Chapter 1805 Cold Moon God City!

“Patriarch Feng, are you sure that the person I’m looking for is not in the Cold Moon Palace?”

Jiang Chen’s brows were twisted together tightly.

Tianjilou claims to know everything about the world, but it is basically impossible to go wrong with the news they sell.

But now the Feng Family couldn’t find out about his mother Ji Wushuang in the Cold Moon Palace. What was going on?

“Mr. Jiang Chen, I’m not sure about this.”

“With the Feng Family’s ability, you can only inquire about the people who are normally recorded in the Cold Moon Palace, and the information of some people, the Feng Family can’t inquire.”

“For example, the existence of the Inner Sect Elders level and above of the Cold Moon Palace, if they meet some young geniuses, they can directly bring them back to Sect and accept them as true disciples.”

“These new disciples who are new to the sect are not well-known, and very few people know. Only after experiencing the Sect competition, they will shine in the Cold Moon Palace and be known to everyone.”

“In addition to this, there are some hidden powers in the Cold Moon Palace, which only the high-levels of the Cold Moon Palace know.”

Feng Tianchi hesitated slightly and explained to Jiang Chen.

For Tianji Tower, Fengtianchi naturally knows very well.

Since Jiang Chen bought the news from the Tianji Building, Ji Wushuang must be in the Cold Moon Palace, but the Feng Family has no authority to inquire about his news.

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment before he looked up at Fengtianchi and said, “Patriarch Feng, I want to go to the Cold Moon Palace myself. I wonder if you have a way to let me enter the Cold Moon Palace?”

Since the Feng Family couldn’t find out about his mother Ji Wushuang for him, he could only go to Hanyue Palace in person.


Feng Tianchi smiled and said: “The Cold Moon Palace recruits new disciples every few years. My Feng Family can send a few people to the Cold Moon Palace to practice. However, there will be more than a year before the next time the Cold Moon Palace recruits disciples.”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly: “It’s been more than a year, other than that, is there any other way to enter the Cold Moon Palace?”

For more than a year, it is really nothing to Jiang Chen, who has a lifespan of millions of years.

If it were to change the usual time, it would be fine to wait for a year or a half at the Feng’s house.

But now that his mother’s situation is unknown, Jiang Chen obviously doesn’t intend to waste time.

“If Mr. Jiang Chen really doesn’t want to wait, then he can only go to Cold Moon God City.”

“The Hanyue God City has specially set up the Hanyue Palace Guest Qing appraisal. As long as you pass the assessment, you can join the Hanyue Palace and become the Hanyue Palace Guest Qing.”

“With the strength of Mr. Jiang Chen, it should be no problem to become a guest of Hanyue Palace.”

Feng Tianchi thought for a while.

“If this is the case, then I will take a trip to Cold Moon God City.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and he was about to bid farewell to Fengtianchi and head to Hanyue God City.

“Mr. Jiang Chen, although there are not too many restrictions on recruiting officials in the Cold Moon Palace, they will not arbitrarily let people of unknown origin join the Cold Moon Palace. You should save a lot of trouble with my recommendation order.”

With a move of Feng Tianchi’s palm, he sent a token engraved with the word wind to Jiang Chen.

“Thank you Feng Patriarch, there will be a period later!”

Jiang Chen received the token, hugged the cupped fist to Fengtianchi, and left Cold Wind City without disturbing anyone.

Hanyue God City, the most magnificent city in the center of Hanyue Prefecture, was built by the world god Sect Hanyue Palace.

As the most powerful world god power in the Hanyue Prefecture, Hanyue Palace is not only powerful, but extremely mysterious, and few people know where the Hanyue Palace headquarters is.

The Cold Moon God City is the endorsement of the Cold Moon Palace in the outside world, replacing the Cold Moon Palace to suppress a region.

Not only that.

The Hanyue Palace Guest Appraisal and the recruitment of new disciples are all located in the Hanyue God City.

It can be said.

For most practitioners, this cold moon god city is their only entrance into the cold moon palace.

A few days later.

Jiang Chen arrived at Cold Moon God City smoothly.

Looking from a distance, Jiang Chen found a city shrouded in moonlight.

Approaching the city, a magnificent momentum came oncoming, and various buildings rose from the ground, clustered together, shining with various colors.

With Jiang Chen’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that there is an extremely huge formation in that Yuehua light.

The strength of this formation is probably not inferior to the Seal of Universe and Lihuo in the Huoyun Venerable’s legacy.

Jiang Chen came to the magnificent gate of Cold Moon God City and found a long line.

Hanyue God City is the endorsement of Hanyue Palace in the world, and it is also one of the central cities of Hanyue Prefecture.

The strong here are like clouds, rich in resources, and even have the opportunity to enter the Realm God Sect Hanyue Sect. Naturally, it is very prosperous.

Jiang Chen stood behind the line, quietly queuing into the city.


Not long after Jiang Chen joined the team, a roar came from the rear, and the terrible pressure caused many people in the line to tremble, and many of them turned pale.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and couldn’t help looking back.

I saw a hundred feet high in the sky behind, a huge horse-drawn carriage as high as three feet, pulled by two tiger-shaped behemoths, galloping forward, majestic and majestic.

“The “White House” of the Venerable Clan in Shiratori City!”

“Look, isn’t that person Bai Xingjian, the Tianjiao of the Bai family? Why did he come to Cold Moon God City at this time?”

The Venerable clan is the so-called pseudo-world god family. It must be the family of the world god Venerable that was born after it was established.

Jiang Chen glanced at it and saw several extraordinary figures in the carriage.

The first young man, wearing a white robe, with cold and arrogant eyes, looked straight ahead, exuding a sharp edge that made people dare not look straight.

“It deserves to be the Venerable clan. Those two golden lions pulling a cart and swallowing clouds and tigers are probably not inferior to the fourth-tier Celestial God.

Many lined up staring at the two carriages, all showing a look of incomparable envy.

The white-robed man in the carriage glanced faintly below, and heard the exclamation from below, his gaze became even more arrogant, revealing a faint smile of disdain.


I saw the carriage quickly passed over Jiang Chen and their heads, landed on the gate of Cold Moon God City with great prestige, and then quickly disappeared from their sight.

For this scene, everyone in the line did not dare to complain at all.

Although Cold Moon God City does not have a rule that the Venerable clan can pass first, who would offend the Venerable clan because of this little thing?

after all.

The Venerable clan is already second only to the existence of the world god Sect like Hanyue Palace.

If it really provokes the Venerable clan, it will definitely be a terrible disaster for most people.

Jiang Chen waited in line for about half an hour, and finally it was his turn.

After paying the entrance fee of one hundred high-grade Shenjing, Jiang Chen directly followed the huge flow of people and entered the Cold Moon God City.

In an instant…

All kinds of palaces, pavilions, pet mounts, and flying props came into Jiang Chen’s sight. Such a prosperous scene made Jiang Chen a bit dazzled for a while.

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