Chapter 1888 The Terrifying You Si Ming


Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: “What are you going to do with me?”

“Boy, don’t you want to pretend to be in front of me!”

“Several years ago, my uncle Youshan Ghost fell, and his broken soul card has an aura that is almost the same as yours.”

You Siming stared at Jiang Chen sternly: “If I guess right, his fall should have a close relationship with you.”

“The Ghost Sect is worthy of being the world god Sect, who is good at Soul Dao. It is really extraordinary.”

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently: “Yes, I killed Youshan Ghost.”

“Sure enough, it’s you!”

When You Siming heard Jiang Chen’s words, the whole person became murderous in an instant: “Today I will take your life to pay tribute to the uncle’s spirit in the sky!”


As You Si Ming’s voice fell, the ancient beast phantom behind it rapidly expanded, turning into an ancient beast that reached a height of ten thousand meters and was enveloped in black demon energy.

As soon as it opened its eyes, countless eyes shot out, as if it could directly penetrate the soul.

“Soul Eater, kill!”

You Siming snorted coldly, and the phantom of the ancient beast behind him, with a terrifying coercion, stepped on Jiang Chen.

At that moment, the world trembled.

A weird black light, Tathagata generally leaned down from the sky from the Yellow Springs in Jiuyou.

Even if it is an ordinary Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, just looking at that black light, there is a feeling that the soul is about to be swallowed.

Yue Wushuang watched the You Si Ming burst out with all his strength, but there was a look of compassion in her beautiful eyes.

As the number one arrogant of the Ghost Sect, You Siming had already reached the twenty-sixth place on the list of the Great Desolate arrogance a hundred years ago, and he was indeed very strong.

Such a character, with good luck, won’t be a problem in competing for the top ten list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

But he chose to do something with Jiang Chen.

Doing hands with a super-grade god who is an enemy of the world god Venerable, how is this different from being sent to the door to find death?

“It’s worthy of being one of the few Tianjiao figures in the Great Wilderness World. This guy’s physique is probably extraordinary.”

Jiang Chen looked at You Si Ming, which seemed to hit the soul directly, and couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.


He slowly stretched out his finger and pointed at the pouring black light volley.


Jiang Chen’s finger was light and fluttering, without the slightest air of firework, and seemed very ordinary.

Between heaven and earth, there was not even the slightest change due to Jiang Chen’s finger, only the black awn, which was like the Yellow Springs waterfall, poured out facing Jiang Chen.

You Siming watched the scene before him, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but set off a sneer: “Boy, under my Soul Eater, I dare to be so arrogant, really…”


Before You Si Ming was finished, a loud noise suddenly rang from the sky.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw that in the Yellow Springs that poured down, a colorful sword glow appeared ghostly.

When this colorful sword light first started, only Zhang Xu came to it.

Gradually, the colorful sword light became more and more dazzling in the yellow waterfall, and finally expanded sharply with a kind of horror.

Just blink of an eye.

The colorful sword glow penetrated the entire Yellow Springs waterfall, and broke it into two halves in the void.

The colorful sword glow that split the Yellow Springs waterfall was unstoppable, and finally soared into the sky, slashing towards the phantom above.


The Wanzhang Phantom did not have any resistance at all, it was penetrated by the colorful sword light from the soles of the feet to the head, and finally burst into the void with a bang.


The Soul Eater Demon Shadow was smashed by Jiang Chen with a sword, and You Si Ming trembled all over, and the whole person flew upside down in embarrassment for thousands of meters. The blood in his mouth was like a fountain, and the sky was instantly spilled.

“Seven… the power of the seven realms, you turned out to be a super-grade god who masters the power of the seven realms, how could it be possible!”

You Si Ming was embarrassed to stabilize his figure, the whole person was like a ghost, and the unbelievable screams were also instantly resounding through the world!

Super product god!

That kid turned out to be a super grade god who mastered the power of the seven realms.

Behind You Si Ming, the eyes of the soul sea were horrified, and he almost couldn’t believe his own eyes!

Super grade god, this is the existence that breaks the limit of the god.

To know.

The Great Wilderness Realm, as the only realm of the Great Wilderness Cosmos, has more than tens of millions of practitioners.

But among so many practitioners, there are only two or three super gods born every thousand years in the Great Wilderness Realm.


Such strongest evildoers generally appear in the Great Desolate Divine Sect.

You Siming never expected that this guy from Hanyue Palace had already broken the limit of the gods and stepped into the Realm of the super-grade gods!

this moment.

You Siming finally understood why when he first saw Jiang Chen, he felt that Jiang Chen’s breath was weird, and even their Sect Leader Black Soul Venerable couldn’t see through Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base.

This guy is not a treasure with a hidden aura at all, but his Cultivation Base, which has really reached the Realm that the world god Venerable can’t see through.


You Si Ming was in horror.

The super-grade deity is comparable to the existence of the world god Venerable.

Even though his Cultivation Base reaches the sixth-order deity, the power of the soul has already reached the full Realm. Among the many sixth-level deity arrogances in the Great Wilderness, there are only a handful of people who can defeat him.

But in the face of a super-grade god who broke the limit, he still didn’t have much power to fight back.


You Siming didn’t have any hesitation at all, he didn’t even care about the soul sea on the side, and directly turned into a black light and swept toward the outside of the valley.

“Since it’s here, leave it to me forever.”

Jiang Chen didn’t have a good impression of the Ghost Sect.

This You Si Ming has a close relationship with that You Mountain Ghost, so why would Jiang Chen let him go so easily?

He stretched out his hand and grabbed at You Siming volley, and the colorful giant palm condensed by the power of the seven daos instantly appeared on top of You Siming’s head.


I saw that You Si Ming’s entire body for hundreds of miles of space was completely banned under the colorful giant palm.

Looking at the colorful giant palm that came from the suppression, You Si Ming only felt a shadow of Death enveloping his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly took out a scroll exuding Venerable pressure and pitch black, and pushed it away with all his strength.


The endless black light soared from the scroll to the sky, condensing a black shadow of thousands of feet in the air, and Sheng Sheng supported Jiang Chen’s colorful giant palm.

“A mere decree of the realm god also wanted to stop me and break it for me!”

Jiang Chen slammed his palm, and the light on the giant colorful palm rose sharply, directly with the power of suppressing the world, and slapped it on the shadow of a thousand feet.


The Qianzhang black shadow didn’t have any resistance at all, and directly jumped out of the void.

The colorful giant palm shattered thousands of feet of black shadow, like the palm of the sky, crushing everything.

You Si Ming did not have any resistance at all, and the whole person was completely annihilated in the colorful giant palm…

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