Chapter 1864: There Are Ants Under Venerable


Just when Cangyan Venerable’s chest was so angry, the last thunder tribulation also quickly brewed in the void.

I saw countless rays of thunder, converging into an extremely bright golden thunder.

When this thunder light appeared, the entire sky above Nanli God City trembled slightly.

The golden thunder light carried a terrifying force that was in charge of the heavens and the earth and crushed the heavens, and fell towards Cangyan Venerable.

Feeling the terrifying power of this last thunder tribulation, Cang Yan Venerable’s pupils suddenly shrank, and the power of the vast world god surged out of his body.

Just blink of an eye.

Ten layers of barriers condensed by purple flames appeared just above Cangyan Venerable’s head.

And at the moment when these flame enchantments condensed, golden thunder light came.


I saw the flame barrier of Cangyan Venerable, in front of this golden thunder that overwhelmed the world, as if it were paper paste, it collapsed when touched.

Ten layers of flame barriers were all annihilated under the golden thunder in an instant.

Even Cangyan Venerable’s figure, together with the void in a radius of hundreds of miles, was submerged in that golden thunder…

After a while.

When the golden thunder light dissipated, there was no more Cangyan Venerable in the void, as if Cangyan Venerable’s whole person was bombarded into nothingness by this last golden divine thunder.

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

All those who watched this scene were stunned, like a ghost.

Cangyan Venerable!

This is the ancestor of the Nanli tribe, the world god Venerable who has suppressed Nanlizhou for millions of years.

Such a world god, Venerable, was so bombarded and killed by the Heavenly God Tribulation that Jiang Chen inspired?


Yiyan Wuji’s Shounan outliers all looked pale, like a concubine.

“Patriarch, Cangyan Venerable is gone?”

Huangfusong’s eyes were dull, and it took a while to recover from the shock, and there was a look of excitement in his old eyes.

The reason why Huangfu’s family fell into a crisis of life and death was mainly because of the return of Cangyan Venerable, the ancestor of the Nanli clan.

As long as Cangyan Venerable fell, their Huangfu family would have the qualifications to deal with Nanli Clan.

“The world god Venerable, I am afraid it is not so easy to fall.”

Huangfu Lin shook his head solemnly, his eyes locked tightly on the void where the two Jiang Chen were fighting.

The realm god Venerable is an existence that completely surpasses the sky god realm.

Jiang Chen’s sixth-order Celestial Tribulation, because Cangyan Venerable was involved in it, his power had indeed reached an extremely terrifying point.

But wanting to kill Cangyan Venerable with this is probably not an easy task.


Sure enough, just as Huangfu’s thoughts flashed, there was a sudden violent spatial fluctuation in the void.


A figure wrapped in a purple flame, as if crossing a space, slowly walked out of another world.

He looked pale, his body was covered with blood, and his gorgeous purple-red robe was turned into tatters.


Although Cang Yan Venerable blocked the last thunder tribulation with his powerful strength, he was also seriously injured by the thunder tribulation.

“This old guy is really alive!”

Many senior officials from Huangfu’s family looked at the slowly emerging figure of Cangyan Venerable, and their faces instantly turned pale.

Even the Celestial Tribulation that Jiang Chen induced could not kill Cangyan Venerable. Now who else can stop him?

Huangfu’s house, I’m afraid it’s completely finished this time.

“Don’t panic, Jiang Chen will break through the sixth stage of the Celestial God, and his strength will definitely rise, and he may not be unable to compete with Cangyan Venerable.”

Huangfu Lin took a deep breath, his eyes locked tightly on the void.

Whether their Huangfu family can survive this catastrophe today, everything depends on Jiang Chen.

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to have a divine body that ignores the Heavenly Dao law, but the deity looked down upon you!”

“It’s a pity… you are too weak after all.”

“Even if it caused the Celestial Tribulation, and wanted to deal with the deity, it was still a bit close.”

Cang Yan Venerable stared sharply at Jiang Chen, and his whole body exuded a violent killing intent.

This son is an ancient divine body that can ignore the Heavenly Dao law. Even if he looks at the entire God Realm, few people can compare his talents.

In the face of such a genius, even Cangyan Venerable was shocked.

Since this son cannot be used by the Nanli Clan, it must be completely strangled before it has grown up.


Once this kid grows up, it will surely bring disaster to the Nanli tribe!

Facing the murderous Cangyan Venerable, Jiang Chen did not fear at all, and a shocking war intent burst out in his eyes.

“Cang Yan, stop talking nonsense, let’s fight.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and with a wave of the Heavenly Fire God Sword in his hand, the seven heavenly sword pillars instantly moved Star, and then turned into a Star Heavenly Sword, pouring down like the Galaxy Cluster turned upside down.

God King Skill Seven Star Heavenly Sword Jue!

With Jiang Chen breaking through the sixth stage of the gods, he once again used this god king skill, and his power was ten times more powerful than before.

Even Cangyan Venerable couldn’t help but move slightly, and there was a hint of wonder in his eyes, which immediately turned into greed.

“Boy, you are lucky, you can even master the skill of the god king. You have accepted the skill of the god king.”


Cang Yan Venerable gently raised his finger, and one finger popped out.


Cangyan Venerable’s finger was like a mountain of thousands of feet, pressed on the Star Heaven Sword pouring down from Nine Heavens, and instantly caused the Star Heaven Sword to explode in the void.

The sky full of stars spattered in the void, causing the void of thousands of miles to turn into a huge honeycomb, with countless black holes appearing.

And Jiang Chen’s body also flew out with a terrifying force, turning into a meteor, flying backwards for a distance of hundreds of feet in an instant.

Just an understatement.

Cang Yan Venerable easily defeated Jiang Chen, who had broken through the sixth rank of the gods.

At this moment, everything in front of me was silent, and I could hardly believe my own eyes.

“Is this the power of the world god Venerable? It’s terrifying!”

“Yeah… I didn’t expect Jiang Chen, who was a breakthrough in the sixth-order Tianshen, would still be unable to stop even Cangyan Venerable’s finger!”


Looking at this scene in the void, Huangfu Lin couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

He originally thought.

Jiang Chen is a legendary ancient divine body, and his talents are rare in the world, and may be able to bridge the gap between the Celestial God Realm and the Realm God Venerable.

But from this confrontation between Jiang Chen and Cangyan Venerable just now, Huangfu Lin had already understood that the gap between the heavenly gods and the realm gods was too big.

Even though Cangyan Venerable hardly shook the Ninth Stage Thunder Tribulation, he was not in his peak state at the moment, but Jiang Chen was still no opponent.

this moment.

Only when Huangfu Lin really understood what is called Venerable are all ants!

Even Jiang Chen, such a peerless evildoer, can’t cross this chasm.

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