Chapter 1868

“Patriarch, the ancestor has fallen, what shall we do now?”

Yan Tai, the leader of Nanli Shenwei, looked at this scene, and his expression became extremely solemn.

With the fall of Old Ancestor Cangyan, their Nanli Clan’s situation has reached an extremely dangerous level.

It can be said.

Since the founding of Nanlizu, they have never faced such a crisis.

Once you are slightly careless, the Nanli Clan will probably be wiped out.


Yan Wuji took a deep breath.

In today’s battle, the Nanli clan was completely planted.

Now he can only withdraw to the Nanli Clan first, and use the background of the Nanli Clan to save the Nanli Clan.


Just when Yan Wuji was about to retreat with Sanqian Nanli Shenwei.

Jiang Chen’s figure flashed, and he appeared ghostly in the sky above Yan Wuji and the others, and the monstrous aura directly locked the void of thousands of miles.

Yan Wuji raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen in the void, his complexion changed slightly.


As the patriarch of the Nanli clan, facing the life and death crisis facing the Nanli clan, he also had to stand up and bit his head and said: “Jiang Chen, my Nanli clan has no deep hatred with you. Why do we need to kill them all?”

“Hehe… there is no deep hatred?”

Jiang Chen chuckled, and the faint voice spread across the sky in an instant.

“A year ago in the Huoyun Mountains, you Nanli came to snatch the Huoyun Venerable’s remains. If it weren’t for my strength, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to live now.”

“Afterwards, your Nanli Clan not only attacked the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, but also issued a wanted order against me. This is also called no deep hatred?”

Yan Wuji’s expression was ugly to the extreme: “Jiang Chen, it seems that today you really don’t plan to let go of my Nanli Clan?”

Jiang Chen smiled lightly: “So what?”

The Nanli Clan is a realm god family with a long inheritance, with full heritage.

If the Nanli clan were given a chance to breathe, it might come back to life at some point.

Only Tingping Nanli Clan, Huangfu Family and Gulong Chamber of Commerce will not be threatened in this Nanli God City!

“Jiang Chen, if you want to destroy my Nanli Clan, I will also make you pay a heavy price for it!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t plan to let Nan Lizu go at all, a crazy look appeared on Yan Wuji’s face.

“Sanqian Nanli Shenwei listened to the order and set up an array for me!”

Boom boom boom…

As Yan Wuji’s roar resounded, three thousand Nanli guards, including Yantai, erupted at the same time.

Immediately afterwards.

The flame dragon roared in the void, and the sun turned in the sky.

The void with a radius of thousands of miles suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and countless strong winds containing a hot aura, like the burning blade of the sky, tearing everything apart.

Facing Jiang Chen, the newly promoted super-grade deity, Yan Wuji didn’t hesitate at all, and directly gathered the power of the three thousand Nanli Shenwei. There was a strong blow to Jiang Chen.

The power of this strike, even if it is not as powerful as the strike of the world god Venerable, is probably the same.

Generally, when facing this strike at Tier 6 of the Heavenly God, I am afraid that even if it can’t hold a breath, it will be torn to pieces by the Burning Fire Blade in the void.

But Jiang Chen was not afraid.

His seemingly flimsy figure stood still in the void. The colorful rays of light all over his body bloomed, and all the Burning Heavenly Fire Blades came into contact with the colorful divine light, and they all dissipated automatically.

“The Nanli tribe’s three thousand Nanli guards are also well-deserved. However, if you want to block me with this, it’s a little bit close.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “The super-grade deity is the enemy of the world god Venerable, it’s not just talk about it. Today…I will let you see what the super-grade deity’s power is!”


I saw Jiang Chen lightly clenched his palm into a fist, and slammed his fist at San Qian Nanli Shenwei.

This punch seemed to be an understatement at first, without a trace of fluctuation.

But after a while, as if the heavens hummed together, the mountains shook.

In the void, only the colorful fists that covered the sky and the sun were left, crashing down like a meteorite.

Colorful fists fill the universe, covering the four directions, as if it can crush everything!

Bang bang bang…

Where the colorful fist passed, all the Burning Sky Blades dissipated in an instant, and finally slammed heavily on the formation that enveloped the Sanqian Nanli Shenwei.

The formation of Sanqian Nanli Shenwei condensed, and it exploded without even holding a breath.

In an instant…

Everyone, including Yan Wuji, was annihilated in the radiant colorful fist…

What is a super product god?

This is an existence that has broken the limit of the Heavenly God Realm, and the power of holding the seven realms of the world is far above the sixth-order Heavenly God.

This power is already comparable to the power of the world god Venerable.

Although the Nanli Clan’s Sanqian Nanli Shenwei is strong, how can it compete with the breakthrough super god Jiang Chen?

Under Nanli Shencheng’s shocking gaze ignoring Dao, the colorful light slowly dissipated.

When everyone looked at the situation in the void, they were horrified to discover that almost all of the three thousand Nanli guards were reduced to ashes under Jiang Chen’s fist.

In the entire Nanli Clan, only a few people, such as Yan Wuji and Yan Tai, remained.

Their bodies were all embarrassed to the extreme. Even Yan Wuji, the patriarch of the Nanli clan, had loose hair, messy robes, and bleeding from his seven orifices.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and couldn’t believe what was in front of them.

Nanli tribe’s three thousand Nanli god guards are even more powerful than Yan Wuji, the Nanli clan chief, and second only to the realm god Venerable.

Since Nanlizu took the seat of Nanlizhou, the three thousand Nanli guards have been shocked everywhere, and no one under the world god Venerable dared to shake its edge.

But Jiang Chen killed Sanqian Nanli Shenwei Town with an understatement!

What kind of horror is such power?

The super-grade god is indeed a heaven-defying existence that can rival the world god Venerable.

“Ah…Jiang Chen, you slaughtered my Nanli tribe’s three thousand Nanli guards. This hatred is not shared. Sooner or later, I will pay back ten times Yan Wuji!”

Yan Wuji had a ferocious look, gritted his teeth, his eyes almost burst into flames.

“Don’t worry, you won’t have that chance.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, just stepped out gently, and he was in front of Yan Wuji.

Everyone hardly saw Jiang Chen making a move, and a colorful fist suddenly fell on Yan Wuji’s body.

The Cultivation Base had already reached the peak of the sixth-order Celestial Clan. He didn’t even have time to react, so he was strangled to pieces by Qicai Fist.


Yantai and the others only felt that the souls were all gone, and they quickly turned into a light and fled towards the sky.

“Can you escape?”

Jiang Chen snorted, and the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art instantly condensed one after another generation of Sword Qi, which were cut out one after another.

Every time he slashed a sword, the body of a powerful Nanli clan exploded.

It takes less than a few breaths.

The few Nanli clan powerhouses who fled hurriedly are all under Jiang Chen’s Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Art.

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