Chapter 1853 Domineering Profound Dao Venerable

“Don’t worry, what the deity said will naturally not go back.”

Haoyue Venerable said in a deep voice: “It’s just the Jiexin Shenjing, which is very important to the Hanyue Palace. As long as Jiang Chen is willing to let out the Jiexin Shenjing, he can put forward any conditions.”

The cold moon palace is too high Elder’s fall, for the cold moon palace, it can be described as a very heavy blow.

In today’s Hanyue Palace, there are only two world gods Venerable, he and Xuandao Venerable.


Strictly speaking, Xuan Dao Venerable is not a member of the Cold Moon Palace, but is just a guest in the Cold Moon Palace, and it is possible to leave the Cold Moon Palace at any time.

Once Xuan Dao Venerable left.

In the huge Hanyue Palace, he is the only world god Venerable left.

By the time.

The dominance of Hanyue Palace in Hanyue Prefecture is about to be lost.

As the Palace Lord of the Cold Moon Palace, Haoyue Venerable is very clear about the state of the Cold Moon Palace.


Haoyue Venerable eagerly wanted to cultivate a world god Venerable.

And the world mind crystals left by Taishang Elder’s sitting transformation are undoubtedly the supreme treasure that can quickly give birth to a world god Venerable in the Cold Moon Palace.

It is precisely because of this.

Five years ago, Taishang Elder passed the Jie Xin Shen Jing to a new disciple, and Haoyue Venerable would stop him.

He did this only for the consideration of the entire Cold Moon Palace.

“Haoyue, you’re a little too late.”

Profound Dao Venerable snorted faintly: “This time the Tianjiao Challenge, Jiang Chen won the first place in an upright manner. Why should I give up the Jie Xin Shen Jing?”

The Realm Heart Crystal is an invaluable treasure for Practitioners below the realm of Realm God.

As his personal disciple, Jiang Chen has now won the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge and solemnly obtained the ownership of Jie Xin Shen Jing, so no one can snatch Jie Xin Shen Jing from Jiang Chen’s hands.

“Xuan Dao, it seems that there is really no room for negotiation?”

Haoyue Venerable’s face sank slightly: “Don’t forget, I am the palace owner of this Cold Moon Palace.”

“Haoyue, Jiang Chen is now also a disciple of the Cold Moon Palace, and he is more qualified to own the Jie Xin Shen Jing than Gong Ling.”

“As the Palace Master of the Cold Moon Palace, you do have the qualifications not to give the Jie Xin Shen Jing to Jiang Chen.”

Profound Dao Venerable looked at Haoyue Venerable domineeringly: “But… you better think about it. If you insist on going back and forth, the deity will leave the Cold Moon Palace, and will never have anything to do with the Cold Moon Palace!”

Haoyue Venerable’s expression suddenly changed when she heard this.

The cold moon palace is too high. Elder’s fall has already greatly damaged the strength of the cold moon palace.

If Profound Dao Venerable leaves at this time, it will undoubtedly make Hanyue Palace worse.

Haoyue Venerable took a deep breath, and then smiled bitterly: “Xuan Dao, this matter is because I didn’t think about it. Since you didn’t intend to let Jiang Chen give up the Jie Xin Shen Jing, then assume that I haven’t said it.”

“Haoyue, I know what you are worried about.”

“No matter what, the deity and Jiang Chen are both from Hanyue Palace in name.”

“In the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting a few months later, Jiang Chen will participate in the Cold Moon Palace as a disciple. The benefits he can bring to the Cold Moon Palace will probably be more than the palace.”

Profound Dao Venerable glanced at Haoyue Venerable, indifferently.

Haoyue Venerable was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Xuandao Venerable’s words.

As long as the Profound Dao Venerable is named in the Cold Moon Palace, even if he leaves in the future, it will still be enough to deter some Xiaoxiao.


Jiang Chen’s participation in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Party can indeed bring more benefits to Hanyue Palace.

after all.

Gong Ling is already on the list of the Great Desolation Tianjiao, unless it can get a higher place in the Great Desolation Tianjiao this time, it is of little significance.

But Jiang Chen is different.

Once he enters the Great Desolate Tianjiao list, it means that Hanyue Palace will have two peerless Tianjiao who will be on the Great Desolate Tianjiao list!

“The deity understands.”

Haoyue Venerable nodded, and couldn’t help looking at Zhong Lishui next to him, and said lightly: “Zhong Elder, I’ll leave it to you.”

After speaking, Haoyue Venerable’s figure disappeared silently over the martial arts field.

“Apprentice, the Tianjiao Challenge is over, come here as a teacher.”

Profound Dao Venerable smiled and glanced at Jiang Chen below, his figure quickly faded into nothingness in the void.

Seeing the two Venerables leave, Zhong Lishui was also slightly relieved.


He looked directly at the two Jiang Chen below, and faintly announced: “Jiang Chen successfully challenged the palace mausoleum of the first candidate, replaced the palace mausoleum, and temporarily ranked first in the Tianjiao Challenge.”

“damn it!”

Seeing Master Haoyue Venerable came forward, but finally had to choose to compromise, the palace could not help clenching his fists, his face also showed an extremely unwilling look.

As the first genius of Hanyue Palace.

The palace tomb has almost always been an invincible existence among the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace for hundreds of years.

But I didn’t expect that this time the Tianjiao Challenge would actually kill Jiang Chen, defeat him with absolute strength, and take the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge.

Thinking that it should have belonged to the Own Realm Mind Crystal, so it was taken away by Jiang Chen, Gong Ling only felt that his heart was dripping blood.

“Jiang Chen, you wait for me, today’s insult, sooner or later I will pay you back ten times!”

Gong Ling’s eyes suddenly flashed a touch of cold light, and he turned around without saying a word and was about to leave.

“Wait a moment.”

Just as Gong Ling turned around, Jiang Chen’s voice came from behind him.

Gong Ling paused, then turned his head and stared at Jiang Chen coldly: “You are already the number one in the Tianjiao Challenge. What else do you want to do?”

“Don’t do anything, just remind you, you seem to have forgotten our bet.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I wish to accept the bet and leave the Shocking Moon God Sword.”

When the palace heard Jiang Chen’s words, his complexion became more and more difficult to look.

This Shocking Moon Divine Sword is a world divine tool that is extremely rare in the Great Desolate Realm. At the beginning, for this Shocking Moon Divine Sword, he spent a lot of money to get it in his hands.

Do you really want to use it as a bet now, and hand it over to Jiang Chen?

But if he didn’t hand over the Shocking Moon Divine Sword, he was treated as the face of all the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace just now and agreed to Jiang Chen’s gambling game. If he turns back now, will he still have a foothold in the Cold Moon Palace in the future?

“take it!”

Gong Ling’s eyes changed uncertainly for a while, and finally threw the Shocking Moon Divine Sword to Jiang Chen, and then quickly turned around and disappeared in Yanwu Square.

Zhong Lishui looked at the leaving palace, his brows were twisted together involuntarily.

Although Gong Ling was defeated by Jiang Chen, but with his strength, he continued to challenge the other two and was still able to win the top three in the Tianjiao Challenge.

To know.

The top three in the Tianjiao Challenge, but it is related to the quota of the Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

Now that Gong Ling directly gave up the challenge, doesn’t it mean that he directly gave up the opportunity to participate in the Great Desolate Tianjiao Meeting?

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