Chapter 1815: More than one furnace!

Two hours!

With Jiang Chen’s words, not only Qian Sheng and other pill refining teachers who participated in the assessment were stunned, but even the crowd watching below was shocked.

Listening to this guy’s tone, he still wants to pass this test two hours with difficulty?

This… how is this possible.

Even those who do not understand pill refining know that pill refining is a very complicated process.

It takes at least one or two hours for a general fourth-rank alchemist to refine a fourth-rank Medicine Pill.

And this time, the content of Alchemy’s assessment is to refine six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills.

This kid wants to complete it in two hours, which is tantamount to talking in a wild night.

“Huh! I’m not afraid to flash my tongue when you speak big words!”

Lu Hongming, who was refining the second Huoyun Qingli Pill, also showed a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

With the strength of the fifth rank pill refining division of his god, even if he maintains his peak state all the time, it takes an hour to refine a Fire Cloud Qingli Pill.

Two hours, at most two Fire Cloud Qingli Pills were refined.

This kid wants to refine six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills in two hours, it is simply impossible!

“It’s interesting to refine six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills in two hours.”

Gongsunyang looked at Jiang Chen in the field, and the look of expectation in his eyes became more and more intense.

As the Elder of the Hanyue Palace Dantang, Gongsunyang is also a seventh-rank pill refining master of the gods, and his knowledge on Alchemy is naturally far beyond ordinary people.

He naturally knows.

There are some special pill refining methods on Alchemy, which can greatly ascension pill refining efficiency.

For example, he can refine two to three Medicine Pills in one furnace with one pill division technique he has mastered.

It’s just that this pill refining technique also has obvious drawbacks.

The so-called haste is not enough.

Ascension’s pill refining speed will naturally greatly reduce the success rate.


Jiang Chen wants to refine six Fire Cloud Qingli Pills in two hours, he only has two chances of pill refining at most, and he must refine three Medicine Pills in one furnace.

Even Gongsun Yang, who is a seventh-rank alchemist of the god-rank, is not sure that he will succeed twice in a row with the pill-sharing technique!

Gongsunyang really wanted to see it.

Is this kid bluffing, or does he really have such a terrifying pill refining strength.

Jiang Chen ignored the people’s disdain and ridicule.

After he condensed the flames, he quickly entered the pill refining state, and kept manipulating his hands like flowing water.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen has already come to the stage of medicine extraction.

He didn’t hesitate at all, quickly pinched out the Yin Jue with both hands, performed the Purple Extreme Pill Pill technique, and then threw three Huoyun Qingli Pill materials into the pill furnace.

“Hi…what exactly did he want to do, he threw three materials into the pill furnace in one go!”

“It is said that in Alchemy, there are some pill refining secrets that can be practiced in one batch. This guy probably masters such pill refining and wants to refine three Medicine Pills at once!”

“No wonder this kid dared to speak wild words, but he still masters the secret technique of pill refining!”


Everyone saw Jiang Chen’s actions, and everyone’s eyes were filled with incredible awe.

“Sure enough, it is the secret technique of dividing pills.”

Gongsunyang’s turbid old eyes flashed, and his expression was extremely excited.

He has presided over the examination of the guest of Hanyue Palace Dantang for many years, and he rarely meets a pill refining teacher who can make him shine.

At a young age, this son can master the secret pill division, and his talent on Alchemy has undoubtedly reached a very terrifying point.

“By dividing the pill technique into one pot of three pills, the probability of becoming a pill is more than three times lower than normal refining. I don’t know if this kid can refining successfully.”

Gongsunyang took a deep breath, his eyes locked tightly on Jiang Chen.

If the kid in front of him could really succeed in refining, his talent would probably not be inferior to that of the most outstanding Alchemy genius of the Cold Moon Sect.


At this moment, not only Gongsunyang’s eyes focused on Jiang Chen.

Whether it was the people waiting to participate in other assessments below, or the pill refining teachers who participated in the assessment on stage, they were all attracted by Jiang Chen’s amazing behavior.

Even two people were affected by Jiang Chen, which directly led to the failure of the refining of the first Medicine Pill.

Even Lu Hongming caused two of the medicinal materials to be used slowly, causing the energy in the Dedan furnace to riot and burst open with a bang.

“Impossible! This kid is absolutely unwilling to master the technique of dividing the three core pill!”

Lu Hongming’s figure was slightly embarrassed, his eyes fixed on Jiang Chen in pill refining, and an unbelievable roar in his heart.

Naturally, Lu Hongming had not tried the secret technique of dividing the pill.

It’s just that with his ability, it is impossible to control this kind of multi-refining method.

He once tried to refine the fourth rank Medicine Pill with a pot of two pills. After more than ten attempts, he barely succeeded once, and the pill pot was almost less than one-tenth.

If it is a batch of three pills, the rate of pill formation will probably be even lower!

Lu Hongming really didn’t believe that this kid could really make three Fire Cloud Qingli Pills in one furnace!

Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear to the surrounding situation.

He used the Purple Extreme Dividing Pill technique, fully controlling the pill furnace in front of him.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen’s pill furnace seemed very calm, without any abnormal fluctuations.

“This son’s pill refining technique is so fluent and flowing, he can hardly pick out the slightest fault, and he seems to have a relatively advanced secret technique of pill refining. It is no wonder that he is so confident that he can pass the test in two hours.”

Gongsunyang was amazed.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

With Gongsunyang’s eyesight, just from Jiang Chen’s methodical operation, we can see how good Jiang Chen has reached in Alchemy.

If nothing happens, Jiang Chen will be successful this time.

Under the gaze of everyone.

An hour’s time passed quickly.

The three medicinal materials in the Jiang Chen pill furnace were almost refined, and he quickly played a pill condensing formula and began to condense the pill.

After a while.

A strong pill fragrance spread directly from the Alchemy assessment platform.

Jiang Chen opened the pill furnace, and he took out the three crimson’s Fire Cloud Qingli Pills directly.

“Success… succeeded?”

Looking at the three Medicine Pills in Jiang Chen’s hand, everyone’s eyes were dull, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

The huge square fell into deathly silence in an instant.

I couldn’t think of it.

Jiang Chen could really do more than one furnace, and he produced three Fire Cloud Qingli Pills at once!

In other words.

With the multi-refining technique that Jiang Chen has mastered, he only needs to successfully refine one more Medicine Pill to pass this cold moon palace Alchemy visitor test!

this moment.

Everyone finally understood that Jiang Chen threatened to pass the test two hours, not just ranting, but really possessing such a terrifying ability.

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