Chapter 1782 Young Master of Nanli Clan, Fallen!

“Finally broke.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the situation in mid-air, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The five divine calamities came one after another, and finally they successfully blasted through the decree of the realm gods sacrificed by Yan Jin!


The Heavenly God Tribulation, which broke through the decree of the world god, did not end there.

After the sixth Heavenly Tribulation was brewing in the thunderclouds in the void for a while, it directly smashed down towards the flames below with a divine might that overwhelmed hundreds of miles of heaven and earth.

This thunder tribulation is more terrifying than any of the previous five thunder tribulations.

Even Huangfu who was in front of them, the Tier 6 Heavenly Gods who were outside the thunder robbery, could not help being frightened under the oppression of this thunder robbery!

The power of this divine calamity is really terrifying, and it is simply not something that the Heavenly God Realm can resist.

Yan Jin looked at the sixth thunder tribulation that had landed towards him, and suddenly the souls were gone, only a shadow of Death came to his mind.

I saw a sudden low growl from his throat, and a scarlet flame armor instantly covered his whole body.

at the same time.

His whole body strength also urged the extreme, evolved into a world of heavenly gods, and collided with the divine thunder that landed on Nine Heavens.


A shocking explosion resounded across the sky.

I saw that the heavenly god world evolved from Yanjin, under the power of that strong thunder, as if paper paste, instantly turned into ashes.

“No… three Elders, save… save me!”

Yan Jin trembled all over, and a look of despair and horror appeared on his face.

“Little Lord!”

Yan Liekong’s complexion changed, and he was about to rush forward to rescue him.

“Yan Liekong, are you crazy?”

Upon seeing this, Yan Phoenix stretched out his hand and grabbed it quickly: “If you make a move now, it will only make the Celestial Tribulation even more terrifying, and then you will all have to die!”

“let me go!”

Yan Liekong stared at Yan Huang with cold eyes: “As the guardian of the young master, it is my duty to guard him. Even if I die, I can’t just watch the young master die in front of me.”

“Yan Liekong, calm down!”

“The armor on the young master’s body was also left by the ancestor, and it may not have the opportunity to block the last two thunder tribulations.”

“If you act indiscriminately and let the power of Divine Tribulation skyrocket again, Young Master really has no chance!”

Yan Feng also yelled at Yan Liekong with head and face.


This time, Yanjin brought their three major gods to the sixth rank of the Huoyun Mountain Range to deal with the Huangfu family’s seizure of the Huoyun Venerable’s remains. It was already foolproof.

Who knew that Jiang Chen had such a pervert, which made the situation completely out of control.

Now they Nanlizu is completely at a disadvantage.

If Yan Liekong made a move at this moment, and Yan Jin fell in the last two thunder tribulations, the two of them might not be able to walk out of the Huoyun Mountain alive.

By the time.

The Nanlizu is really going to suffer a lot of vitality.

Yan Liekong heard Yanfeng’s words, and finally forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart.


As Yan Liekong and the three of them spoke, the Sixth Divine Tribulation, with the power of thunder that destroyed everything, fell directly on Yan Jin, who was wrapped in flame armor.

In an instant…

The space trembles and the earth trembles.

The terrifying power of thunder blasted a huge sinkhole directly on the ground.

The whole tiankeng was instantly turned into a piece of scorched earth.

“Hey! Young Master Tang Nan Lizu, just died like that.”

Seeing this scene before them, the two Elders of the fifth rank of Huangfu’s Celestial God couldn’t help taking a breath.

“No, that guy is still alive.”

Huangfu Lin stared at a spot in the tiankeng, and slowly said: “As expected of the young master of the Nanli clan, there are so many cards in his hand to save his life, so there is no death!”


Just when Huangfu Lin’s voice just fell.

I saw Yan Jin’s embarrassed figure, finally struggling to get up from the sinkhole.

At this moment, Yan Jin’s head was covered with long hair and blood was left on the corner of his mouth. The exquisite flame armor on his body was scorched to black at this moment.

Even the originally smooth and smooth pieces of the flame armor had cracks visible to the naked eye.


Although Yan Jin resisted the sixth Heavenly Tribulation, he also paid a great price for it.

Now he was not only hit hard by Thunder Tribulation, but only half of his life remained, and even Nan Lizu, a god armor capable of withstanding Venerable’s blow, was torn to pieces by Thunder Tribulation.


Just as Yan Jin had just crawled out of the skypit, a more terrifying thunder calamity in the void was also brewing in the billowing thunderclouds.

Feeling the coming seventh divine calamity, Yan Jin’s expression instantly became horrified.

Just now, in order to resist the sixth divine calamity, he had already exhausted all his strength and hole cards.

With his current state, how can he withstand the even more terrifying Seventh Divine Tribulation?

“Do not……”

Yan Jin screamed in horror, and immediately mobilized the last trace of power in his body, fleeing like crazy, trying to escape from the area covered by thunder.


Now that he has been locked by the Heavenly Dao law, how could he escape the range of thunder.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the seventh Heaven God Jie, with the power of the terrifying thunder that shattered the heavens and the earth, fell directly on Yan Jin’s body.


Yan Jin screamed, the flame armor on his body also instantly turned into pieces of flame fragments and exploded.

The next moment.

Yan Jin’s body and soul were all annihilated in that terrifying thunder in an instant…

Yan Jian, the young master of Nanli Clan, the supreme genius of an era of Megatron Nanlizhou, also fell completely at this moment!

“Little Lord!”

Yan Lie Kong’s eyes are about to split.

His gaze shot at Jiang Chen suddenly, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

“Jiang Chen, you kill my young master of the Nanli clan, and I swear by Yan Liekong that I will punish your ten clan to eliminate my hatred!”

Yan Liekong let out an angry roar, and the whole person was rushing over to Jiang Chen directly with the breath of the weather.

Yan Jin, this is the first genius of their Nanlizu!

Even in the history of Nanli Clan, there are only a handful of people who can match it.

He is also the most promising of Nanlizu. The existence of breakthrough world god Venerable is the hope of Nanlizu’s future.

No matter who it is, dare to kill their young master of the Nanli Clan, and the Nanli Clan will definitely make him pay ten times a hundred times the price!

“Punish my ten tribes? It’s a pity that you won’t have that opportunity.”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, his figure didn’t show the slightest dodge, and he rushed directly at Yan Liekong.

He killed the young master of the Nanli Clan, and the Nanli Clan was already immortal, and there was no room for maneuver.

In this case, there is no reason to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Today, he wants to kill all the three Nanli Clan Tianshen Rank 6 powerhouses in front of him!

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