Chapter 1849 Peak Showdown

The palace mausoleum stood holding the sword, standing straight, with a pair of eyes looking at Jiang Chen condescendingly, and the whole body exuded a noble aura.

“Jiang Chen, your strength is very good, but my Gong Lin Tian Jiao list is the number one position, but no one said that it can be taken away.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were calm, and he said lightly: “If you can take it away, you’ll know in a moment.”

Gong Ling’s pupils shrank, his eyes were like two sharp swords that pierced the sky and the earth, shooting directly at Jiang Chen.

“Since I entered the Cold Moon Palace, no one among my peers has ever been qualified to let me draw a sword. I hope you will be qualified to let me draw a sword!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “I will not only let you draw the sword, but I will also defeat you and win the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge.”

“It’s useless to say more, let’s fight!”

The coldly voice of the palace fell, and a sword force of extreme cold suddenly rose from the palace to the sky.


I saw him put his two fingers together, and pointed out Jiang Chen.


The condensed Sword Ray turned into a giant sword in midair, splitting a hundred meters of space in the blink of an eye, and forced it in front of Jiang Chen.

The cold is overflowing, making the scalp numb.

Jiang Chen also gathered the strength of his whole body and raised his hand to point out.


A sword that is no less inferior to the palace’s mausoleum rose into the sky, vast and mighty, like a rushing river, and collided with the oncoming Sword Ray.


Two equally terrifying swordsman powers collided, causing countless Sword Qi to shoot away.

Looking from a distance, I saw that the entire arena was cut into a huge space by the scattered Sword Qi.

Sword Qi shattered, and both of them on the ring were pedaling on the ground and retreated ten steps away.

“Gu Yue Sword Qi!”

Gong Ling’s face was expressionless, using his finger as a sword, he pointed out again.


A silver Sword Qi with the meaning of solemn killing, like the moonlight shining on the earth, fell down from the void.

“Tianshu Sword Qi, break!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed slightly, directly arousing the power of Star, condensing the first Sword Qi of the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art, and colliding with the Sword Qi of the palace with an extremely overbearing aura.


The collision of Sword Qi caused layers of space cracks to appear over the entire arena.

Under countless shocking gazes around, Jiang Chen’s Tianshu Sword Qi tore apart the ancient moon Sword Qi of the palace tomb, unabated, and crushed towards the palace.


Sword Ray shone, and the sharp sword power burst out, instantly dissipating Jiang Chen’s Tianshu Sword Qi.

“The palace mausoleum has drawn a sword!”

Looking at the palace tomb holding a long sword, many of the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace couldn’t help being dumbfounded for a while.

All the time.

The palace tombs are almost invincible among the disciples of the Cold Moon Palace.

Even for the other nine Sect Tianjiao, no one has ever let the palace shed a sword.

Now that Jiang Chen can only fight the palace with less than two moves, he has actually forced the palace to draw his sword!

This… This is too incredible.

With a sword in his hand, the palace seemed to change to another person in an instant, and his whole body exuded endless sharpness. The sharp gaze is just like the essence, enough to easily strangle an ordinary heavenly god realm powerhouse!

“For so many years, you are the first disciple of this Cold Moon Palace who is qualified to let me draw a sword.”

Gong Ling stared straight at Jiang Chen: “This sword is called Jingyue. Since I got it, I have rarely used it. Congratulations on being the third person who can see its power.”

“You should have snatched this heavenly artifact from my senior brother Xiang Hong, right?”

Jiang Chen stared at the heavenly artifact in the palace’s hand, his eyes slightly cold.

“So what?”

The palace’s face was expressionless: “Wuhua Tianbao, who can live in it. Why, don’t you want to take it back for him?”

“I have this plan.”

Jiang Chen said, immediately with a move of his palm, the Heavenly God Sword appeared out of nowhere in his palm.

“This sword is called Tianhuo, and it is also a heavenly artifact. I will take a gamble with you with this sword. You win the Heavenly Fire God Sword for you, and I win the Sky Fire God Sword for me.”

Jiang Chen held the Heavenly Fire God Sword, and his eyes revealed a hint of provocation: “How about it, do you dare to bet?”

“Hehe… you want to bet, I’ll be with you.”

“For so many years, I have never been afraid of these two words in the eyes of the palace.”

“Since you have to accompany a realm artifact, do I have any reason to refuse?”


The aura of the fifth-order peak of the palace celestial god erupted with full force, slamming the Moon Shocking Divine Sword to slash it out.


Under this sword, the sea of ​​clouds above the ring of thousands of feet was split for it.

This sword seemed like the Milky Way falling above Nine Heavens, vast and mighty, without seeing the head and tail, it was impossible to imagine.

“Ok…what a terrible sword!”

“Is this the true strength of the palace…”

“It’s worthy of being an existence that can be ranked on the list of the great arrogances, it’s too scary!”


Around the martial arts field, countless disciples of the Cold Moon Palace looked at the sword of the palace, and they couldn’t help but lose their color in amazement.

In Hanyue Palace.

Although everyone knows that the strength of the palace is very strong, and it is also the only Tianjiao figure in the Hanyue Palace who ranks on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

But for so many years.

No one in Hanyue Palace can make the palace draw a sword, and no one has ever seen the palace make an all-out effort.

Witnessing the shocking sword of Gong Lin today, they really knew how terrifying the strength of the palace was.

This sword even vaguely surpassed the power of the Heavenly God Realm.

Even if it is some Elder of the sixth rank of the Celestial God in the Cold Moon Palace, I am afraid it is difficult to compete with them. How could Jiang Chen, who was on the opposite side, stop such a peerless sword?

“Good job!”

Jiang Chen looked at the trembling sword in the palace, his eyes rising with war intent.

Since entering God’s Domain, Jiang Chen has seen a lot of God’s Domain geniuses, but there has never been a genius who can compete with him in the same situation as Realm.

Although the Cultivation Base in front of you is only the peak of the fifth-order deity, its combat power is better than that of the Nanli Clan patriarch, Yan Wuji, and the sixth-order deity, it is even better!

Today, this palace mausoleum can let him fight a battle!

“Sword Qi, Sword Qi, Ning!”

With a soft drink, Jiang Chen directly urged the Seven-Star Heavenly Sword Jue to slash out the power of the Heavenly Jade Star!


Two shocking Sword Rays collided in the sky above the ring.

The fierce Sword Qi instantly formed a devastating Sword Qi storm centered on the confrontation between the two.

Everything you pass, as well as the space, is instantly transformed into nothingness.

Even the arena evolved from the world artifacts trembled fiercely under the impact of the Sword Qi storm.

“Sword Qi rushes into the sky, a sword of moonlight and cold!”

Gong Ling’s expression was indifferent, and the shocking moon sword in his palm trembled slightly, like an immortal pointing the moon at Jiang Chen.


The Qianzhang void above the ring was split in half by the sword of the palace.

The endless space storm surged from the cracks in the space, causing the entire arena to fall into chaos in an instant…

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