Chapter 1861 One Strike To Defeat Yan Wuji


The Star Heaven Sword landed from above Nine Heavens, and in the blink of an eye it collided with Yan Wuji’s Lihuo Mietian pupil.

A thunderous explosion resounded suddenly across the sky, and a terrifying storm of destruction, like a wave in the sea, swept in all directions!

Except for Cangyan Venerable, who is still standing proudly in the void.

Whether it was Huangfu Lin and others, or the powerhouse of Nanli Clan, under the impact of the devastating storm, they retreated in bursts.

this moment.

Almost the entire sky above Huangfu’s house was transformed into chaos under the impact of the destruction storm.

If it weren’t for the defensive bans set by the boundary god Venerable of the Huangfu family, I am afraid that the entire Huangfu family would be reduced to ruins under the storm of destruction.

And while the storm of destruction swept across the sky.

Yan Wuji, who was in the center of the battlefield, trembled, and immediately under countless horrified eyes, his body was like a sandbag that was blown away. He flew upside down a distance of hundreds of meters before he stabilised in embarrassment!

I saw him pale, his clothes bursting, there was almost no place intact, and bloodstains visible to the naked eye appeared on his body.


Yan Wuji lost in this confrontation!

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Everyone stared blankly at the situation in the sky, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Yan Wuji, this is the patriarch of the Nanli Clan, the Cultivation Base is already at the peak of the sixth-order Celestial God.

It can be said.

In the entire Nanlizhou, Yan Wuji was the first person under the Realm God, and almost no one in the Sky God Realm could contend with him.

But Jiang Chen in front of him defeated Yan Wuji with a single move.

With such a strength and such a huge Nanlizhou, I am afraid that only Cangyan Venerable, the world god Venerable, can do it.

Everyone came back to their senses, and couldn’t help but take a breath.

Could it be… Jiang Chen is already a world god Venerable?

“It hasn’t been seen in a year, the strength of this kid has reached such a terrifying level!”

Yan Wuji strongly suppressed the churning aura in his body, and a look of unprecedented horror appeared in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.


This kid in front of me is too enchanting.

In the Cangyun Mountain Range a year ago, even if Jiang Chen tried his best, he only matched him.

Now, after a year, he couldn’t even stop Jiang Chen’s move!

“Old Ancestor Cangyan, he was the murderer who killed Yan Jin and others, and asked the old ancestors to take action to kill them, so as to shock the divine power of the Southern Li Clan!”

Yan Wuji took a deep breath, and a sharp cold glow appeared in his eyes.

This son’s talent is too enchanting.

If he was given some more time to grow up, it might be difficult for the world god Venerable to suppress it.

In any case, Jiang Chen must be left in Nanli Shencheng today!

“Boy, you are very good, you deserve to be able to use your own strength to make my Nanli clan a lot of vitality.”

Cang Yan Venerable looked down at Jiang Chen and said lightly: “For your good talent, this deity will give you a chance. As long as you are willing to become my disciple, this deity will spare your life!”

With Cang Yan Venerable’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see how terrifying Jiang Chen’s potential is.

As long as Jiang Chen can be used by Nanli Clan, the loss he caused to Nanli Clan is not worth mentioning.

Jiang Chen heard Cangyan Venerable’s words, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc: “What if… I don’t?”

“Boy, don’t know what’s good or bad!”

Cang Yan Venerable coldly said: “If you insist on this… today, Nanli Shencheng will be your burial place.”

“Ha ha……”

“Cangyan Venerable, if you want to keep me in this Nanli God City, then you have to see if you have that ability.”

Jiang Chen stared straight at Cangyan Venerable, and his proud laugh instantly resounded through the world.

“If you are more acquainted, let me take the people from Huangfu’s family to leave Nanli Shencheng. Otherwise… I, Jiang Chen, don’t mind killing a world god Venerable today!”

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