Chapter 1722 Arrived in the Zilin Realm!

The black void boat shuttles through the eternal void at an extremely fast speed.

In the center of the empty boat, there is a room less than 20 square meters.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the middle of the room, manipulating the pill furnace in front of him like clouds and flowing water with his hands, concentrating on refining the Sanyuan Fengji Pill.

The Sanyuan Fengji Pill, as the fourth-rank Heavenly God Pill, is undoubtedly much more difficult to refine than the true God Pill below the fourth rank.

Rao Jiang Chen can only refine three furnaces in one day.

Even with the Purple Extreme Dividing Pill technique and one furnace of Three Pills, you can refine nine Three Element Wind Extreme Pills in one day.


This speed is undoubtedly very terrifying compared to the ordinary pill refining division of the first order of the gods.

Generally, the first-order pill refining master of the gods, even if it takes a whole day, may not be able to refine a god pill.

Because the space of the black boat is not large.

Every time Jiang Chen successfully refines the Three Element Wind Extreme Pill, a strong pill fragrance fills the entire boat.

Feeling the pill fragrance that diffuses from Jiang Chen’s room every once in a while, the expressions of Zhu Xinyu and others are shocked.

“Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen Dage is still a pill refining teacher!”

Zhu Xinyu looked at the room where Jiang Chen lived, and it took a long time before he recovered.

“His pill refining grade is probably not low.”

The golden robe elder Zhu Qing took a deep breath and slowly said, “Judging from the energy radiated from this Medicine Pill, at least he is refining the Celestial Pill!”

Jiang Chen could actually refine Celestial Pill!

Zhu Xinyu heard the words of the old man in the golden robe, and he was shocked in his heart.

Being able to refine the Celestial Pill, doesn’t it mean that Jiang Chen is also at least a fourth-rank Celestial Pill?

A young man who is not much older than him, not only Martial Dao is heaven-defying, and has the ability to easily kill the fourth-order gods, but Alchemy Cultivation Base is also so terrifying.

This… This is too exaggerated.

Compared with Jiang Chen, the so-called geniuses she had seen before were inferior to scum.

“This guy… I’m afraid it’s not easy.”

The old man in the golden robe stared at Jiang Chen’s room and couldn’t help but murmured in his heart.

This son Danwu dual cultivation, and the talent is so enchanting, the origin is by no means ordinary.

Not to mention these small realms around this place, even the top strengths in the Great Wilderness Realm might not be able to easily cultivate such a genius.


Jiang Chen didn’t seem to know Eternal Void at all, and he didn’t seem to be from the Great Realm at all, but rather like the newly born disciple of some hidden world powerhouse.

And to be able to cultivate a strong like Jiang Chen, I am afraid at least it is also the hidden world god Venerable.

There may even be a horrible existence on top of Venerable!

The old man in the golden robe didn’t think about it.

This time when they went to the Great Wilderness, they would encounter such a hidden genius!

When the old man in the golden robe and others were shocked by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen turned a deaf ear to external affairs and worked tirelessly to refine Sanyuan Fengji Pill in the room.

Ten days in a row.

Jiang Chen had three furnaces a day, one furnace of three pills, and he produced a total of 87 three-element wind pole pills.

Thirty batches of Medicine Pill, except for one of the Medicine Pill, which had an accident, the remaining 29 batches were successful without exception.

Jiang Chen didn’t even have any intention of staying after successfully refining these Three Element Wind Extreme Pills.

Every time he refines a furnace, he directly swallows all Sanmei Medicine Pill.

These ten days.

Jiang Chen’s pill refining technique and the origin of the wind channel are ascension at a steady speed.

In particular, the origin of the air duct is more than 90% mastered, and there is only one step away from the completion of the air duct.

“That’s right… It seems that it won’t take long before the origin of the wind tunnel should be completed.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Just when he was about to continue pill refining, striving to make the origin of the wind tunnel complete, he was interrupted by Zhu Xinyu.

Because… the Zilin world is coming!

Jiang Chen left the room and reached the top of the void boat with Zhu Xinyu.

In view.

A magnificent outline of the boundary, surrounded by a layer of magnificent purple light, stands at the end of the eternal void.

Looking from afar from the eternal void, the realm surrounded by purple light is like the same purple Qilin crawling on the ground, which is particularly spectacular.

The realm in front of them is naturally the first stop they have to go through to the Great Wilderness Realm, the Zilin Realm!

Little by little, the black boat approached towards the Zilin world.


Although it seemed that the Zilin Realm was already close at hand, it took Jiang Chen and the others half a day to actually reach the periphery of the Zilin Realm. .

The material of the void boat is special, and it has the ability to directly pass through the barriers of the boundary. Naturally, Jiang Chen and the others do not need to get off the boat.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen and their black boats entered the purple halo outside of Zilin’s realm.

Chi Chi…

After the boat came into contact with the purple aperture, there was also a burst of small and beautiful sparks on the surface, but it was still unobstructed, leading Jiang Chen and the others into the Zilin world.

“The heaven and earth energy here is one level higher than that of the Ancient Dragon Realm and the Blood Moon Realm. It seems that the strength of the Zilin Realm should be much stronger than that of the Ancient Dragon Realm.”

Out of the black boat, feeling the rich world energy of Zilin Realm, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.

Thought of this.

He couldn’t help turning his head to look at the old man in the golden robe beside him: “Old Zhu, how much do you know about Zilin Realm, do you know that there is a force in this Zilin Realm called Ziyunmen?”

At the beginning, he killed a disciple of Ziyunmen in the northern region of the ancient dragon world.

That Ziyunmen disciple is not only not weak, but also possesses the world god’s decree, which is very likely to come from the world god Venerable.

Passing through the Zilin Realm this time, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he should be more careful and try to avoid Ziyun Gate as much as possible.

“The Purple Lin Realm is already very strong in the nearby realms.”

The old man in the golden robe smiled and explained: “The Ziyun Gate in your mouth is one of the two great powers of the Zilin Realm.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he couldn’t help feeling a little bitter.

The Zilin realm can possess two great realm god powers, and the strength is indeed one level higher than that of the ancient dragon realm.

“Actually, there are certain rules for the arrangement of the realm of God’s Domain.”

“The place where we are is almost the most remote area in the south of God’s Domain.”

“Going north from here, if there is no accident, the closer you are to the realm in the center of God’s Domain, the stronger your strength will be.”

Just as Jiang Chen was in his heart, the voice of the old man in the golden robe suddenly rang.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: “Why is this?”

Zhu Xinyu on the side smiled and said, “Jiang Chen and Dage must have known that God’s Domain used to be a complete world in ancient times, right?”

“Naturally know this.”

Jiang Chen nodded and said: “Legend, God’s Domain has undergone a major change in the ancient times, and then it shattered to form the current God’s Domain Three Thousand Realm.”

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