Chapter 1747 Great Desolate Realm, Southern Lizhou

The Great Desolate Sky Territory is an area composed of dozens of large and small territories in the extreme south of God’s Domain.

The center of this area is the Great Wilderness.

The Great Wilderness Realm is also the only Great Realm in the Great Wilderness that has the power of a god king.

The Great Wasteland has a vast area, divided into 13 states in total, and the area of ​​each state is not inferior to that of the ancient dragon world.

Nanlizhou, one of the thirteen states of the Great Wilderness, is located in the southernmost part of the Great Wilderness.

At this moment.

Nanli City, the largest city in the center of Nanlizhou, is in a castle with an architectural style somewhat similar to that of the Eternal Temple.


On the ancient huge formation stage, a black shadow emerged out of thin air, it was Jiang Chen who had come from the Eternal Temple.

Jiang Chen walked out of the formation and found himself in a small castle.

In front of the formation, there are a dozen Daoist shadows guarding here. The leader is also a quasi-world god powerhouse of the sixth-order Celestial God.

“Your Excellency is Jiang Chen who defeated Ren Feng in the Eternal Temple and won ten consecutive victories, right?”

The headed gray-robed old man looked at Jiang Chen walking out of the formation and couldn’t help but asked with a smile.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and could not help but nodded and said: “I am Jiang Chen.”

“Hall Master ordered me to give you this map of the Great Wilderness World, hoping to help you.”

The gray-robed old man said with a smile, and with a move of his palm, a scroll of maps flew directly in front of Jiang Chen.

Map of the Great Wilderness World.

Jiang Chen looked at the scroll floating in front of him, and his heart moved slightly.

He came here for the first time and knew almost nothing about the Great Wilderness. If he could have a map of the Great Wilderness, he would undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

“Thank you, the lord, for me, Jiang Chen has written down his love.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, hugged the cupped fist to the gray-robed old man, and then reached out and took the map in front of him.

Saying goodbye to the gray-robed old man, Jiang Chen walked straight to the outside of the castle.

Outside the castle, there is a magnificent city.

This city is more than ten times more magnificent than the city built on the eternal void of the Eternal Temple!

The city is not only magnificent in scale, but also extremely prosperous, with strong people from the Celestial God realm everywhere.


Jiang Chen also vaguely felt the Venerable breath of the world god!

“This should be Nanli Shencheng in Nanlizhou, one of the thirteen states of the Great Wilderness.”

Jiang Chen looked at the surrounding situation, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

When he came out of the castle of the Eternal Temple just now, Jiang Chen probably glanced at the map of the Great Wilderness World and knew where his own was.

“Not bad, the stronghold established by the Gulong clan in the Great Wilderness seems to be in Nanli Shencheng.”

Knowing that he was in Nanli Shencheng, Jiang Chen was naturally in a very good mood.

This time, he directly teleported to Nanli God City through the Eternal Temple, which indeed saved a lot of trouble.

Jiang Chen pondered slightly.

He has limited knowledge of the Great Wilderness Realm now, and he is ready to inquire about the Gulong Chamber of Commerce first, and find the Gulong Chamber of Commerce before making plans.


The Gulong Chamber of Commerce in the huge Nanli City seemed inconspicuous and had no reputation at all.

Jiang Chen asked several people with a face, but no one had heard of Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

“This little brother, if you really want to inquire about the news, you can visit Tianjilou.”

After asking a few people in a row to no avail, an old man of the first rank of the god suddenly said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: “Tianji Tower?”

“Tianji Tower is a very mysterious organization in the Great Wilderness Realm, with extremely well-informed information.”

“There are few things about the size of Nanlizhou that Tianjilou doesn’t know.”

“As long as you pay a price, you can inquire about any information you want in Tianjilou.”

The old man explained with a smile.

“Thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen thanked him and asked about the location of the Tianji Building, and he had to go to the Tianji Building to find out the news accurately.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly sensed something and frowned slightly.

He suddenly looked back, and saw the familiar figure of Youshan Ghost appeared directly in his line of sight.

“This old guy, as expected, also teleported over.”

Jiang Chen looked at the Youshan Ghost not far behind him, his eyes condensed slightly.

Since this old guy followed, he went directly to the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce, maybe it would cause trouble for the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

“Old man, since you have to send it to your door to die, I will play with you first.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth made a slight arc, and he immediately turned and headed towards the gate of Nanli Shencheng.

“What a mad boy, knowing that I have been chased and killed, but took the initiative to go out of the city. Since you are seeking your own death, then I will fulfill you!”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s actions, a cold light flashed through Youshangui’s eyes.

His figure flashed, and he immediately chased after him.

Jiang Chen walked all the way out of the west gate of Nanli City, soaring into the air under his feet, and flew directly to a sparsely populated mountain forest to the west.

Hundreds of miles behind him, Youshan Ghost rushed forward.

After a while.

Jiang Chen stopped directly in a desolate mountain forest, quietly waiting for the ghost of the mountain behind him.

After a while.

The figure of Youshan Ghost appeared thousands of feet away from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand and stared at Youshan Ghost coldly: “Old fellow, I didn’t expect you to have really chased the Great Wilderness, you really are not going away.”

“Boy, you are quite confident.”

Youshangui sneered and said: “I know I am chasing, so I dare to lead me here.”

Nanli God City is the location of the Nanli Clan of the God Family in Nanli State.

If Jiang Chen had been staying in Nanli Shencheng, he would have to be afraid of three points if he wanted to do something against Jiang Chen.

Now Jiang Chen took the initiative to leave the city and led him to the entire remote place, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Jiang Chen snorted coldly: “Old guy, I’m not in the mood to play this cat and mouse game with you. Come on, what do you want?”

“Boy, don’t challenge my patience.”

You Shangui stared at Jiang Chen gloomily: “Lastly, I will give you a chance. As long as you join the Ghost Sect, I will spare you not to die.”

“If… I say no.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth suddenly raised a slight arc.

“Since you are so ignorant of current affairs, go to death for me.”

The ghost voice of Youshan fell, and behind him was a dark light containing the coercion of the terrifying soul, like a black wave, surging towards Jiang Chen.

“This old guy really has extremely high attainments in the soul path.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes paused slightly, and his whole body of golden light burst through the world, and then turned into a sky-reaching golden sword phantom, colliding with the black waves that came from his thoughts.


Jiang Chen gathered his whole body strength to condense the divine body vision, and instantly shattered most of the black waves, but there was still a small part of the black waves, which quickly burst towards Jiang Chen…

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