Chapter 1784 If one can’t be broken, then two!

“Can’t delay it anymore.”

Yan Liekong took a slow and deep breath, suppressing the horror in his heart!

This son is too enchanting. Just breaking through the fifth-order deity, he can suppress him, the power of the sixth-order deity, by the power of the world alone!

Not only that.

This guy seems to have extremely terrible resilience.

They had fought for nearly ten moves just now, and his internal energy has already consumed a half, but Jiang Chen has become more and more courageous.

If the delay continues, I am afraid he will really fall into Jiang Chen’s hands today.

“Fen Tianjie, condensate!”

Yan Liekong yelled, and a burst of bright red light burst out all over his body.

The next moment…

I saw the void within a hundred li, all instantly turned into a fiery mysterious world.

There is no grass on this side of the world, the earth has dried up into huge cracks full of hundreds of meters, and the whole world is shrouded by a terrifying high temperature.

Even if the ordinary Celestial God Realm is located in this world, there seems to be a feeling of being evaporated by the terrifying high temperature around it.

“Jiang Chen, my move to Burn Heaven Realm is the secret technique of my Nanli Clan Town Clan. It is not a sixth-order god and cannot be cultivated. In Burning Heaven Realm, everything can be turned into ashes. I want to see how you can resist it!”

Yan Liekong looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, his expression extremely cold.

“Resist? Why should I resist?”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly, his domineering voice also instantly resounded through the world.

“It doesn’t matter whether you burn the heaven or the earth, you can’t stop me from killing you today!”

The voice fell.

Jiang Chen was full of golden light soaring into the sky, and then quickly condensed a huge Qianlongzhen sky map in the void, and with the power to suppress everything, it slammed into the enchantment of the flames of the sky.


The terrifying impact resounded throughout the world.

I saw that the light on the Burning Heaven Realm was unpredictable, and the entire space of a hundred li was constantly distorted and changed, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Yan Liekong tried his best to urge the moving body Internal Energy to reinforce the Burning Heaven Realm, only to reluctantly stabilize the situation.

“What Cultivation Technique is this kid cultivating, how can it be so powerful?”

Yan Liekong was horrified in his heart.

When Jiang Chen used the Cultivation Technique vision to suppress the Yanjian Vermillion Bird forbidden to record the vision, Yan Liekong had already felt the power of Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Technique.

But when he really faced it, he realized that he was still a little underestimated.

With the strength of his sixth-order celestial god, he displayed the Secret Technique of the Nanli Clan Realm God, Burning Heaven Realm, and was almost shattered by a Cultivation Technique vision by Jiang Chen!

“Huh! Jiang Chen, your Cultivation Technique vision is indeed very strong, but my Nanli Clan’s Secret Technique is so easy to break.”

Yan Liekong stared at Jiang Chen sternly: “No matter how you struggle, you will definitely die today!”

After speaking, Yan Lie waved his empty palm, and the entire Burning Heaven Realm instantly turned into a flame world.

In an instant…

The temperature in the Burning Heaven Realm also reached an extremely terrifying point at this moment.

Even if it is an ordinary fifth-tier strongman, once trapped in the Burning Heaven Realm, it probably won’t take long to turn into a pile of ashes.

In order to think in case, Yan Liekong obviously didn’t plan to waste time with Jiang Chen.

He directly urged the power of Burning Heaven Realm to the extreme, and wanted to burn Jiang Chen to ashes.

Looking at the changes in the surrounding space, Jiang Chen looked calm, directly evolving into the world of the gods, shrouded in the space of hundreds of meters.

He looked up at Yan Liekong, and smiled faintly: “You can block my Cultivation Technique vision. Burning Heaven Realm is not bad for you. Since one vision can’t be broken, let’s do two.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the golden glow all over his body skyrocketed again. A picture of nothingness with a dragon-shaped pattern also condensed from the top of Jiang Chen’s head here.

The next moment…

I saw the dragon-shaped pattern in the Void Scroll, as if it were alive, Yang Tian sent a coercive dragon chant, and then slammed into the Fentian Realm.


The void oscillates, the sun and the moon hang upside down.

I saw Yan Jian’s Burning Heaven Realm, and in the blink of an eye, it exploded and cracked under the impact of that scroll of nothingness.

Jiang Chen cultivates the god king Cultivation Technique Taixu Sacred Dragon, and every Ascension level of Cultivation Base, the power of Cultivation Technique will be doubled.

Now that he has broken through the fifth stage of the gods and displayed this second stage vision of the illusion of the sacred dragon map, even if he is a powerhouse at the peak of the sixth stage of the gods, he may not be able to easily resist it.

Yan Liekong is not the strength of the early stage of the sixth stage of the Celestial God, even if the Burning Heaven Realm is quite extraordinary, how can it withstand the power of Jiang Chen’s strike?

The Void Picture Scroll smashed through the Fentian Realm, without any reduction in speed, and instantly appeared on top of Yan Liekong’s head.

Yan Liekong didn’t have time to react, and the Void Picture Scroll crashed on him with one blow, knocking him down from the sky and directly hitting a mountain a thousand meters away.


The shocking noise instantly spread across thousands of miles of void, and the entire mountain peak was shrouded in terrifying golden light.

Even the Huangfu Lin and others in the war were taken aback and couldn’t help but looked towards the place where the loud noise was making.

When they looked at the situation of the mountain below, there was a shock that could not be concealed on their faces.

I saw a mountain with a height of a thousand feet, and at this time it was cut off by half of it out of thin air, and the entire mountain was gone, missing a few hundred feet.

On the top of the flattened mountain, there was a huge pit of hundreds of feet, and a blood-colored figure lay in the huge pit.

He was covered in blood, his aura was extremely weak, his bones were broken in many places, and even his internal organs were severely traumatized, and his whole body was only half-life left.

“Ok… so strong! Brother Jiang Chen’s current combat power, I’m afraid it’s no longer under me.”

Huangfu stared at this scene blankly, and couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

Yan Liekong was a real powerhouse of the sixth-order Heavenly God, and came from the Nanli Clan and other realm god Patriarchs, and his background was not weak.

Even if he takes the shot, I am afraid he may not be able to defeat him as easily as Jiang Chen!

When Huangfu was in shock, a look of ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

Now that Jiang Chen easily solved Yan Liekong, they really hoped to kill all the three Nanli clan powerhouses in front of them.

And the other side.

The second elder Phoenix of the Nanli clan, his expression also became furious in an instant.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen’s combat power was so terrifying that he had completely suppressed the Yan Liekong of Tier 6 in such a short period of time.


When everyone was shocked by this scene, Yan Liekong coughed up a burst of blood, struggling to get up from the ground.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen standing proudly in the void, and the horrified screams also resounded between the heavens and the earth this time.

“Two…Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision, you…the one you cultivated turned out to be God King Cultivation Technique, you…who are you?”

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