Chapter 1776 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind!


Huangfu nodded, and immediately appeared beside the three beams of light with Huangfusong and another fifth-order deity Elder from Huangfu’s family.


Huangfu Lin also had some doubts about whether Jiang Chen could break the seal.

But after seeing Xu Yuankui’s horrified look, Huangfu also had a look of hope in his heart.

Huangfu’s face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

For this Huoyun Venerable legacy, their Huangfu family has been planning for a long time.

Now that the Huoyun Venerable remains in sight, how can they easily give up on this one?

Since being noticed by the Nanli Clan, it is obviously impossible to leave the Nanli Clan aside. Huangfu Lin’s biggest concession is to let the Nanli Clan participate.

But if Nanlizu insists on swallowing the Huoyun Venerable’s remains, he will not hesitate to make Nanlizu pay a heavy price for it!

“My son is too much, what can you do?”

Yan Jin smiled coldly and said: “Huangfu Lin, I just let you go because you are looking for the Huoyun Venerable legacy for me. If you insist on looking for death, then don’t blame me for being polite!”

“Yanjin, Huoyun Venerable remains, I can give you 30% of the Nanli Clan.”

Huangfu Lin took a deep breath and coldly said: “If you Nanli tribe insist on swallowing the Huoyun Venerable legacy, then let’s do our best!”

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