Chapter 1742 Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision!

“This one… seems to be much scarier than I thought.”

Meng Rui stared blankly at the situation on the arena, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

As a genius disciple of a god-level force in the Great Wilderness Realm, Meng Rui came to the Eternal Temple mainly to experience and increase his knowledge.

He came to the Eternal Temple in the Great Desolate Heaven and has stayed there for several months.

For Ren Feng, the genius of the eternal temple, Meng Rui naturally already knew very well.

Although this one is not a breakthrough genius like the Great Wilderness Realm, he is also extremely talented.

Especially after being trained in the Eternal Temple, his combat power is extremely Transcendent.

With his current Cultivation Base, facing Ren Feng, he will almost certainly lose.

But the guy in front of him named Jiang Chen Cultivation Base is equivalent to him, not only the amount of Internal Energy is thicker than him, but also in the divine body vision and Cultivation Technique vision, Ren Feng is suppressed to death.

To know.

Ren Feng has outstanding talents, his divine body vision has reached the emperor rank, and his cultivation technique is also the first-class realm god Cultivation Technique in the eternal temple.

Such Ren Feng was still completely suppressed by Jiang Chen who was weaker in Cultivation Base.

Meng Rui could not imagine at this moment.

What kind of horror would Jiang Chen’s divine body vision and cultivation Cultivation Technique be?

It seems that his intuition just now is correct.

If he continued to fight Jiang Chen before, even if he tried desperately to display his hole cards, he would not be Jiang Chen’s opponent in all likelihood.

“This guy…could not be a genius from the Great Desolate Divine Sect.”

Meng Rui couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

This kid’s talent is even better than the strongest genius of their Tianyuanzong generation.

I’m afraid that only God King-level forces like the Great Desolate Divine Sect can cultivate such an enchanting existence.

“You…What Cultivation Technique are you cultivating?”

Ren Feng forcefully suppressed the churning aura in his body, and finally there was a touch of horror that could not be concealed in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen.

“Naturally is the Cultivation Technique that can defeat you!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the second stage vision of Long Xiao Nine Heavens of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture was once again condensed, with a more terrifying power, and headed towards Ren Feng’s suppression.

“Two… Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision, how… how is it possible?”

Ren Feng looked at the suppressed Long Xiao Nine Heavens picture, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his mouth couldn’t help but scream.

As a genius disciple of the Eternal Temple, Ren Feng naturally understood Cultivation Technique better than ordinary people.

Cultivation Technique vision!

This is a kind of magical power condensed by the Cultivation Technique cultivated by the Practitioner. Generally, only the Cultivation Technique of the world god and above can condense.

As for the World God Cultivation Technique, generally it can only condense the First Stage vision.

The Cultivation Technique that can condense dual visions is probably at least the false god king Cultivation Technique.

Divine King Cultivation Technique is a rare top Cultivation Technique in God’s Domain, except for Divine King-level forces, it is rarely spread in the world.

Even among the powers of the god king rank, there are only a handful of them who can master the god king Cultivation Technique.

Because the god king Cultivation Technique is not only rare in the world, but also extremely difficult to master.

Some great abilities in God’s Domain have created some new Cultivation Techniques based on the God King-level Cultivation Technique.

Although these Cultivation Techniques are not comparable to the true God King Cultivation Technique, they are much stronger than the Realm God Cultivation Technique, so they are called the God King Cultivation Technique.

The false god king Cultivation Technique is not only stronger than the world god Cultivation Technique, the most obvious difference is that it can condense two visions!

And the true God King Cultivation Technique is able to condense the legendary Third Stage vision!

this moment.

Ren Feng finally understood why the own Cultivation Technique vision was crushed by Jiang Chen.

What this kid cultivated was at least the false god king Cultivation Technique far stronger than the realm god Cultivation Technique.

While Ren Feng was horrified in his heart, he did not dare to neglect the slightest.

He quickly urged his whole body power to evolve into a world of heavenly gods and collided with Jiang Chen’s Nine Heavens picture of Long Xiao.


The Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision that Jiang Chen is now fully displaying is enough to make ordinary Heavenly God Tier 5 powerhouses retreat. How could Ren Feng be able to resist it.

Click click…

It’s just a moment of time.

I saw Ren Feng’s world of gods, completely shattered into nothingness under the suppression of Long Xiao’s Nine Heavens map.

And after the world of the gods shattered, Ren Feng’s figure was like a kite with a broken line, and he smashed out of the arena.

Ren Feng, the talented disciple of the Temple of Eternity, lost!

Seeing this scene before him, the entire arena was once again plunged into deathly silence.

Everyone is like a ghost, some can’t believe their own eyes.

Even some people who bet Jiang Chen for ten consecutive victories did not expect Jiang Chen to defeat Ren Feng so simply and neatly!

This guy…really terrifying!

And when everyone in the arena was shocked by the situation in front of them.

The Great Hall in the middle of the Eternal Temple.

The old man in the golden robe looked at everything that happened in the arena, and it took a while before he recovered from his consternation.

“Hallmaster’s vision is as harsh as ever.”

“Unexpectedly, that kid is not only stronger than Ren Feng’s divine body vision, but even the cultivation technique is far stronger than Ren Feng’s Cultivation Technique.”

“If we can absorb this child into the eternal temple, we will be able to ascending a lot after the next temple assessment.”

The golden robe old man took a deep breath, and there was an inexplicable light in his old eyes.

“Old Xu, you think too much.”

The silver-robed man shook his head and chuckled, “It is impossible to cultivate the Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision even if it is a general world god power.”

“It’s a pity.”

The old man in the golden robe was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head with some regret.

The Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision, at least the pseudo-god Cultivation Technique was able to condense.

And the false god king Cultivation Technique, even most of the realm god forces in God’s Domain, it is impossible to get it!

Jiang Chen’s ability to cultivate the false god king Cultivation Technique means that his origin must be extremely extraordinary.

“It’s nothing to be a pity.”

“Although the forces behind this son must be good, it does not prevent our eternal temple from establishing a good relationship with it.”

The silver-robed man faintly smiled and said, “Old Xu, you can go to the arena yourself and give this little guy a golden eternal order.”

The old man in the golden robe was surprised: “Hall Master, directly provide the golden eternal order. You only have this privilege once in a hundred years. Do you really want to use this privilege on this kid?”

The golden eternal order, which can enjoy extremely high privileges in the eternal temple.

To know.

Even most of the world gods Venerable, in the eternal temple, can only have the silver eternal order.

“Go, his talent, even the power of the god king, I am afraid that few people can compare it with him, it is worth my use of this privilege.”

The silver-robed man smiled slightly, and a strange light flashed across his eyes.

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