Chapter 1893 The role of Tianjiao’s Mark

Knowing the origin of this secret realm world, Jiang Chen was also shocked.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

This secret realm world will turn out to be an ancient realm in the Great Desolate Cosmos that was once capable of competing with the Great Desolate Realm!

After the Great Desolate Divine Sect defeated the Cangyou Temple in the first place, it turned the Cangyou Realm into a secret realm world, which was used as the battlefield of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.


Such an ancient realm, the resources are absolutely abundant.

The Great Wilderness God Sect, as the only God King power in the Great Wilderness Realm, even if this world is his own, no one dares to refute it at all.

But why did the Great Desolate God Sect use this place as the battlefield of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society?

Dahuang Shenzong’s move is probably not as simple as it seems.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately raised his head to look at the ghost shadow of the skeleton and said: “Xuanhun, are there still living people in this Cangyou Realm?”

To know.

At the peak of the Cangyou Realm, it was a great realm that could compete with the Great Wilderness Realm.

The number of practitioners in such a large realm may not be less than that of today’s great wilderness.

Could these practitioners be driven to death by the Great Desolate God Sect?

“Master, there is not much in my memory about what happened that year.”

Xuanhun shook his head and said, “I haven’t left this place since I was born with consciousness. I don’t know what’s going on outside now.”

“Junior Brother Jiang, after this Cangyou realm was transformed into a secret realm space by the Great Desolate Divine Sect, it has become a dead realm, and the probability of having a living person is extremely low.”

Yue Wushuang chuckled: “And… even if there are descendants of the Cangyou Realm who have survived to this day, I am afraid that their strength will not be able to break through the True God Realm.”

“Senior Sister Yue, you said this place is already a dead world?”

Jiang Chen looked up at Yue Wushuang, an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

In the space in front of him, the richness of heaven and earth energy completely surpassed the small realm of the ancient dragon world, and it was not much inferior to the great wilderness world.

How could such a place be a dead world?

“In God’s Domain, the so-called Dead Realm refers to the world without the origin of Realm Heart.”

“The Great Desolate Divine Sect defeated the Cangyou Temple in the past, obviously plundering the origin of Cangyou Realm’s Boundary Heart.”

“In a world without a realm of origin, no matter how strong the energy of the heavens and the earth is, the creatures in this world can’t provoke the divine calamity, and thus degenerate and break through to the level of the true divine realm.”

Yue Wushuang explained softly.

“I see.”

Jiang Chen nodded suddenly.


He quickly thought of the giant purple-armored bear he had encountered not long ago.

Since this place has become a dead world, why can that guy grow to a level comparable to the sixth order of the gods?

After shaking his head, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it.

He looked up at Yue Wushuang and said, “Senior Sister Yue, let’s rest here for one night, and we will fight for the mark of Tianjiao together tomorrow. What do you think?”

“Junior Brother Jiang, I won’t go to fight for the mark of Tianjiao.”

Yue Wushuang shook his head and chuckled, “I plan to close this door training cultivation until the end of the first session.”

Now that she got the things in the jade bottle, where did she still have the mind to fight for the mark of Tianjiao?

As long as he could have a mark of Tianjiao and enter the next link of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club, it was enough for Yue Wushuang.

Seeing that Yue Wushuang had his own plan, Jiang Chen didn’t force it either.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know the specific role of the Tianjiao Mark, since this was the main theme of the first link, the competition would be very fierce.

Yue Wushuang’s non-participation is undoubtedly a very knowing choice.

“Junior Brother Jiang, you are capable of Transcendent, but you can make your own Tianjiao mark more than 36 times before the end of the first session.”

At this moment, Yue Wushuang suddenly said to Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen couldn’t help looking at Yue Wushuang with a look of surprise: “Senior Sister Yue knows the function of the imprint of Tianjiao?”

“I don’t know exactly what role the Imprint of Tianjiao has.”

“But as far as I know, every time the Great Desolate Tianjiao Association, those who have the mark of Tianjiao up to 36 Dao, will condense the divine light of Tianjiao.”

“As for the role of Tianjiao’s Divine Light, only those who have condensed Tianjiao’s Divine Light will know.”

Yue Wushuang didn’t hide it, and told Jiang Chen everything she knew.

“It turns out that the purpose of plundering the mark of Tianjiao is to condense the light of Tianjiao!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

That being the case, no matter what effect condensing Tianjiao’s Divine Light had, he also figured out a way to plunder the Thirty-six Tianjiao Marks.

No words for a night.

In the early morning of the second day, Jiang Chen said goodbye to Yue Wushuang and continued to explore this world with the subdued profound soul.

The endless secret realm world, in an ancient mountain forest.

The sound of shocking energy collisions continued to resound in the void.

I saw three figures dressed in all-gold robes, fully displaying them, launching a siege on a black-clothed man.

The terrifying energy storm almost turned the flowers and trees in a radius of hundreds of miles into nothingness.

Under the siege of the three golden figures, the man in black didn’t have much resistance at all, and was quickly hit hard one after another, and finally turned into a cold corpse on the ground.

“Junior Sister Wang, it’s your turn to collect this imprint of Tianjiao.”

Resolved the man in black lightly, and smiled at a woman next to him, the head of a young man in a golden robe.

The woman walked to the corpse of the black-clothed man, happily collected the spoils, and incorporated the imprint of Tianjiao from the Great Desolation Order into the imprint of own Tianjiao.

“Let’s go, next one.”

Seeing that the woman had received the spoils, another thin, golden-robed man hurriedly urged.

The three of their brothers and sisters were all from the Great Desolate God Sect, and they happened to meet each other soon after entering here.


The three began to team up to plunder the Mark of Tianjiao, and the trophies were collected by the three in turn.

Now that Junior Sister Wang has collected the spoils, the next target should be the thin man. The thin man is naturally very excited.


Just when the three of them were about to leave, the headed young man with a cheeky face suddenly stopped.

He glanced to a certain direction on the right and whispered: “Someone is coming!”

The thin young man and the woman surnamed Wang were shocked, and both immediately entered a state of preparation, their eyes fixed on the right side.

Before they could find anything, a faint voice came through the thousands of miles of void.

“The three of you, hand over the imprint of Tianjiao, and forgive you not to die!”

The three young people with Luojihu were taken aback for a moment, and two Daoist shadows quickly appeared in their sight.

These two Daoist shadows are naturally the undead skull mysterious souls that Jiang Chen and him conquered.

“Hehe…boy, you really don’t have eyes, you want to rob us of the imprint of Tianjiao.”

The thin young man looked at the oncoming Jiang Chen and couldn’t help but smile coldly: “We should say this sentence. If you are more acquainted, you should obediently hand over the imprint of Tianjiao.”

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