Chapter 1902 Cangyou Temple Site

“Lu… Brother Lu is defeated, hurry up… run away!”

Seeing Lu Changqing, who was flying directly towards the sky, the expressions of several Qingming Sword Sect disciples suddenly changed.

“Master, do you want to catch them and kill them?”

Seeing this, Xuanhun couldn’t help but flashed and appeared beside Jiang Chen.

He looked at Jiang Chen in front of him, and his tone became more respectful.

That super-grade god named Lu Changqing is extremely powerful. Especially the last Cultivation Technique vision of the Pseudo God King, which can definitely be instantly killed into a scum.

But even with Lu Changqing’s strength, he was still easily crushed by Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, he didn’t choose to fight Jiang Chen to death, otherwise I’m afraid he wouldn’t know how he died.

“Need not.”

Jiang Chen looked at Lu Changqing and his party who were leaving quickly, but he didn’t mean to pursue them.

after all.

This Lu Changqing was also a character of Tianjiao who had made a breakthrough in a super-grade god, and he came from the Qing Ming Sword Sect and other top realm god forces, and he must have some hole cards in his body.

Although he defeated Lu Changqing, if he wanted to kill him, it might not be easy.

“Let’s go, let me go and take a look at the mountain in front.”

Jiang Chen said faintly, and immediately rushed towards the hurriedly undulating mountains in the east.

At the same time as Jiang Chen and Lu Changqing fought.

In a mountain range exuding ancient aura, Mo Jinglei, who was heading towards the center of the mountain range, suddenly stopped, and couldn’t help but look back at the heavenly arrogant light in the void.


Tianjiao Shenguang, they all have inexplicable feelings between each other.

As the first person to condense the divine light of Tianjiao, Mo Jinglei naturally found that someone had fought with another person who condensed the divine light of Tianjiao.

A strange look suddenly appeared in Mo Jinglei’s eyes.

To know.

It is almost certainly not a genius among geniuses who can condense the divine light of Tianjiao in the first link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society.

Generally speaking.

In the face of the existence of Cohesive Tianjiao’s Divine Light, most people will choose to retreat, and no one wants to face it in the first link.

I don’t know who it is, but he has the courage to challenge the person who gathers Tianjiao’s light.

“It’s a pity…I have a task now, otherwise I can go and take a look.”

Mo Jinglei shook his head, immediately ignored it, and quickly flashed towards the depths of the mountain range.

Not long.

Mo Jinglei’s figure appeared in front of a towering mountain.

Here the world is silent, not even the tiniest life, as if completely turned into a dead zone.

Mo Jinglei raised his head slightly, his gaze fell on the top of the mountain where the peak plunged into the sky.

There, there is a vaguely grey and vast world.

Endless space storms sealed the entire world, even if the powerhouses of the sixth-order celestial gods fell into it, they would be torn to pieces in an instant.

The thunder light in Mo Jinglei’s eyes shone, as if penetrating the endless space seal and seeing a huge world inside.

In that world, there are many magnificent pavilions, Great Halls.

These pavilions, Great Hall, have been preserved extremely intact even if they have not been sealed here for many years, exuding an atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

“Is this the site of the Cangyou Temple…”

Mo Jinglei looked at the situation in front of him, and couldn’t help but let out a low murmur.

As a disciple of Tianjiao of the Great Desolate God Sect, Mo Jinglei naturally knew very well that the secret realm they were in was the Cangyou Realm that was once famous in the Great Desolate Heaven.

And the place where he is now is the site of the Cangyou Shrine, the power of the Cangyou Realm God King.

More than 100 million years ago.

In the Cangyou realm of the Great Desolate Heaven, a god king power like Cangyou Temple was born. In order to stabilize the hegemony of the Great Desolate Heaven, the Great Desolate God Sect fought a battle with the Cangyou Temple.


Cangyou Temple was defeated by the Great Desolate Divine Sect, and even the Cangyou Realm was controlled by the Great Desolate Divine Sect and became the secret realm world used by the Great Desolate Divine Sect to hold the Great Desolate Heaven’s Jiao.

Everyone thinks that in that battle, Cangyou Temple has completely disappeared in the dust of history.


Only the core figures of the Great Desolate Divine Sect knew that the Cangyou Temple had not completely disappeared.

Especially the Cangyou God King in the Cangyou Temple, in fact, has never died!


Although the life span of the Divine King Realm is extremely long, it generally does not exceed a hundred million years. The Cangyou Divine King of the Cangyou Temple should be unlikely to live to the present.

But the Cultivation Technique cultivated by the Cangyou Divine King is extremely special, and it is said to be a Divine King Cultivation Technique called Immortal Heavenly Art.

The most terrifying part of this Cultivation Technique is that it is immortal.

Cangyou Divine King cultivation, an immortal heavenly skill, not only has a lifespan that is far longer than that of ordinary Divine King realm, but it is also indestructible.

That battle that year.

The founder of the Great Wilderness Sect, the previous generation Great Wilderness God King of the Great Wilderness God Sect, once defeated the Cangyou God King, but couldn’t kill him at all!

Their previous generation of Great Desolate God King tried all kinds of methods, but they failed to destroy the Cangyou God King.

Even if it blasted the body of the Cangyou God King, the Cultivation God King could quickly regroup in a short time with the immortal attribute of Cultivation Technique.

What is even more terrifying is.

Every time God King Cangyou’s body is reorganized, his strength will rise to the next level!

In desperation, the previous generation of Great Desolate God King could only seal the supernatural powers with the supreme seal, and sealed the Cangyou God King on the site of the Cangyou Temple.


Every thousand years, the Great Desolate God Sect will send people here to strengthen the seal.

Because the Cangyou Realm has become a dead realm that has been plundered from the origin of Realm Heart, it cannot accommodate the powerhouse above the realm god Venerable to enter it.

And the matter of strengthening the seal, the ordinary heavenly gods are simply incapable of doing it.

It is precisely because of this.

Every time the Great Desolate Tianjiao will be opened, the candidates sent by the Great Desolate God Sect to reinforce the seal here are all super-grade deities who have broken through the limits of the deities.

As the first arrogant of the Great Desolate God Sect, Mo Jinglei was naturally the best candidate to strengthen the seal.


If only to reinforce the seal, the Great Desolate God Sect would not share the secret realm world with all forces in the Great Desolate Realm.

The reason why the Great Desolate God Sect set up the place of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting here, its main purpose was also to deal with the Cangyou Temple.

Because Divine King Cangyou had left behind some backhands everywhere in Cangyou Divine Hall.

The Great Desolate Divine Sect ordered all the geniuses of the Great Desolation Realm to enter it, which meant that they wanted to use the geniuses of the great forces of the Great Desolation Realm to explore the Cangyou Realm and crush the trails left by the Cangyou Divine King.

“I don’t know what the back hand left behind by God King Cangyou, but the top priority is to strengthen the seal here.”

Mo Jinglei murmured to himself, and immediately stepped out and appeared directly out of thin air.

I saw him sitting cross-legged in the void, and a series of mysterious handprints slowly condensed in his palm…

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