Chapter 1811 Hanyue Zongke Qing Examination!

“Bold, dare to run wild in the City Lord’s Mansion of Cold Moon God City!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen hit their captain with a single move, more than a dozen guards on the side were furious and surrounded Jiang Chen murderously.


The guard who was injured by Jiang Chen stood up with a pale face, and hurriedly spoke to stop him.

The black-clothed youth in front of him was able to severely inflict him with one move, at least he was also a genius with combat power comparable to the fourth-order deity.

Such a character is simply not something his group of subordinates can handle.

not to mention……

With this talent, even if it is just to become a guest of Hanyue Palace, it is enough to attract Hanyue Palace’s attention.

They are just the guards of the City Lord’s Mansion of the Cold Moon God City. If such a person is really offended, the consequences would be unthinkable.

Thought of this.

The captain of the guard couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and said to Jiang Chen cupped fist: “Your tyrannical strength, you are indeed qualified to participate in the Hanyue Palace Guest Examination, please come with me.”

After speaking, he took Jiang Chen and walked straight towards the mansion of the City Lord of the Cold Moon God City.

Not long.

Under the leadership of this guard captain, Jiang Chen came to a room in the city lord’s mansion.

In the room, a middle-aged man with a slightly fat figure is looking down at some scrolls in front of him.

“Guan Zhuang, this is recommended by the wind master of Cold Wind City to come to participate in the evaluation of the guest of the Palace of Cold Moon.”

The captain of the guard brought Jiang Chen forward and said respectfully.

The middle-aged Jin Pao looked up at Jiang Chen and said lightly: “Han Yue Gongqing has many types of assessments, including Martial Dao assessment, Alchemy assessment, formation assessment, etc. I don’t know which one you want to participate in?”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly: “I participated in the Alchemy assessment.”

The Hanyue Palace is the world god Sect with a longer inheritance history than the Nanli Clan in Nanlizhou, with a profound heritage.

If he becomes a guest of the Hanyue Palace as an alchemist, he will be able to more easily access the various resources of the Hanyue Palace. While inquiring about the news of his mother, he can also use the resources of the Cold Moon Palace, pill refining Ascension.

after all.

Mother’s situation in Hanyue Palace is really strange.

If his mother really had an accident in the Cold Moon Palace, he might even become an enemy of the entire Cold Moon Palace.

Hanyue Palace is not the Nanli Clan of Nanlizhou.

Although the Nanli clan is also a world god power, the world god Venerable in the clan is not in the clan.

But Hanyue Palace has more than one world god Venerable.

With his current strength, he is far from qualified to compete with the world god Sect like Hanyue Palace.


Jiang Chen has now mastered more than 90% of the origin of life, and it will not take long to master the complete origin of life, thus breaking through the sixth stage of the gods.

If he can use the resources of the Cold Moon Palace to Ascension the time origin or space origin to the perfect state, he can become a super god who masters at least the power of the seven worlds!

By the time.

He can truly have the strength to compete with the world god Venerable!

It is not impossible to even kill the world god Venerable with the heavenly god realm!

“You want to take the Alchemy assessment?”

The middle-aged Jin Yi couldn’t help but glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise.

Although Jiang Chen hid the Cultivation Base, with Jin Yi’s middle-aged eyesight, he could naturally feel that Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao strength should be extremely extraordinary, but he did not expect Jiang Chen to participate in the Alchemy assessment.

“This guy is going to participate in the Alchemy exam!”

The captain of the guard was also taken aback.

Just outside the city lord’s mansion, he had personally experienced Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao strength.

With Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao strength, it is more than enough to pass the Martial Dao assessment to become the Hanyue Zongke Qing.

But now Jiang Chen chose to participate in the Alchemy assessment.

Could it be that this kid’s Alchemy strength is stronger than his Martial Dao strength?

“The Hanyue Palace Guest Qing is assessed once a month, and the next one will be held ten days later. This is your identity card for participating in the Alchemy assessment.”

The middle-aged Jin Yi took out a wooden sign engraved with Dan and handed it to Jiang Chen, his tone also polite.

In God’s Domain, the number of alchemists is relatively small, but there are countless practitioners, and the demand for Medicine Pill is naturally very large.

Especially for the world god Sect like the Hanyue Palace, the demand for Medicine Pill has reached an extremely terrifying point.


Passing Alchemy’s assessment to become a guest of the Cold Moon Palace, his status is much higher than that of ordinary guest.

Jiang Chen received the identification card for Alchemy’s assessment, and then left the city lord’s mansion directly, and found an inn to stay in Hanyue God City.

Unconsciously, ten days passed in a flash.

This morning

Jiang Chen went straight to the City Lord’s Mansion early in the morning, preparing to participate in the Examination of the Guest of the Hanyue Palace.

Every month, the Hanyue Palace will hold a guest qing assessment at the City Lord’s Mansion of Hanyue God City to recruit guest qing for Sect.

Not only Cold Moon Palace, most forces in God’s Domain actually recruit a certain number of guest officials.

Sect Keqing is relatively free and will not be subject to many restrictions, as long as he does not do anything harmful to Sect’s interests, or he can choose to leave at any time.


Sect Keqing is also a member of Sect during his stay in Sect. As long as he contributes to Sect, he can also enjoy some of Sect’s resources.

It is precisely because of this.

Some Rogue Cultivators who are not weak will choose to join one party as a guest.

The Hanyue Palace, as the world god Sect suppressing one area, naturally has relatively high requirements for Sect’s guest.

Generally speaking.

If you want to pass the Martial Dao assessment to become a guest of the Hanyue Palace, at least you need a Cultivation Base with a level 4 or higher Celestial God.

In other respects, at least it must be above the fourth rank of God.

For example, when Jiang Chen participated in the Alchemy assessment, he was at least able to refine the fourth-rank Celestial Medicine Pill, before he had the opportunity to become a guest of Hanyue Palace.


Even if the requirements of Hanyue Palace Guest Qing were extremely high, many people still came to participate in each Ke Qing assessment.

Being able to become a guest of Hanyue Palace is a symbol of strength and status in Hanyue State, and few people dare to provoke it easily.


The guest of Hanyue Palace is extremely well received. It is said that as long as you contribute enough to Sect, you can even get the method of the breakthrough world god Venerable in Hanyue Palace.

This is undoubtedly a fatal temptation for most practitioners in the high-rank Celestial Realm!

When Jiang Chen came to the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion, there were already dozens of Daoist shadows, standing here alone.

These people are old and young. Except for a small part of them who are obviously not those who participated in the Martial Dao assessment, most of them are strong people who have reached the fourth level of the Cultivation Base.

Especially one of the thin and thin old men with a slightly rickety figure, the aura on his body is extremely powerful.

It was even worse than the sixth-order Bai Family Heavenly God he met ten days ago.

“This old guy is already a powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods, so he wants to participate in the assessment to become a guest of the Hanyue Palace?”

Jiang Chen looked at the skinny old man with a strange look in his eyes.

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