Chapter 1759 If this is the case, let’s die!

Song Qiunan’s whole body strength exploded to the extreme.


His resistance was in the face of Jiang Chen’s horrible suction, and there was no resistance at all.

Just blink of an eye.

Seeing Song Qiunan’s figure, Jiang Chen was carried in his hand like an eagle carrying a chicken.

“Asshole, let me go!”

Song Qiunan stared at Jiang Chen, almost bursting into flames. His eyes were ferocious, and his murderous intent was mad: “Boy, I am the Elder of the Song family, if you dare to do it, my Song family will surely kill you!”

As the Elder of the Song family, a strong man of Tier 4 of the Celestial God.

Song Qiunan is a small well-known strong man from the south of God City here, when will he suffer this humiliation?

“How… how is it possible?”

Seeing this scene before him, Song Yulong’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Song Qiunan is a powerhouse of the fourth-order Celestial God, and he is in the same Realm as the guy opposite, Cultivation Base, even slightly higher.

But this kid was an understatement, and he overpowered Song Qiunan.

Such a powerful combat power, I am afraid that it is no less than many powerhouses of the fifth rank of the gods!


Song Yulong thought that Jiang Chen came from a small realm, and even though he was an enchanting genius of Tier 4, he didn’t take it too seriously.

But until this moment.

Song Yulong realized that he underestimated this kid.

“Boy, although you are very strong, my Song family is not a soft persimmon for you to knead!”

Song Yulong stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and said solemnly: “Release the Elder quickly, otherwise my Song family will never die with you!”

This son is extremely powerful, and it seems to have the power to contend with the fifth-order powerhouse of the gods.

Even if he tried his best to defeat it, it might not be an easy task.

not to mention……

Song Yulong even instinctively felt a hint of danger from Jiang Chen.

Before being forced, Song Yulong didn’t want to do it directly with Jiang Chen.

“Really? If that’s the case, let’s not stop dying.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and gently shook the palm of Song Qiunan’s body.


A splendid flame of seven colors burst out suddenly from Jiang Chen’s palm, and enveloped Song Qiunan’s body.

I saw that Song Qiunan didn’t even have time to scream, and even the soul with the flesh was burned into nothingness by the seven-color flame!

“Dare you kid!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen killed Song Qiunan directly, Song Yulong suddenly burst into anger and shouted, and the whole person instantly became murderous!

Song Yulong has always acted cautiously.

Upon seeing Jiang Chen possessing a combat power comparable to the fifth-order deity, Song Yulong originally planned to stabilize Jiang Chen first, and then contact Huangfu’s family to use the power of Huangfu’s family to deal with this son.

I didn’t expect it.

This kid was so decisive and cruel that he actually killed the Elder of the Song family at the gate of his Song family, in front of him, the Patriarch of the Song family!

If he didn’t kill this kid today, what face would they have in the Southern Song Family of the city in the future?


Song Yulong’s breath exploded, and the five powerful world powers converged in the void into a powerful Sword Qi containing several powers.

“Mountain Kendo!”

Song Yulong shouted angrily, directly condensing the mountain with Sword Qi, and gathered the infinite Sword Qi into a huge peak of thousands of meters covered by thunderclouds, and slammed towards Jiang Chen angrily.

“Ginger Elder be careful!”

Looking at Song Yulong’s terrifying blow, Gu Minghe couldn’t help but change slightly.

He stayed in Nanli Shencheng for a long time, and he had long heard that Song Yulong, the Patriarch of the Song Family, was already a powerhouse at the fifth-order peak of the Celestial God, not far from the sixth-order Celestial God.

Seeing Song Yulong’s move now, I know that the rumors are true.

In the face of such a terrifying blow, I am afraid that even an ordinary 5th-tier strong man may not be able to easily resist it.

“It’s okay, that’s it.”

Jiang Chen calmly looked at the suppressed Qianzhangjufeng, only to point out with an understatement.


I saw Jiang Chen’s seemingly plain finger, which was suddenly placed on the Qianzhang mountain peak, which directly caused the peak containing the strongest swordsmanship to explode like a bubble, turning the broken Sword Qi into the air and splashing in midair. Open.


The power of Jiang Chen’s finger didn’t completely dissipate after breaking through the huge peak of thousands of meters. It directly struck Song Yulong’s body with the momentum of thunder.

Song Yulong let out a muffled hum, and the whole person stepped on the ground in embarrassment and retreated more than ten steps away.

Every time he took a step back, there was a loud noise, and the cracks on the bluestone floor within a radius of one hundred meters spread like a spider web.

Looking at the shocking scene in front of me, the audience was dead silent!

Especially the group of people from the Song family behind Song Yulong are even more so ghostly, some can’t believe their own eyes.

To know.

Song Yulong, the Patriarch of the Song Family, is a powerhouse at the top of the fifth rank of the gods. Even in the entire Nanli God City, he is still the top figure in the ranking.

None of them thought of it.

The young man in black just made an understatement and knocked back their Patriarch!

“Ok… so strong!”

Gu Minghe stared at this scene blankly, and it took a long time before he recovered from the shock.

this moment.

Gu Minghe knew that he might still underestimate Jiang Chen.

Since Jiang Chen came to Gulong Chamber of Commerce, he has almost refreshed his knowledge of Jiang Chen time and time again.

The first time he met Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen killed Tier 2 of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce God.

Immediately afterwards.

Song Zhong and Hong Qinghuo, the two heavenly gods of Tier 3, were attacked, and Jiang Chen was still understatement to solve them.

Now Jiang Chen has come to the Song family to kill Song Qiunan, who is the fourth-order god of heaven, and Song Yulong, who retreats to the top of the fifth-order god, with one move!

Gu Minghe couldn’t even imagine how terrifying Jiang Chen’s strength had reached!

“Unexpectedly, I haven’t returned to the ancient dragon world for a long time, the ancient dragon clan unexpectedly produced a genius like such an evil spirit.”

Gu Minghe took a deep breath, his eyes also showed an expression of ecstasy.

As long as today’s battle is passed, even the three major families in the south of the city will have to be afraid of them by the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

By the time.

Their Gulong Chamber of Commerce is bound to have a place in this Nanli God City.

“You…you are definitely not from the small realm, who are you?”

Song Yulong stabilized his figure and forced down the surging aura inside his body. In the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen, there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed.

Generally speaking.

The power of the Heavenly Dao in the small realm is weak, and the Heavenly Tribulation received by the Practitioner breakthrough will be relatively weaker, and the power after the breakthrough will be weaker.

But the boy in front of him is unparalleled in combat power. With the Cultivation Base of the early stage of the fourth-order deity, facing the existence of the peak of the fifth-order deity, he is still vaguely superior.

Such a terrifying combat power, even the genius in the Great Wilderness Realm who can be compared with it, is one of the few.

How could such an existence be a genius from a small realm?

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