Chapter 1891 Surrender or die, choose one of the two

“Jie Jie…you dare to speak up when you die!”

“Since the deity has consciousness, all human beings who break into this place are all divine.”

“The physiques of the two of you are extraordinary, presumably Blood Essence must be very delicious. It seems that the deity can have a big meal today.

The ghost ghost of the skeleton smiled evilly, the hollow eyes flickered with blood, and between the waving of his claws, a frigid black ghost fire directly screamed at the two Jiang Chen.

“Junior Brother Jiang, be careful, this guy’s strength is probably comparable to the realm god Venerable!”

Feeling the irresistible and terrifying pressure in this strike of the skeleton ghost, Yue Wushuang’s pretty face also became more solemn in an instant.

Although the Super-Rank Celestial God can be the enemy of the World God Venerable, Yue Wushuang has never seen the Super-Rank God fight with the World God Venerable.


The skeleton ghost in front of him was an old monster who didn’t know what era it existed in. Yue Wushuang was not sure whether Jiang Chen could handle it.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a surviving undead creature.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and when he raised his head, he blasted out a fistless punch at the ghost of the skeleton.


The bright colorful fists, with the endless power of destroying everything, extinguished the oncoming black ghost fire dry and quiet in the blink of an eye.

“The power of the seven realms? You… are you a super-grade god?”

Feeling the power contained in Jiang Chen’s punch, the unbelievable screams of the skeleton ghost also rang in the cave.

Jiang Chen looked at the ghost ghost with a blank face: “You take the initiative to hand over the treasure now, maybe it’s still too late.”

“Don’t think about it!”

The ghost ghost smiled coldly: “Even if you are a super-grade deity, when the deity crossed the world, it was not that the super-grade deity never killed it!”

“Okay, don’t bluff in front of me.”

“Your Cultivation Base was indeed very powerful during your lifetime. I am afraid that it has at least surpassed the level of the lower realm gods.”

“Because of this, plus you are good at Soul Dao, so you can simulate the powerful aura you had in your lifetime and shock the minds of others.”

“But the power you really have right now is no more than reaching the level of the world god Venerable in front of you.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hand holding his hand, his eyes calmed and the enemy looked at the ghost of the skeleton: “If you are really sure to deal with us, I am afraid that you will do it the moment we appear. How can you pretend to be dead and wait for the opportunity?”

Jiang Chen’s plain words suddenly caused the skeleton ghost figure to tremble slightly.

“Boy, stop talking nonsense!”

The skeleton ghost roared in annoyance, and a cloud of cold Ghost Qi instantly stirred in all directions, causing the entire cave space to constantly change and twist.

But in fact, the skeleton ghost has already panicked.

When Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen arrived just now, he really felt the extraordinaryness of the two of them, so he didn’t directly do it.

He first let his two subordinates test Jiang Chen, and the two subordinates were killed by Jiang Chen with a punch in an instant.

Seeing this, Skeleton Ghost didn’t dare to act rashly.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Chen and two of them would directly rob them under the temptation of Zhongbao, and he could take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Who knew Jiang Chen could see through it at a glance.

What made him even more unexpected was that the black-clothed young man who saw through him was still a super-grade god who broke the limit.

In his current state, facing a super-grade god, I am afraid that there is really no big chance of winning.

“I have given you the opportunity, but you didn’t cherish it yourself. Since you don’t plan to hand it over, then I can only kill you first, and then take it myself.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the colorful fists gathered by the seven powers once again punched the skeleton ghost.

The skeleton ghost’s complexion changed, and the monstrous ghostly evil aura instantly turned into a pitch-black claw, colliding with Jiang Chen’s colorful fist.

Bang bang bang…

The two played against each other constantly.

Every collision caused a sound like Hong Zhong Dalu, enough to shake the sky and the earth, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

Yue Wushuang, who was watching the battle, was forced to retreat into the tunnel of the cave because of the terrifying energy caused by the two fighting.

If it weren’t for the very powerful ancient Restrictions remaining in the cave, I’m afraid that the fight between the two would completely collapse the cave in an instant.


After the two banged seven or eight moves in a row, the skeleton ghost screamed, and the whole person was blown out by Jiang Chen with a punch, and finally slammed heavily on the rock wall of the cave.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the whole cave was shaken like an earthquake.

Even the ancient Restrictions around the cave had a feeling of crumbling under the impact of the ghost of the skeleton.

The skeleton ghost climbed up from the ground in an embarrassing manner, his expression frightened.

I saw that his chest was punched through by Jiang Chen, and several ribs were shattered under Jiang Chen’s punch, and even his whole body felt like he was about to fall apart.

“Slow… This little brother, I am willing to hand over the treasure, and please raise your hands high and go around me for life.”

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was swinging at him with the power of the Seven Daoes again, the ghost image of the skeleton quickly begged Jiang Chen for forgiveness.

“Kill you, these treasures are also mine.”

Jiang Chen faintly glanced at the ghost shadow of the skeleton: “If you want to survive, then I will give you another chance. As long as you surrender to me, I will spare your life.”

How to say this skeleton ghost also has a combat power comparable to the world god Venerable.

If he could subdue it, he would be equivalent to having a world god Venerable-level thug, which would save a lot of trouble.

“Your Excellency, don’t go too far. If you push the deity in a hurry, I’m afraid it will be of no benefit to anyone!”

When the skeleton ghost heard that Jiang Chen asked him to surrender, he was immediately angry.

Before he was alive, he was a high-ranking realm god who crossed the realm of the gods, a super strong person second only to the god king, even if he is now incarnate as an undead, how can he easily surrender to others?

“You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, surrender or die, choose one of the two.”

Jiang Chen’s face was expressionless, and the colorful fists on his fist made the surrounding space constantly change and twist.

“Wait… I surrender, I am willing to surrender to you.”

The skeleton ghost saw the terrifying fist on Jiang Chen’s fist, only feeling the souls of the dead in his heart, and hurriedly called to Jiang Chen.

If it were the peak period in front of him, he would naturally not be afraid of such super-grade gods as Jiang Chen.

But now he has been reborn as an undead. Although he has awakened part of his consciousness before his death, his strength is equivalent to the low-level realm god who has just broken through.

With his current strength, unless he blew himself to death with Jiang Chen, he would really not be an opponent.

The ghost of the skeleton was finally reborn, but he didn’t want to be destroyed by Jiang Chen just like that.

No matter what, surrender this kid to save his life.

As long as you regain your peak strength and clean up a mere super-grade god, isn’t it easy?

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