Chapter 1728 Destroying Tier 4 of the Heavenly God!

“You…who are you?”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Yan Sanjue’s expression suddenly changed.

This son who killed the Ziyun Gate must have had conflicts with Ziyun Gate.

A super genius who can easily suppress the fourth-order powerhouse of the Celestial God with the Cultivation Base of the third-tier Celestial God is a very rare existence in the Zilin world.

But Yan Sanjue really didn’t know when their Ziyunmen had a conflict with such a genius.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Not long ago, a disciple named Lu Xingyu from the Ziyun Gate came across me, so I just slaughtered him.”

“You…you are from the ancient dragon world!”

Yan Sanjue’s pupils suddenly shrank, and there was an inconceivable horror in the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen.

Not long ago.

In order to cooperate with the Blood Moon Realm, Ziyunmen sent Lu Xingyu, a genius disciple, to the Ancient Dragon Realm to assist the Blood Moon Realm to attack the Ancient Dragon Realm. Yan San definitely knew this matter very well.


Ziyunmen thought that Lu Xingyu took the decree of the world god to go to the ancient dragon world to assist the blood moon world in the attack on both sides, and the weak ancient dragon world could hardly resist.

But he didn’t expect that not long after Lu Xingyu went to the Ancient Dragon Realm, news of his fall came.

Yan Sanjue didn’t expect anything.

The entire black-clothed youth in front of him was the one who killed Lu Xingyu in the ancient dragon world!

Lu Xingyu comes from the family of Ziyun Venerable, and is one of the three famous geniuses of Ziyun.

Naturally, Yan Sanjue was very clear about Lu Xingyu’s strength.

Although that guy’s Cultivation Base was at the third-tier Celestial God, his combat power was almost no match for their fourth-tier Elder.

This young man in black can kill Lu Xingyu, his combat power is bound to be even more terrifying.

With his strength, I am afraid it is definitely not the opponent of this kid in front of him!

Jiang Chen stared at Yan Sanjue with cold eyes: “Finally, I will give you a chance to disappear from me within five breaths. Otherwise…I don’t mind sending you to be with Lu Xingyu!”

“Huh! Lu Xingyu is my proud disciple of the Lord Ziyunmen. You killed the disciple of the Lord Ziyun and still want to leave the territory of Ziyunmen safely?”

Yan Sanjue smiled coldly, and didn’t mean to give in at all.

As the Ziyunmen Elder, how could Yan Sanjue be frightened by a little boy?

Although the boy in front of him is extremely powerful, with his fourth-tier Cultivation Base, it shouldn’t be a big problem to hold the boy for a while.

He had secretly sent a signal to Ziyun Sect just now, and Ziyun Venerable would get the news soon after a stick of incense at most.

With the terrifying speed of the world god Venerable.

From Ziyun Gate to Zixiao Divine Kingdom, it only takes a moment.


As long as he drags this kid into a stick of incense, all problems will be solved when Ziyun Venerable arrives.

“Brother Jiang Chen, don’t waste time with him. Once the Ziyunmen powerhouse arrives, we will be in trouble.”

At this moment, Zhu Qing, who was fighting against the Emperor Zixiao, was a little anxious and authentic.

“Don’t worry, he has no chance to postpone it.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and a sharp chill burst out of his eyes.

Even without Zhu Qing’s reminder, Jiang Chen knew that he couldn’t delay.

after all.

When Pang Qingyuan broke through the realm of the realm god, Jiang Chen had already seen the terrifying methods of the realm god Venerable.

The world god Venerable, the speed across the air is extremely fast.

It only took a moment for Pang Qingyuan to descend from the ancient dragon clan to the Panlong Fortress on the eastern border of the ancient dragon world.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, his whole body power directly urged to the peak, and then evolved a chaotic world, moving towards Yan Sanjue’s suppression.

Yan Sanjue’s pupils suddenly appeared.

At the same time as his body retreated, he quickly re-evolved into the world of the gods and collided with Jiang Chen’s world of the gods!


The sound of a shocking explosion resounded across the sky in an instant.

I saw Yan Sanjue’s Heavenly God World, and it collapsed in the blink of an eye under the impact of Jiang Chen’s Heavenly God World.

Yan Sanjue let out a scream, and the blood in his mouth spouted wildly like a fountain, and the whole person flew upside down like a kite with a broken wire.


Yan Sanjue underestimated Jiang Chen’s combat power and overestimated himself.

When Jiang Chen was still at the second-order Tianshen, he had the ability to contend with the fourth-order Tianshen with his full burst.

Now he has already made a breakthrough in the third level of the gods, and several other origins, Martial Dao, are also fully Ascension.

Especially the origin of the air duct is only one step away from the realization of Realm.

Even the weakest source of life is controlled by more than 50% under the Ascension of the tree of life.

With his current abilities, even the powerful fourth-order deity of the Great Desolate Realm might not be his opponent, let alone the fourth-order ordinary deity of the small realm?


Jiang Chen condensed the world of the gods and severely injured Yan Sanjue with one move, without giving him any chance to breathe.

With a move of his palm, a colorful divine thunder slammed down from the world of the gods.


Yan Sanjue hadn’t recovered from Jiang Chen’s previous hit, and the whole person had been annihilated by the colorful god of thunder that fell from the void.

“Do not……”

Yan Sanjue looked desperate and horrified.

It’s just that he just spit out a word of no, the whole person has already exploded under the bombardment of the colorful divine thunder.

One move killed Yan Sanjue.

Jiang Chen’s figure flickered, and he burst out directly facing the battlefield between Zhu Qing and the Emperor Zixiao.

“How… how is it possible!”

Feeling Jiang Chen’s aura that rushed towards him, the thunder of Zixiao Divine Kingdom shook the sky, and his expression instantly became terrified.

Yan Sanjue has fallen!

Lei Jingxiao didn’t expect it anyway.

The fourth-order Elder of the Ziyunmen Heavenly God was so easily killed by the black-clothed youth opposite.

Even Yan Sanjue was killed by that kid, and his strength was even worse than Yan Sanjue, so how could he be that kid’s opponent?

not to mention……

In front of him there is an old guy who is not much inferior to him.

If he continues to stay here, facing the combination of these two in front of him, his only end is to fall here.

Lei Jingxiao was terrified.

He exploded with all his strength, evolving into the Heavenly God World, shaking the Zhu Qing in front of him, and then directly turning into a thunder light, fleeing towards the distant sky.

“Leave him alone, we will directly enter the fortress and cross the Zixiao Thunder River.”

Jiang Chen didn’t even glance at the escaping Divine Emperor Zixiao, turned around and killed the fortress in front of him.

The old fellow Yan Sanjue, I am afraid that the situation here has been passed back to Ziyun Gate.

I am afraid that it will not be long before the world god Venerable of Ziyun Gate will come.

Once the Ziyunmen realm god Venerable arrived, they really didn’t have any chance to leave.


Jiang Chen didn’t want to waste time on the Emperor Zixiao.

The most important thing for them now is to cross the Zixiao Thrilling River and enter the territory of Qilin Sect in the fastest time.

As long as you enter the territory of the Qilin Sect, even the world god Venerable of Ziyun Gate, dare not get involved easily!

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