Chapter 1856 The Change of Nanli God City

“It’s fine if you have confidence.”

Profound Dao Venerable smiled slightly and said, “In the next six months, you can cultivate well, and you can tell me what you need as a teacher.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words of Profound Dao Venerable, he was a little embarrassed and said: “Master, I am here to look for you. I actually want to tell you that I plan to go out recently.”

“Are you leaving Cold Moon Palace?”

Profound Dao Venerable was taken aback for a moment, and then frowned, “Now it’s only half a year before the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society.”

To know.

Ranked first in the Tianjiao Challenge, you can use any resources in the Cold Moon Palace for free for the next six months.

The Hanyue Palace, as a world god Sect that has been passed down for tens of millions of years in the Great Wilderness Realm, has a very deep background.

Although half a year is not long, Jiang Chen can use this opportunity to cultivate in Hanyue Palace, and he will surely gain a lot of benefits.

But Jiang Chen proposed to leave the Cold Moon Palace at this time, which was unexpected by Profound Dao Venerable anyway.

“Master, rest assured, I will be back on time within half a year to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting.”

Jiang Chen hurriedly said: “When I came to Hanyue Palace from Nanlizhou to look for my mother, I walked too hurriedly. There were still some things in Nanlizhou that I didn’t have time to deal with, so I planned to go and deal with it.”

Before Jiang Chen left Nanlizhou, he teamed up with Huangfu’s family to seize the Huoyun Venerable’s remains and killed many powerful Nanli people.

In today’s Nanlizhou, the Huangfu family and the Nanli tribe are probably on the same level.

Although Nanli Clan’s strength is now greatly damaged, but after all, it is the only realm god power in Nanlizhou, and the Huangfu family may not be able to shake the status of Nanli Clan.

It is precisely because of this.

Jiang Chen planned to go back to Lizhou to see the situation of Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

If it didn’t work, he moved the Gulong Chamber of Commerce to Hanyue Prefecture.

after all.

At the beginning, he promised Gulong Venerable to take care of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce in the Great Wilderness Realm. Naturally, he would not let the Gulong Chamber of Commerce have an accident in the Great Wilderness Realm.

“You are leaving Cold Moon Palace, I won’t stop you, but…”

Xuan Dao Venerable’s words changed: “This time the Great Desolate Tianjiao Society, if you can’t be in the top ten, then you can blame the teacher for being rude to you!”

“Master, rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and said in a domineering manner: “I can win the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge in the Cold Moon Palace, and then I can also be the first place in the Great Wild Tianjiao list in the Great Desolate Tianjiao!”

After bidding farewell to Xuan Dao Venerable, Jiang Chen returned to his residence and rested for a night.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen rented a flying treasure in Hanyue Palace, and then left Hanyue Palace alone and headed towards Nanlizhou.

On the blue sky, a boat about ten feet in size quickly shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds.

In the cabin, there was a young man in black sitting quietly cross-legged.

The young man in black is Jiang Chen who rushed to Nanlizhou.

With flying treasures, Jiang Chen’s journey this time is undoubtedly much easier than last time.

After half a month.

Jiang Chen’s void boat has appeared in a place less than a thousand miles away from the city of God.

“I’m finally going to return to Nanli Shencheng, and I don’t know how the situation in Nanli Shencheng is now…”

Jiang Chen walked out of the cabin and couldn’t help but looked towards Nanli Shencheng.

But at this moment.

In the mountains and forests hundreds of miles ahead, a violent energy fluctuation burst out abruptly.

What surprised Jiang Chen even more was.

In that energy fluctuation, Jiang Chen also vaguely sensed a very familiar aura.

“Gu Minghe, President of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, why is he here?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but his eyes sank slightly.

When he left Nanlizhou, he asked Huangfu Lin to look after the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

Judging from Gu Minghe’s current situation, Gulong Chamber of Commerce has something wrong in all likelihood.

In such a situation, there are only two possibilities.

Either the Huangfu family did not take care of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, or the Huangfu family also had an accident.

In either case, it almost means that this Nanli God City is afraid that something has changed.

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