Chapter 1851 defeated the palace and aspired to be the first


The two peerless sword skills collided with a violent sound, and the violent Sword Qi bombarded in all directions, making the arena of the world’s artifact evolution seem to be on the verge of collapse.

The two peerless Sword Rays intertwined for a moment in the sky above the ring.

I saw Gong Ling Yuehuang Sword Technique’s second style, which broke directly under Jiang Chen’s Star Heaven Sword.


The palace tomb flew out in embarrassment, spouting blood in the air.

He looked at the unabated Star Sky Sword, only feeling that his whole person was enveloped by an inexplicable chill.

Three thousand sword shadows of the divine body vision!

Cultivation Technique vision, heaven and ancient moon!

The world of gods!

Gong Ling pressed down the surging aura in his body, did not dare to hesitate, exploded out all his strength.


Jiang Chen’s Star Heavenly Sword carries an unrivaled power and power like a broken bamboo.

Whether it was the two great visions of the palace or the evolved world of the gods, under this Star Heaven Sword, they all fell apart in an instant.

However, Jiang Chen’s Star Heavenly Sword’s remaining power remained undiminished, and with the indomitable power of the strongest swordsmanship, he severely smashed the palace’s body.


Three consecutive strengths were instantly broken, the palace tomb was in front of this Star Heaven Sword, and there was no resistance at all. The bodyguard’s qi shattered at the sound, and blood spurted out from his mouth like a fountain.


There was only a loud noise, and the entire body of the palace fell hundreds of feet away.

The place where his body fell, even this arena evolved from the world divine weapon, was smashed out of a huge pit with a radius of ten feet…

this moment.

The entire Yanwu Square fell into a dead silence.

Everyone stared at Jiang Chen on the proud arena with shocked faces, and it was difficult for them to come back to their senses for a long time.

Jiang Chen’s thin and thin figure, in the eyes of everyone at this moment, is like a king who scorns everything, making people afraid to look at it.

Although Jiang Chen had already demonstrated extremely strong strength in the first two rounds of the Tianjiao Challenge.

But before this battle, no one thought it would be such a result.

after all.

The palace mausoleum is the number one arrogant of Hanyue Palace, and it is also the top figure on the list of the great arrogance of heaven.

His invincible power among the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although Jiang Chen is very strong, he is only a rising star after all, and it should be difficult to compete with the palace.


No one thought of it.

With such a domineering posture, Jiang Chen would defeat the undefeated myth of the imperial mausoleum in the Hanyue Palace and claim the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge!

“Brother Xiang, Junior Brother Jiang really defeated Gong Ling and won the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge!”

Xu Qingming came back to his senses, with a look of surprise.

“Haha… Junior Brother Jiang deserves to be the personal disciple whom Master had fancyed, and that fellow Gong Ling finally lost.”

Xiang Hong also laughed in excitement, as if the person who defeated the palace was himself.

Ever since his family was destroyed by the palace a hundred years ago, Xiang Hong has penetrated the bone with hatred for the palace, and he does not want revenge all the time.

But the palace mausoleum not only came from Haoyue Venerable, but also the first arrogant of Hanyue Palace.

Even if he was lucky enough to worship the mysterious path Venerable, he couldn’t help the palace at all, so he could only work hard to make up the gap between himself and the palace.


Even though he has worked hard for a hundred years, there is still a gulf between him and the palace.

Now that my fellow junior has defeated Gong Ling in the Tianjiao Challenge and won the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge, how can Xiang Hong not be excited?

“Chen’er… he actually did it!”

Ji Wushuang looked at Jiang Chen on the ring, and finally showed a gratified smile in his cold beautiful eyes.

Originally in the lower realm.

When Jiang Chen first entered the Xuanling Continent, he used domineering power to overwhelm the genius of the Xuanling Continent’s human race and ascended to the throne of the emperor.

Not only that.

Jiang Chen led the Profound Spirit Continent Human Race to defeat the Blood Spirit Race with the momentum of thunder and created an almost impossible myth.

Even though he has come to God’s Domain, Jiang Chen has grown to an incredible level in just over ten years.

Even the top arrogant of the Great Wilderness, such as the palace, was still easily suppressed by him!

“Strong, it’s too strong!”

“Yes, I didn’t expect that with the strength of the palace, he would still be defeated by Jiang Chen while using the Moon Emperor Sword Technique.”

“With Jiang Chen’s strength, he is fully qualified to be on the Great Wilderness Ranking. I’m afraid it won’t be long before Jiang Chen will be famous in the Great Wilderness Realm.”


When everyone returned to God, the gazes looking at Jiang Chen also showed an expression of wonder that could not be concealed.

“The palace was actually defeated, how is this possible?”

Above the ring, Zhong Lishui looked at the incredible scene below, and his expression became extremely difficult to look at.

five years ago.

Haoyue Venerable placed the Jie Xin Shen Jing of Tai Shang Elder on the Tianjiao Challenge to determine its ownership, in order to let the palace and mausoleum get the Jing Xin Jing.


Before the Tianjiao Challenge started, Zhong Lishui had no idea that anyone could pose a threat to the top position of the palace.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would be killed halfway, and he would defeat the palace!

Now that something like this had happened, Zhong Lishui really didn’t know how to explain to Haoyue Venerable.

Could it be that… he really wanted to declare that the Jie Xin Shen Jing belonged to Jiang Chen?

“Zhong Elder, this battle is already divided, can the result be announced?”

Just when Zhong Lishui’s heart was hesitating, Jiang Chen’s faint voice rang directly in his ears.

“No… I haven’t lost yet!”

At this moment, a sharp roar resounded abruptly in the square.

The next moment…

The palace tomb was bloody and burst out from the huge pit.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, with an extremely crazy look in his eyes.

“Jiang Chen, if you want to defeat me, go dream. My palace is the strongest arrogant of Hanyue Palace. It used to be, now is, and so will be!”

Gong Ling Senran’s words fell, and a mysterious scroll radiating moonlight appeared ghostly in his palm.

In an instant…

A supreme divine might that makes everyone’s soul tremble also diffuses in the martial arts field…

“Jie…Jie Shen’s decree!”

Looking at the mysterious scroll in the hands of the palace, many Hanyue Palace disciples couldn’t help but yell out.

“Gong Ling, you despicable villain, if you can’t beat Junior Brother Jiang, you will use the decree of the world god!”

When Xiang Hong and Xu Qingming saw this scene before them, their expressions became furious in an instant: “If you dare to hurt Junior Jiang’s hair with the decree of the world gods, our master will definitely not be able to spare you!”

“Gong Mausoleum, hurry…stop it!”

When Zhong Lishui witnessed the crazy behavior of the palace, his expression couldn’t help but change drastically, and he spoke to stop him.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

Under the anger of the palace, Haoyue Venerable gave a sacrifice to the world god’s decree!

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