Chapter 1736 Temple Arena!

Leave the Great Hall.

Jiang Chen and the others wandered around the eternal temple for a while.

Not long.

Jiang Chen and the others came to a huge square.

The huge square covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, with a huge arena in the middle and many auditoriums around it.

At this moment.

The audience was extremely lively, almost gathered thousands of Daoist movies.

On the central arena, the energy of heaven and earth is turbulent, and countless dazzling lights are colliding and annihilating.


There are two Daoist shadows fighting on the arena.

Judging from the aura of the two of them, they should all be the powerhouses of the second-order Tianshen.

“This is the Temple Arena.”

“Other places in the Eternal Temple do Restrictions, and the Temple Arena is the only place where you can fight. If you want to compete in the Eternal Temple, or even live and die, you will be held in the arena.”

“Moreover… The Eternal Arena is also a test for recruiting members in the Eternal Temple.”

At this moment, Zhu Qing’s faint voice rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a surprised look appeared in his eyes: “The evaluation of the members of the Eternal Temple is also related to the Temple Arena?”


Zhu Qing nodded and smiled: “Generally speaking, people below the power of the world gods can almost become a member of the eternal temple as long as they challenge ten games in the temple arena and complete ten consecutive victories.”

The eternal temple is built in the eternal void, absorbing the geniuses of all realms that walk in the eternal void.


As long as people who come from below the realm god level power or have no power behind them, can they be eligible to join the eternal temple.

The forces below the realm god level, to the huge eternal temple, are no different from the existence of ants.

The genius who has absorbed these forces is also harmless at all.

The realm god-level forces are all existences of the realm god Venerable.

Although with the strength of the Eternal Temple, he is not afraid of any realm god-level power.

But once it absorbs the genius of the realm god-level forces, it is equivalent to digging the corner of all realm god forces in the gods.

In this way.

I am afraid that the Eternal Temple will become the public enemy of all realm gods in God’s Domain!

Even if the strength of the Eternal Temple is unfathomable, it doesn’t have the courage to be an enemy of all the realm gods in the Three Thousand Realms of the Gods Realm.

“What if a genius above the realm god level has won ten consecutive victories in the Temple Arena?”

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

“Geniuses above the realm god level have won ten consecutive victories. Not only can they get a lot of rewards in the Eternal Temple, but they can also become the guests of the Eternal Temple and enjoy some privileges and preferential benefits.”

“It is said that in addition to the bronze eternal order we have in the Eternal Temple, there are also eternal orders of VIP level such as silver, gold, and supreme.”

“If you want to use the teleportation array in the eternal temple, in addition to the high cost, you must at least have a silver eternal order.”

Zhu Qing said with a general expression: “Because of this, many of the powers above the realm god level in God’s Domain have almost all become guests of the Eternal Temple, and even the power of the god king is afraid of them.”

Hear Zhuqing’s words.

Jiang Chen also had to admit that the VIP Order of the Eternal Temple was ingenious.

The eternal temple is spread over many eternal voids in the realm of God, and the eternal VIP order can have privileges and benefits in the eternal temple.

I am afraid that many world gods, Venerable, have become guests of the eternal temple and have established a good relationship with the eternal temple.

Such a huge network of relationships, coupled with the strength of the Eternal Temple itself is also extremely powerful, it is no wonder that the Eternal Temple can become an existence that makes the powers of the God King level jealous.

“Let’s go in and take a look.”

Jiang Chen looked at the arena in front of him, and he also had some interest in his heart.

Although he will not join the Eternal Temple, it would be a very good thing if he could get a VIP-level eternal order.

after all.

If he wants to use the Teleportation Array of the Eternal Temple to reach the Eight Desolation Realms, at least he has to become a Silver Rank VIP.


Zhu Qing smiled and nodded: “With the talent of Brother Jiang Chen, it shouldn’t be a big problem to get the Silver Rank Eternal Order through the Temple Arena.”

The group quickly swept towards the Temple Arena.

The Temple Arena, although it looks like a huge square on the surface, is actually an independent space created by the world god Venerable.

In this space, even a quasi-world god of the sixth-order Celestial God can hardly cause the slightest damage to the arena.

At the entrance of the arena, there are two guards from the Eternal Temple.

If you want to enter the Temple Arena, you have to pay an entrance fee of 10,000 yuan for the lower grade god crystal.

Jiang Chen and the others paid the entrance fee and walked into the temple arena. The shouts came directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Haha… the yellow-haired boy is going to lose. Daddy finally made a right bet in this game.”

“Fuck! The yellow-haired boy Cultivation Base is even higher than the blue-clothed youth opposite, so why did he lose like this.”

“Daddy’s one million inferior god crystals are so gone.”


Jiang Chen looked up and saw that the little yellow-haired boy on the arena was beaten back by a blue-clothed young man on the opposite side as a sign of invincibility.

Both of these are Cultivation Bases of the second-tier Celestial God.

Especially the yellow-haired boy, Cultivation Base is slightly higher.


The talented background of the blue-clothed youth is obviously higher than that of the yellow-haired boy. I am afraid that if there are no more than ten moves, the yellow-haired boy will be completely defeated.

“Elder Zhu, there seems to be a gambling game in this temple arena?”

Jiang Chen just glanced at the two fighting on the stage, then ignored it, and asked Zhu Qing curiously.

“Yes, the Eternal Temple will open a gambling game for every battle in the Temple Arena.”

Zhu Qing smiled and said: “This gambling game in the Temple Arena has also become a way for many people to earn God Crystals in the Eternal Temple. However, most of them will lose miserably.”

The Eternal Temple will have a strength assessment for both sides of the arena battle.

After their assessment, there is generally no error.


The evaluation of the Eternal Temple is not without errors.

In the Temple Arena, there will be some upset situations, and the huge odds make some people who participate in the gambling earn a lot of money.

“It seems that through the gambling game in the Temple Arena, you can earn some crystals to spend.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raised a slight arc.

When he was in the Gulong clan before, Jiang Chen had never cared about Shen Jing, but now he found that Shen Jing was an indispensable thing in God’s Domain.

Previously, in order to upgrade the void boat, he had consumed very little of the crystals on his body.

In a while, he plans to go up and play a few games, and then buy himself to win, maybe he can make a lot of money in this temple arena!

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