Chapter 1878

“Master really knows the ancient gods and phoenix clan!”

Seeing Xuan Dao Venerable’s reaction, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of joy in his eyes.

The ancient gods and phoenix clan did not belong to the great wilderness, and they were very mysterious.

This time.

Jiang Chen read many ancient books of Hanyue Palace, but even though Hanyue Palace has a long history of tens of millions of years, there is no record of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

If there are any forces in the Great Desolate Realm that know the existence of the ancient Shenfeng Clan, I am afraid that there is only the Great Desolate Shenzong that has existed since the birth of the Great Desolate Realm.

Participate in the Great Wilderness Tianjiao this time.

A large part of Jiang Chen’s reason was that he also wanted to use the Great Desolate Divine Sect to see if he could find out information about the ancient Divine Phoenix Clan.

I didn’t expect it.

His mysterious master, unexpectedly knew the existence of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

In this way, it saves him a lot of trouble.

“The ancient gods and phoenix clan is a powerful race that has existed since the ancient times of the gods, and it has a prestigious name throughout the gods.”

“The Great Wilderness is just a drop in the eternal void, and its location is remote, so few people know the existence of the ancient gods and phoenix clan.”

“To talk about where the ancient gods and phoenix clan is located, we must first talk about the current situation of the gods.”

Xuan Dao Venerable said quietly.

“God’s domain pattern?”

When Jiang Chen heard the words of Profound Dao Venerable, a look of doubt appeared in his eyes: “Master, the world has changed drastically since ancient times, and the realm of God has turned into billions of dust, distributed in the eternal void. Is there any secret in this? Nothing?”

“That’s actually true. The God’s Domain of the ancient times has indeed turned into billions of dust, scattered in the eternal void.”

“But few people know that in the center of this eternal void, there is actually a continent that remains relatively intact.”

“The area of ​​this continent is extremely large, almost equivalent to the sum of countless realms in the eternal void. This continent is today’s God’s Domain Continent, and that is the core of today’s God’s Domain.”

Xuan Dao Venerable explained with a smile.

The center of the eternal void, God’s Domain Continent!

Hearing the introduction of Xuan Dao Venerable, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes slightly: “So, the ancient Shenfeng tribe is on the Divine Realm Continent?”

“Yes, the ancient gods and phoenix clan, even on that continent, their strength belongs to the top level existence.”

Profound Dao Venerable nodded, then looked at Jiang Chen solemnly and said, “Chen’er, how did you know the ancient gods and phoenix clan?”

“I have two friends who came from the lower realm with my mother. They seemed to have been taken away by people from the ancient gods and phoenix clan…”

Jiang Chen didn’t conceal it either, and told Profound Dao Venerable about Meng Qingxue’s two people.

“Unexpectedly, Elder, the Supreme Supreme Being of Hanyue Palace, fell suddenly, and it was actually related to the ancient god-phoenix clan.”

Profound Dao Venerable couldn’t help but a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes when he heard what had happened.

The distance between the Great Wilderness Realm and the Divine Realm Continent is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles.

Generally, it would take decades or even hundreds of years for the Heavenly God Realm to reach the God Realm Continent from the Great Wilderness Realm.

Even with the power of the world god Venerable, not even ten or eight years is impossible.


Even if the powerhouses of God’s Domain Continent traveled through the eternal void, they would rarely appear in remote areas such as the Great Desolate Domain.

“The ancient gods and phoenix clan are the famous god king forces in the Continent of the Gods, and their conditions for recruiting disciples are extremely harsh.”

“Your two friends, if they can be favored by the ancient gods and phoenix clan, their talents must be extraordinary.”

“But… since they belonged to the ancient gods and phoenix clan, there are few people who can provoke them even in the gods. There shouldn’t be any problem with safety. If you go to the gods continent in the future, you should have a chance to meet them.”

Xuan Dao Venerable pondered slightly.

Regarding the words of Xuan Dao Venerable, Jiang Chen couldn’t deny it.

God’s Domain is a very cruel world.

If the two daughters of Meng Qingxue could be sheltered by the power of a god king, they would indeed be much safer.

Since the ancient Divine Phoenix Clan was in the distant Divine Realm Continent, everything could only wait for him to reach the Divine Realm Continent before making any plans.

After shaking his head, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it.

He couldn’t help but raised his head and looked at Profound Dao Venerable: “Master knows so much about God’s Domain Continent, so he must be from God’s Domain Continent.”

“Yes, I am indeed from God’s Domain Continent. I had to leave there because of some things. In the end, I ended up in this great wilderness after several things.”

Profound Dao Venerable said this, with a complex expression in his eyes.

He took a deep breath, and immediately took a fancy to Jiang Chen and said: “My business is a long story. When the Great Wilderness Tianjiao will leave you and me out of the Great Wilderness, I will talk to you in detail along the way.”

Jiang Chen hesitated and smiled, and said, “Master, it doesn’t matter if I participate in this Great Desolate Tianjiao Party or not.”

“If you don’t participate, that fellow Haoyue is going to run away again. Cold Moon Palace is too good. Elder is kind to me, so please help Hanyue Palace again before leaving.”

Profound Dao Venerable smiled and said: “Moreover…After every Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting, Great Desolate Divine Sect will hold a banquet of God Kings to entertain the Tianjiao of Great Desolate Tianjiao. This will also be of great benefit to you.”

God King Banquet!

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

no doubt.

This so-called banquet of the God King should be the banquet held by the God King of the Great Wilderness Realm.

That being the case, Jiang Chen didn’t mind going to see it.

Time is like water.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed quickly.

This day.

Hanyue Palace Yanwu Square.

Jiang Chen, Yue Wushuang, and Bai Xingjian were all qualified to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

In addition to the three, the palace mausoleum also appeared here.


Haoyue Venerable handed over the spot won from Glacier Sect to the palace.

The two of Gong Ling looked at the oncoming Jiang Chen, their expressions suddenly became a little unnatural.

Only Yue Wushuang greeted Jiang Chen with a smile.

But shortly after Jiang Chen reached the square, the heaven and earth energy in the void suddenly agitated, and a faint light of moonlight suddenly appeared.


A huge black shadow suddenly leaped out of the void.

This is a huge warship, shaped like a crescent moon hanging in the void, and it is covered with dense inscriptions, shining with bright moonlight.

“Board, follow me to the Great Desolate God Sect!”

In the crescent moon warship, the faint voice of Haoyue Venerable quickly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

The Great Wilderness Tianjiao Meeting is a grand event in the Great Wilderness Realm once every thousand years.

Haoyue Venerable was obviously very fond of this, and planned to personally lead the team to the Great Desolate Divine Sect.

The Jiang Chen four did not hesitate, and flew onto the crescent moon warship.

After a while, the warship quickly started, and a torrential weather wave was rolled up in the sky, and it flew towards the distant sky…

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