Chapter 1800 Don’t want to die, just get out of me!

After Jiang Chen left the Feng Family Discussion Hall, under Feng Qingman’s arrangement, he moved into another courtyard of the Feng Family, waiting for the news of Feng Family inquiring about his mother.

Because Jiang Chen’s origin is unknown, the Feng Family obviously did not fully believe in Jiang Chen, and arranged for the Feng Family disciples to monitor Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen didn’t care about it either.

In order to avoid the Feng family’s suspicion, Jiang Chen directly closed Door Training and cultivated after he was admitted to the hospital.

Jiang Chen just waited for news from the Feng Family while cultivating.

Now Jiang Chen masters the eight powers, five of which have condensed the power of the world, and the three Martial Dao origins of time, space, and life are not yet complete.

The source of life is the tree of life that continuously provides experience, and Jiang Chen naturally ignores it.


Jiang Chen’s main cultivation goal is the way of time and space.

Therefore, Jiang Chen sorted out the pill refining materials in the storage ring, and planned to refine the Medicine Pill, Ascension space origin and time origin in this regard.


Ascension’s space origin and time origin are relatively rare.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen acquired the remains of Huoyun Venerable not long ago.

A Venerable remains, almost no less inferior to the heritage of the top Celestial family.

Jiang Chen believes that with Huoyun Venerable’s legacy, he can refine enough Medicine Pill to make his time origin and space origin complete Realm!

After spending half a day, Jiang Chen finally sorted out the Huoyun Venerable remains.

Just as he was about to start refining the Medicine Pill of Ascension Space Power, a rush of bells echoed over the Feng Family.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help being slightly surprised.

Although Jiang Chen came here for the first time, he didn’t know anything about Feng’s family. But in general, such a wake-up call will only be sounded when the family encounters a crisis.

Could something big happen to the Feng Family?

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at the moment, he slammed and blasted towards the outside of the courtyard.

After leaving the courtyard, Jiang Chen quickly met Feng Qingman. At this moment, she showed a little worry in her eyes, and quickly flew toward the courtyard where he was.

Jiang Chen hurriedly flashed and fell in front of Feng Qingman, and asked, “Miss Qingman, what happened?”

“Rosha Mountain raided Coldwind City, and the Patriarch took someone to suppress it, but he didn’t expect the Lu Family to suddenly come to the door at this time.”

Feng Qingman said with an anxious look: “Just in case, the Elders plan to let the elite disciples of the Feng Family evacuate from Cold Wind City in secret. Jiang Chen Dage will evacuate with us.”

Hearing Feng Qingman’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned.

He didn’t expect that he had just arrived at Feng’s family, and Feng’s family would encounter such a crisis.

Now he is still waiting for the Feng Family to help him find out about his mother. If something goes wrong with the Feng Family, wouldn’t it be a problem?

“Miss Qingman, don’t worry, as long as there is me, there will be nothing wrong with the Feng Family.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Take me to meet some Lu family.”

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, as long as he doesn’t encounter the world god Venerable, almost no one can pose a threat to him.

The Lu Family of Cold Wind City, Jiang Chen also heard Feng Qingman mentioned, it is said that the strength is equivalent to the Feng Family, and there is also a top-level Celestial power in the sixth rank of the Celestial God.

However, these forces could not enter Jiang Chen’s eyes at all.

The Feng Family is now inquiring about the candidate for his mother’s whereabouts. If the Lu Family has to do not know what is good or bad and bother him looking for his mother’s whereabouts, then he doesn’t mind destroying the Lu Family!

Feng Qingman was also taken aback when he heard Jiang Chen’s words, and immediately said with a bitter smile: “Jiang Chen Dage, Patriarch and the others are now controlled by the Luo Shashan people. The Feng Family is afraid it will be difficult to compete with the Lu Family.”

Although Jiang Chen is strong enough to be comparable to the powerhouse of the fifth-order of the gods, I am afraid it will be difficult to rewrite the ending of the Feng Family’s defeat.

“Hehe… You Feng Family can’t handle it, doesn’t mean I can’t handle it either.”

“It’s just a Celestial family sitting in the early stage of the sixth stage of the Celestial God, I don’t care about it yet.”

“Just take me there and I will protect you Wu You.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and his whole body exuded a strong confidence.

Feng Qingman looked at Jiang Chen’s confident appearance, and finally gritted his teeth and said: “Jiang Chen Dage, please come with me.”

When they met Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen used one move to kill the fourth-tier powerhouse of the Heavenly God, forcing the people from Luosha Mountain to retreat and saving them from danger.

This time, maybe Jiang Chen can really create a miracle and resolve the crisis for them!

The two quickly flashed out of the Feng’s inner courtyard.

very quickly.

They met a group of Feng family disciples headed by Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan looked at the oncoming Feng Qingman and his expressions sank: “Qingman, the Elders asked you and I to evacuate with Feng’s elite disciples. What are you doing?”

“Fengxuan Dage, you can take them out first, and I will go outside with Jiang Chen Dage to take a look.”

After Feng Qingman finished speaking, he didn’t give Feng Xuan a chance to speak, and took Jiang Chen quickly and flew towards the outside of Feng’s house.

“Brother Xuan, what shall we do now?”

A Feng family disciple asked quickly.

“What else can you do? Of course, you should evacuate first. If you want to die, then stay.”

Feng Xuan let out a cold snort, and immediately strode directly towards the secret road of the Feng Family Forbidden Land.

Today, Luo Shashan and the Lu Family suddenly joined forces in an attack, and the Feng Family is gone.

As the saying goes, if you leave the green hills, you are not afraid that there will be no firewood. He still has a bright future, but he won’t stay foolishly to die.

At the same time, the front door of the Feng family.

The members of the Feng Family, headed by Feng Yanghua and other high-level Feng Family members, were facing a group of people who exuded an icy atmosphere.

“Lu Xing, your Lu family is really despicable, and you even joined forces with Luo Shashan to attack my Feng family.”

Feng Yanghua stared closely at the cold middle-aged man in black robe opposite, his expression was extremely angry.

“Hehe…I always pay attention to the process, I only look at the results. As long as the goal can be achieved, why not join forces with Roshashan?”

Lu Xing smiled coldly: “Feng Yanghua, I don’t want to waste time with you. In today’s battle, your Feng family won’t have any chance. If you obediently surrender to me now, I might be able to spare you not to die!”


Feng Yanghua glared at him: “Even if I am torn to pieces today, Feng Yanghua will never beg for mercy like you, a despicable villain!”

“Stubborn! If that’s the case, let me die.”

The cold light exploded in Lu Xing’s eyes, and he stretched out his hand and shook the void where Feng Yanghua and the others were. A giant black palm covering the sky and the sun, with the power of breaking the void, directly suppressed it from the top of Feng Yanghua’s head. Down.

Feng Yanghua’s complexion changed drastically, and he was about to fight against Lu Xing with another Tianshen Tier 5 powerhouse of the Feng Family, but a dazzling sword light penetrated through the world, cutting out from the Feng Family, instantly The black giant claw shattered.

Immediately afterwards.

A faint voice also resounded across the world in an instant.

“People from the Feng family, I’ll save it. If you don’t want to die, just get out of here!”

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