Chapter 1835 The Truth Five Years Ago

“Master, the disciple wants to know the truth five years ago.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and said solemnly to the Profound Dao Venerable, “Now there are only a few months away from the Tianjiao Challenge. Please tell me everything about my mother, so the disciple has some preparations.”

“Well, if you don’t tell you this, I’m afraid you will not be able to calm down and cultivate in the past few months.”

Profound Dao Venerable shook his head, and soon talked about the affairs of the Cold Moon Palace five years ago.

A hundred years ago.

The cold moon palace realm is too high. Elder’s time is about to come. I went out to seek opportunities, but there was no news.

Unexpectedly, just five years ago.

Hanyue Palace Supreme Elder suddenly brought a personal disciple back to Hanyue Palace. This disciple was Jiang Chen’s mother, Ji Wushuang.

Soon after returning to the Hanyue Palace, the Supreme Elder passed away after sitting in Huaxian, passing all his life inheritance and the Jie Xin Shen Jing to Ji Wushuang.

This matter caused the high-level opinions of the Hanyue Palace to diverge.

Some people who are loyal to Taishang Elder unconditionally support Taishang Elder’s decision.

Others felt that Elder’s Soul Crystal was too high and should not be passed on to a new disciple.

The two sides faced each other tit-for-tat, and even almost caused a civil unrest.


The two Venerables, Haoyue Venerable and Profound Dao Venerable, the lord of the Cold Moon Palace, had just suppressed this civil chaos.

After a round of discussions, the two sides decided to use the Tianjiao Challenge to determine the fate of Jie Xin Jing Jing.

Who can win the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge, whoever can have the Jiexin Crystal of Hanyue Palace!

“In this Tianjiao Challenge, you should all participate in the top geniuses of Hanyue Palace? Hanyue Palace puts the Jie Xin Shenjing in the Tianjiao Challenge. How is this different from forcing and winning?”

Hearing the whole thing, Jiang Chen’s complexion also became extremely gloomy.

Mother was able to become one of the few virtual gods in the Profound Spirit Continent, and her talent was naturally extraordinary.

But after all, the time she came to God’s Domain was too short.

And the top genius of the Hanyue Palace is probably at least the Cultivation Base of the third-order Celestial God.

Unless there is a system like him, it is almost impossible to go from the Ascension of the Void God Realm to the top genius of the Cold Moon Palace in such a short time!

“In God’s Domain, everything is respected by strength.”

“The Cold Moon Palace is too high. After Elder’s fall, her prestige in the Cold Moon Palace is greatly reduced. Even if there are still some who are loyal to her, how can they compete with Haoyue Venerable as the leader of the Cold Moon Palace?”

“At the beginning, Haoyue Venerable wanted to forcibly take away the Realm of Heart Crystal. Because the teacher had a good relationship with Elder, she had a good relationship with Hanyue Palace, so she came forward to save her disciple.”

“But… Haoyue Venerable is the palace lord in charge of the Cold Moon Palace after all. As a teacher, I can only fight for your mother for five years.”

Xuan Dao Venerable sighed lightly.

It stands to reason.

Ji Wushuang is the only personal disciple of the Supreme Elder of the Cold Moon Palace. It should be natural to inherit the Jie Xin Shen Jing left by his sitting.

But the competition in God’s Domain is cruel.

In Sect, there is a lot of fighting for some cultivation resources.

The Jie Xin Shen Jing is the supreme treasure that can cultivate the Venerable of the Jie God and even dominate the rise and fall of Sect.

Haoyue Venerable, as the Palace Master of the Cold Moon Palace, would let a person who had just entered the Cold Moon Palace get Elder’s Boundary Heart Crystal?

Jiang Chen couldn’t help falling into silence when he heard the words of choosing Xuan Dao Venerable.

Every husband is not guilty, but he is guilty of his crime!

Hanyue Palace is too high. Elder sits in a seated position. There is no strong backing behind his mother. It is inevitable that the Jiexin Jingjing on his body is coveted by others.

Fortunately, five years ago, a master took action, and Haoyue Venerable placed the ownership of the Jie Xin Shen Jing in the Tianjiao Challenge.


The Jie Xin Shen Jing on the mother’s body was probably taken away in five years, and there is even a possibility of accidents caused by it.


Now that he is here, no one can think of taking away the Jie Xin Jing from his mother.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, then raised his head and said, “Master, where is my mother now?”

“She is at the Lunar Peak where Elder once practiced and lived in Taishang.”

“Now the entire Luoyue Peak has been banned by Haoyue Venerable. No one in the Cold Moon Palace is allowed to approach Luoyue Peak, and your mother is also forbidden to step out of Luoyue Peak.”

“Once the Tianjiao Challenge starts, unless she can win the first place, I am afraid there will be trouble.”

Profound Dao Venerable said here, he couldn’t help but look at Jiang Chen and said, “This is also the reason why your teacher made you the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, “Master, don’t worry, I know what to do.”

Since Jie Xin Shenjing belongs to the first place in the Tianjiao Challenge, as long as he can win this first place, all problems can be solved!

“With your strength, the other geniuses in the Hanyue Palace are not a concern. The only thing that can threaten you is the mausoleum of Haoyue Venerable’s chief brother.”

“This palace Cultivation Base has already broken through the fifth rank of the gods, which is slightly stronger than you. It is for the top thirty-two in the Great Desolate Tianjiao list.”

Profound Dao Venerable said solemnly: “So… you want to defeat him, in the past few months, you have to break through the sixth stage of the gods as much as possible.”

Regarding talent, Jiang Chen might not lose to Gong Ling.

But the palace tomb has been cultivated in Hanyue Palace for hundreds of years, and Haoyue Venerable’s guidance has been given, and the foundation is full.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength and the palace, the victory or defeat is probably only five to five.

Only by breaking through the sixth order of the gods, will there be a greater chance of God of War Palace Pro.

Jiang Chen confidently said: “Master, rest assured, before the Tianjiao Challenge, I will definitely cultivate the origin of space to Realm.”

With the six Profound Sky Fruits given to him by the Profound Dao Venerable, it is just a breeze for him to Ascension the origin of the space to the Consummation Realm. Why would it take a few months?

After talking to Xuan Dao Venerable, Jiang Chen went straight back to the room and began to swallow the origin of Xuan Kongguo Ascension space.

“Ding! You ate a Xuankong fruit, and the Martial Dao source of space gained experience 18888888*100!”

“Ding! You ate a Xuankong fruit, and the Martial Dao source of space gained experience 18888888*100!”


“Ding! Your spatial Martial Dao origin has reached Consummation Realm.”

After eating five Xuankong Fruits in a row, Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao origin also successfully reached the Consummation Realm.

“This Xuankong fruit is worthy of being second only to the existence of the ultimate god, and it is really powerful.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but exclaimed in his heart.

With just five Xuankong Fruits, his spatial Martial Dao origin successfully reached the Consummation Realm.

The effect of this Xuan Kong fruit is at least as good as hundreds of Taixu Spirit Pills.

After Martial Dao’s origin was completed, Jiang Chen did not rush out.

after all.

He used the system to swallow five Profound Sky Fruits, and the realm of the origin of the space instantly reached Realm, which was too frightening to the world.

Even if Xuan Dao Venerable was his master, Jiang Chen would never know the system.


Jiang Chen pill refining cultivation in the room on his own.

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