Chapter 1725 Purple Cloud Shocks Thunder River!

The face of the old man in Jinpao changed slightly.

Like Zixiao Divine Kingdom, there are not many Celestial God powers.

Every strong person in the Heavenly God Realm has a pivotal position in the Zixiao Kingdom.

Such a character is very likely to have the Soul Jade Medal in the Imperial Capital of the Kingdom of Zixiao.

Now that they have killed this Heavenly God Realm, the Purple Heaven God Kingdom might already know that something has happened here.

Once they delay here for too long, they will probably face the encirclement and suppression of the Zixiao Kingdom.

Although a Purple Heaven Divine Kingdom might not pose too much threat to them, there is a Purple Cloud Gate behind it.

If Ziyunmen also participated, they would be in danger.

Thought of this.

The old man in the golden robe did not continue to chase the Purple Heaven Practitioner who had fled away.

The group of people passed directly through this border city and quickly headed towards the north of the Zixiao Kingdom.

Along the way.

In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, Jiang Chen tried his best to reduce the number of times he entered the city.

Even if they encounter some hurdles that must be passed occasionally, Jiang Chen and the others have killed them with the power of Thunder.

As one of the best forces in the celestial spirit realm in Ziyunmen.

The Zixiao Divine Kingdom was even stronger than the Snow God Palace that Jiang Chen had destroyed in the northern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm.


The number of Heavenly God Realms owned by Zixiao Divine Kingdom was only seven or eight.


Because the Heavenly Lin Kingdom in the northern Qilin Sect is often harassed, the Zixiao Kingdom has concentrated most of its power in the northern border cities.

In these ordinary cities in the southern part of the Zixiao Kingdom, there are almost no strong people in the heavens.

With the strength of Jiang Chen and his party, they were almost unimpeded all the way, and they soon passed through most of the Zixiao Kingdom.

And when Jiang Chen and the others traveled through the Zixiao Divine Kingdom with all their strength.

The imperial capital of Zixiao Divine Kingdom, in a magnificent giant hall in the center of the palace.

The Purple Cloud God Emperor Lei Jingxiao sat high in the middle of the Great Hall, exuding an extremely powerful coercion all over his body.

Next to him, there is a mysterious purple-clothed old man with a cold expression, sitting side by side with him.

In front of the two of them, there were three old men standing quietly, all of them strong in the Zixiao Kingdom’s Heaven and Divine Realm.

The atmosphere in the Great Hall was deadly silent, almost audible.

“Everyone, the leader of Leishan who guards the southern border of the kingdom of the purple sky, the soul jade card suddenly shattered.”

I don’t know how long it took, the Purple Heaven God Emperor finally broke the tranquility in the Great Hall.

“Leishan commander sits on the southern border of the Zixiao Kingdom. This is the hinterland of Ziyunmen. How could it suddenly fall?”

The three elders of the Zixiao Kingdom of God all showed incredible expressions.

If it is said that the northern border of the kingdom of the purple sky, because of the sudden attack of the kingdom of the gods of the sky, a strong man of the gods of the sky has fallen, they may still be able to accept it.

But how could such a change occur in the always peaceful south?

The Zixiao Divine Emperor took a deep breath and couldn’t help looking at the purple-clothed old man aside: “Yan Elder, what do you think of this matter?”

“What else can I see?”

“Within Ziyunmen, no one should dare to easily do something to the kingdom of the purple sky.”

“If I guess right, it is almost impossible for the Green Leaf Realm to ask me to intercept and kill, and he has already arrived in the Kingdom of Purple Clouds.”

The purple-clothed old man said lightly, and a sharp light flashed in his muddy old eyes.

Not long ago.

A force in the Green Leaf Realm approached Ziyun Gate and asked them to intercept and kill two people going to the Great Wilderness Realm at Ziyun Gate.

Because the reward given by the other party was very generous, Ziyunmen naturally did not refuse.


Ziyunmen sent strong men to guard the two necessary places on the northern border of Ziyunmen.

And the purple-clothed old man beside the Zixiao God Emperor was Elder who was sent by Ziyunmen to sit in the Zixiao Kingdom, Yan Sanjue!

The Zixiao Divine Emperor said solemnly: “Since they have already appeared, I will let people pursue their whereabouts with all their strength and intercept them within the territory of the Zixiao Kingdom.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“Our goal this time is that there is a fourth-order strong man of the gods. Even if the average person traces his whereabouts, I am afraid they will not have the opportunity to pass the news back.”

The purple-clothed old man faintly said: “Let’s go directly to the ferry crossing of the Zixiao Jinglei River, wait for work, and wait for them to come by themselves.”

The Zixiao Jinglei River is a huge river that runs through the center of the Zilin Realm, and it is also the natural boundary between Ziyunmen and Qilin Sect.

Zixiao Jingleihe is extremely dangerous, and the sky above it is filled with extremely terrifying thunder power.

Even the strong of the Heavenly God Realm did not dare to be easily contaminated, and flew past the sky above the Purple Lightning Thunder River.

It is precisely because of this.

In the entire Zixiao Thunder River, there are only two special areas opened by the ancient powerhouses of the Zilin realm, which can be passed through by people under the realm god.

One of these is located in the territory of the Zixiao Kingdom.

As long as they guard the ferry crossing of the Zixiao Jinglei River, the two of them will be hard to fly!


The Emperor Zixiao nodded and said, “It shouldn’t be too late, let’s go to the Ferry of the Thunder River in Zixiao!”

To them.

It was indeed the best choice to intercept and kill those two directly at the crossing of the Zixiao Jinglei River.

It just so happened that the Heavenly Lin Kingdom in the north has recently started to move around again. The Purple Clouds in front of them can shock the Thunder River, and they can also deter the Heavenly Lin Kingdom. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

Naturally, Jiang Chen and the others didn’t know anything about the discussions between the Emperor Zixiao and the others.

They have been rushing with all their strength, wanting to leave the Zixiao Kingdom in the shortest possible time.

Three days later.

Jiang Chen and the others finally passed through the Zixiao Kingdom and came to the Zixiao Thunder River in the north of the Zixiao Kingdom.

“Brother Jiang Chen, the Zixiao Thunder River is in front of you. As long as we pass the Zixiao Thunder River, we will leave the territory of Ziyun Gate.”

Looking at the river at the end of the line of sight ahead, the old man in the golden robe couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

“Let’s rest for a while.”

Jiang Chen stared at a fortress built at the ferry crossing of the Zixiao Jinglei River, and said lightly: “We want to pass, I’m afraid we will have to go through a big battle in a while.”

Almost none of them encountered much obstacles along the way.

The reason why Zixiao Divine Kingdom has not taken any action is probably because it is waiting for work in this Zixiao Thunder River, preparing to concentrate on intercepting them in this place.

after all.

There are only two passages in Zixiao Jinglei River.

They want to go from the Zixiao Kingdom to the north of Zilin Realm, and the ferry in front is their only place.

Here, it will undoubtedly be the best place to intercept them.

They rushed for three days in a row, except for the strong with extremely strong resilience, everyone had already consumed a lot.

And the ferry in front of him was originally the place where the Zixiao Kingdom was focused on defense.

Now because of their appearance, I am afraid that there will be more strong people gathered here, maybe there are strong Ziyunmen guarding here.

Only now.

Jiang Chen could only let everyone rest first, return to their peak state, and then smashed out of the Zixiao Kingdom!

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