Chapter 1730 Heavenly God Tier 5 Space Creature!

“Master, do you believe this kid’s words are credible?”

Looking at the back of Jiang Chen and others leaving, one of the heavenly gods finally couldn’t help but speak.

“Tell me directly, it should be true in all likelihood.”

The middle-aged general took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “But… just in case, let’s send someone to find out.”

After the middle-aged general finished speaking, he directly dispatched a strong man from the Celestial God Realm who was good at hiding his figure, and went to the other side of the Zixiao Jinglei River to investigate.

It didn’t take long.

The powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm quickly flashed back from the sky above the Purple Lightning Thunder River.

“How is it going?”

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged general couldn’t help but quickly asked.

“The cleanup on the other side is indeed a bit weird, and I haven’t felt the aura of a strong person in the Heavenly God Realm from the fortress of the Zixiao Divine Kingdom.”

“I secretly arrested a person from the Zixiao Kingdom of God and got news from his mouth.”

“The group of people just now indeed fought a battle with the Zixiao Divine Kingdom. Four of the Zixiao Divine Kingdom fell in the battle. It is said that even the Zixiao Divine Emperor was seriously injured and fled.”

The Heavenly God Realm powerhouse said with a look of excitement.


The middle-aged general’s eyes rose sharply: “Immediately concentrate all your strength, and follow me into the kingdom of the purple sky, occupying the south bank of the purple sky thundering river.”

The Zixiao Divine Emperor was seriously injured and fleeing, and the four Heavenly God Realm powerhouses fell, losing more than half of their strength.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was their chance to enter the kingdom of the purple sky, how could he easily miss it.

While passing the news to the Emperor Tianlin, the middle-aged general gathered all his strength and smashed towards the south bank of the Zixiao Jinglei River with a thunderous force.

And with the Tianlin Divine Kingdom entered the Zixiao Divine Kingdom.

Ziyunmen and Qilin Sect were also dispatched one after another, and the small-scale friction that started quickly evolved into a terrifying battle.

The war between the two great realm gods in the Zilin realm is also about to start!

Jiang Chen naturally didn’t know about the full-scale war between Ziyunmen and Qilin Sect.

After passing the Zixiao Jinglei River, they have been rushing non-stop.

After half a month.

Jiang Chen and the others finally passed through the Zilin Realm, and once again entered the eternal void from the north of the Zilin Realm.

call out!

In the endless eternal void, a black void boat is moving fast.

Along the way.

Because there were people from the Zhu family controlling the boats and Zhu Qing, a powerful fourth-order god who was sitting in town, Jiang Chen and the others did not encounter any danger.

Even if they were attacked by one or two space creatures from the Heavenly God Realm, they were easily killed by Zhu Qing and others.


Jiang Chen, who had nothing to do, directly chose the Closed Door Training room in the center of the Void Ark, and continued to open his own crazy pill refining mode.

“Ding! You have successfully refined a fourth rank Medicine Pill, and gained 1000000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined a fourth rank Medicine Pill, and gained 1000000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined a fourth rank Medicine Pill, and gained 1000000*100 experience with pill refining!”


Jiang Chen kept refining the Sanyuan Fengji Pill like this.

It wasn’t until a month later that Jiang Chen and the others arrived in a realm called Southern Heaven Realm in the north of Zilin Realm, that Jiang Chen had to end this pill refining of his own.

A whole month.

Jiang Chen fully refined more than two hundred ternary wind pole pill.

Jiang Chen didn’t save any of these two hundred Medicine Pills. Every time a furnace of Medicine Pill was refined, he swallowed it without hesitation.

More than two hundred three-element wind pole pill, almost let Jiang Chen’s wind channel origin, reach the limit of 90%.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimate.

Swallowing at most one or two hundred Three Element Wind Extreme Pills, his wind path origin should be able to successfully reach Consummation.

By the time.

He will be able to gather the power of the fourth world and become a powerhouse of the fourth rank of the gods.

Just step into the fourth level of the gods.

Even the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse in the Great Wilderness Realm is one of the few who can easily get him!

Enter the southern celestial realm.

Jiang Chen and the others provided supplies in the Southern Heaven Realm, and they did not stay too much in the Southern Heaven Realm. They directly passed through the Southern Heaven Realm quickly and continued northward.

On the Void Boat.

Jiang Chen continued to Closed Door Training, while refining the Three Element Wind Extreme Pill, he swallowed the origin of the Ascension Wind Path.

“Ding! You have successfully refined a fourth rank Medicine Pill, and gained 1000000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You swallow a God Realm fourth rank Medicine Pill three yuan wind pole pill, the origin of the wind channel gains 1000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined a fourth rank Medicine Pill, and gained 1000000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You swallow a God Realm fourth rank Medicine Pill three yuan wind pole pill, the origin of the wind channel gains 1000000*100 experience!”


“Ding! The origin of your wind channel successfully reached Consummation!”

After half a month.

Jiang Chen refined and swallowed more than one hundred and forty three-element wind pole pill, and finally made the origin of the wind path complete!

The origin of the wind path is complete, and Jiang Chen no longer refines the ternary wind pole pill.

He began to count the materials in the storage ring once again, preparing to gather some Medicine Pills that can Ascension the Way of Time and the Way of Space, and come to Ascension’s time origin and space origin.


And when Jiang Chen checked the materials.

In the endless eternal void, the black boat is like a big black fish, passing quickly.


At a certain moment, the eternal void in front of him suddenly surged into the sky, and a creature that was bigger than their black boat rushed out of thin air emerged.

“No, there is an extremely powerful space creature ahead!”

When the black boat rushed on, the complexion of several Zhu’s crew members changed drastically, and they hurriedly controlled the boat to stop.

Jiang Chen and others were naturally shocked.

They flashed and appeared directly on the deck above the boat.

“What a terrifying aura, the space creature in front of you is afraid that it is no longer weaker than the fifth-order power of the gods!”

Feeling the terrifying spatial fluctuations ahead, Rao Zhu Qing couldn’t help but show a solemn look on his face.

And the other four first-tier guards of the gods shivered under the pressure of that terrifying aura!

“Is it comparable to the fifth-order space creature of the gods…”

Jiang Chen stared at him, but his expression didn’t change much.

When he first entered the third rank of the gods, he was able to entangle with the old monsters of the sixth rank of the blood moon gods.

Now that his wind path is complete, he can break through the fourth stage of the gods at any time.

A mere space creature comparable to the fifth-order of the heavenly gods, has caused him no threat at all.

Under Jiang Chen’s gaze.

A huge gray whale with a length of hundreds of feet penetrated the space directly and appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

The space where the gray giant whale is located is filled with fierce spatial fluctuations in a radius of hundreds of miles, and endless space storms are also swept away from its entire body…

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