiao’s divine light was really not Lu Changqing and Zu Sijun. Your Excellency came here all the way, and it must be for me.”

At this moment, Mo Jinglei’s somewhat surprised voice also rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen didn’t answer Mo Jinglei, but directly appeared in a place a hundred meters away from Mo Jinglei, and said lightly: “If I guessed correctly, this should be the site of the Cangyou Temple, right?”

“how do you know?”

Mo Jinglei’s pupils shrank suddenly.

The location of the site of the Cangyou Temple, even the genius of their Great Desolate Divine Sect who entered this place, apart from him, almost no second person would know.

This overwhelming Lu Changqing and Zu Sijun, who is the second mysterious genius who condenses the divine light of Tianjiao?

Why did he know the existence of the Cangyou Temple site, and what is the purpose of coming here?

Jiang Chen pointed his finger at the profound soul next to him, and said lightly: “This guy was taken over by me not long ago. He was from the Cangyou Temple before he was alive.”

“So, your Excellency is here for the ruins of the Cangyou Temple?”

Mo Jinglei’s eyes condensed, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

With Mo Jinglei’s eyesight, it is natural to feel that the undead creature beside Jiang Chen already possesses the strength comparable to the realm god Venerable.

This undead creature is powerful, not only has consciousness, but has even vaguely restored some memories from his life. It is no wonder that this guy in front of him can know that this place is the site of the Cangyou Temple.

“The ruins of the power of the gods are rare in the world. Now that I know it, I have to come and see it.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and immediately raised his head to look at Mo Jinglei: “You are strengthening the seal here. It seems that the person who is sealed inside is probably the Cangyou God King.”

“Yes, God King Cangyou was indeed sealed by my Great Desolate Divine Sect at the site of this Cangyou Temple.”

Mo Jinglei nodded, and then said solemnly: “I would advise you not to hit the Cangyou Temple ruins. Once the Cangyou God King breaks out, the consequences may be unimaginable.”

The black-clothed youth in front of him obviously already knew something about the situation here, and it didn’t make any sense for him to continue to conceal it.

Only with this plan, he had to find a way to make this guy dispel the idea of ​​exploring the ruins of the Cangyou Temple.


With the strength of this guy, coupled with an undead creature comparable to the world god Venerable, he may not be able to stop him easily.

“The god king realm has a life of 100 million years. The god king in the Cangyou Temple has been more than 100 million years ago, has he really lived to the present?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but reveal a look of surprise in his eyes.

“A general divine king realm might have a lifespan that does not exceed 100 million years, but the Cangyou Divine King is different.”

“According to the records of my Great Desolate Divine Sect, God King Cangyou cultivated a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique called Immortal Heavenly Art, possessing the terrifying power of immortality.”

“My Great Desolate God Sect, the previous generation of Great Desolate God King, originally suppressed the Cangyou God Queen, and had crushed her body and soul several times, but the Cangyou God King can quickly reorganize itself, and every time she regroups and regenerates, her strength will become even greater. powerful.”

“The previous generation of the Great Wild God King had no choice but to lay a peerless seal and put it on the site of the Cangyou Temple!”

Mo Jinglei slowly revealed the secrets in it.

Immortal power, immortal and immortal!

Hearing Mo Jinglei’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but breathe in a cold breath: “There is such a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique in this world?”

“I don’t believe that there will be such a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique, but the facts make me have to believe it.”

Mo Jinglei smiled bitterly: “If God King Cangyou couldn’t be killed, how would the Great Desolate Sect choose to seal it here, and would send someone to strengthen the seal every thousand years?”

Jiang Chen was silent.

The Great Desolate Divine Sect originally attacked the Cangyou Temple, mainly because the Great Desolate Divine Sect threatened the position of the Great Desolate Divine Sect in the Great Desolate Heaven.

And the biggest threat is undoubtedly the great power of God King Cangyou, the Divine King Realm.

If the Cangyou Divine King could be killed in order to avoid the future troubles, the Great Desolate Divine Sect would definitely not have spent so much time sealing it here.

“You continue to reinforce the seal, I will not attack you.”

Since the Divine King Cangyou was sealed by the Great Desolate Divine Sect at the site of the Cangyou Temple, Jiang Chen obviously had no intention of finding out.


The seal here was arranged by the god king of the previous generation of the Great Desolate Divine Sect, and it was not easy to break it.

not to mention……

If the seal was really destroyed and the God King Cangyou was born, it would be enough to shake the entire Great Desolate Realm.


Once God King Cangyou was born, it was inevitable that he would not attack them.

Is it as easy as slaughtering a chicken and a dog to kill them?

For his own safety, Jiang Chen naturally didn’t want the unstable factor of God King Cangyou to break the seal.

“Thanks a lot!”

When Mo Jinglei heard Jiang Chen’s words, his hanging heart relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, this guy didn’t insist on exploring the remains of the Cangyou Temple, otherwise he would really be in trouble today.


Mo Jinglei did not completely relax his vigilance because of this.

While using the sealing method to reinforce the seal of the Cangyou Temple site, he followed Jiang Chen’s every move.

But at this moment, the front suddenly changed.

I saw the ruins of the Cangyou Temple in the seal tremble slightly, and a strange sound of howling also came from the ruins of the Cangyou Temple through the sealed space…

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