Chapter 1791 Zhannan Li Family Patriarch!

Yan Wuji looked at the young man in front of him, and a fierce expression flashed across his eyes.

This child looks young, but he already has a Cultivation Base of the fifth-tier Celestial God, and the amount of Internal Energy is extremely strong, which is a bit more terrifying than Yanjin, the first genius of the Nanli Clan.

The strength of this son is even comparable to the top genius on the Dahuang Tianjiao list.

Such a character must have an extraordinary origin, I am afraid at least they all come from a powerful world god power.

Before coming to Huoyun Mountain.

Yan Wuji originally thought that the fall of Yan Jin and the others should be caused by the remains of Huoyun Venerable.

Now it seems that this matter is not as simple as he imagined.

“You, the patriarch of the Nanli clan, must be very clear about what I am doing.”

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, “This road is not open, so Chief Yan should leave with the Nanli clan.”

“Huh! What if I have to go there?”

Yan Wuji snorted coldly, an overwhelming aura, also oppressing Jiang Chen instantly.

“Boy, my young master of the Nanli clan and several Elders have fallen here. Today I have to find out everything I say.”

“No matter who you are, in this Nanlizhou, you are still not qualified to be wild in front of my Nanli clan!”

“If you are more acquainted, get out of me immediately, otherwise you will blame me for being polite!”

Facing Yan Wuji’s oppressive and powerful aura, Jiang Chen was not affected at all. He raised his head to look at Yan Wuji who was opposite, and his whole body burst out with a terrifying battle intent.

“Yan Wuji, I know you also came for Huoyun Venerable’s legacy.”

“In that case, let’s fight.”

“As long as you beat me, I will give you the Huoyun Venerable legacy!”

Now that Jiang Chen has broken through the fifth stage of the gods, the ordinary sixth stage of the gods can hardly pose a threat to him.

In front of this Nanli clan patriarch, Yan Wuji, Cultivation Base has reached the limit of the sixth-order deity, and it is only one step away from the one step of the six ways to become the world god Venerable.

He also happened to take advantage of Yan Wuji to try his current combat power to see how far he could reach.

“Boy, you are indeed very talented. If you give you enough time to grow to the sixth rank of the gods, I might really not be your opponent.”

Yan Wuji smiled coldly: “But… you want to challenge me with your current strength, it’s a bit tender!”

As the patriarch of the Nanli Clan, Yan Wou-ki not only reached the ultimate level of the sixth-order Celestial Cultivation Base, but also had extraordinary combat power.

With his strength, under the world god Venerable, there is almost no opponent.

Although this kid is a rare enchanting genius in the world, it is impossible to use the Cultivation Base of the early stage of the fifth stage of the gods to compete with him.

Hearing Yan Wuji’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but set up a slight arc: “Can you beat you? Try it and you’ll know?”

“Okay! Since you are looking for a dead end, then I will fulfill you!”

Yan Wuji’s voice fell violently, and he raised his head as a red giant claw that tore the world and the earth came towards Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

Five red energy that can destroy everything, directly turned into five huge flame blades that can destroy everything, and appeared above Jiang Chen’s head in the blink of an eye.

“Haha… depends on you?”

Jiang Chen laughed, raised his head and blasted out a punch.

Suddenly the sky and the earth roared, the power of the world roared, and the bright five-color fists waved violently in the air.

The next moment.

I saw that the terrifying fist strength gathered by the power of the five worlds directly collided with Yan Wuji’s shocking grasp!


Loud noises spread across the sky, and the void centered on the two of them began to collapse. A vast energy ripples instantly spread in the void.

“End up, defense!”

Looking at the spreading energy ripples, Nanli Shenwei Commander Yantai’s complexion changed, and he quickly stern.

Three thousand Nanli Shenwei received Yantai’s order, and they all began to explode one after another.

The power of the crowd converged in midair, and finally turned into a semi-circular red enchantment, covering all the three thousand Nanli Shenwei.


The defensive formation that Sanqian Nanli Shenwei condensed in a hurry, was still shocked by the energy ripples that swept away.

Some of the weaker Nanli guards were even more restless, as if they were in a tsunami.

“Who is this kid… how could he have such a terrifying combat power?”

Seeing that the kid on the opposite side actually fought their patriarch without losing the wind, an unbelievable look appeared in Yantai’s eyes.

As for the strength of their patriarch, Yan Tai was naturally very clear, that was definitely one of the best in the Heavenly God Realm.

The young man in front of him was no more than the fifth-tier Cultivation Base of the Celestial God, but his combat power was already comparable to the patriarch of their Nanli clan.

This… this is incredible.

“Ding Ding Ding…”

When Yan Tai’s heart was shocked, Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen’s figures stepped on the void and shot backwards.

“Boy, with your strength, you are fully qualified to aspire to the Great Desolate Tianjiao ranking.”

Yan Wuji stared at Jiang Chen tightly, his expression also horrified: “Who are you anyway?”

The Great Wilderness Tianjiao list brings together 36 top geniuses in the Great Wilderness world, each of whom is talented and close to monsters, and has a prestigious name in the entire Great Wilderness world.

A few years ago

Yan Jin, the young master of the Nanli Clan, had challenged the 36th genius of the Great Desolate Tianjiao, and Yan Wuji witnessed the battle with his own eyes.

This son’s combat power was even worse than the existence on the list of the Great Desolate Tianjiao.

“Haha… you deserve to be the patriarch of the Nanli clan, he is really strong, come again!”

Jiang Chen didn’t answer Yan Wuji, he laughed straight up to the sky, stepped out, gathered the power of the five worlds and hit three Martial Dao origins, and once again blasted Yan Wuji with a punch.

“Huh! Do you think I will be afraid that you will not succeed?”

The red light in Yan Wuji’s eyes skyrocketed, and his figure shook, and the power of the six worlds was also condensed on his fist, and he relentlessly confronted Jiang Chen.

Bang bang bang…

In the void, a colorful divine light and a group of monsters and six-color flames collided with each other.

Every time it collides, there is a sound like Hong Zhong and Da Lu, resounding across the sky!

The terrifying energy storm swept through, so Yantai had to take the Sanqian Nanli Shenwei to retreat hundreds of feet in a row.


It was another straightforward confrontation.

Yan Wuji’s flaming palm caught Jiang Chen’s shoulder with one claw.


The black robe on Jiang Chen was instantly torn by Yan Wuji’s claws, and five bloodstains with deep bones appeared on his shoulders.

And Jiang Chen also hit Yan Wuji’s chest with a fist, directly piercing Yan Wuji’s left chest, and a huge blood hole exploded on his chest. You could even see bloody ribs and violent beating. heart!

After the two relentlessly attacked, they also groaned, and then stepped on the void and retreated again…

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