Chapter 172 Tonight there is him without me, I don’t have him!

“Boy, stop for me!”

“You are at the gate of the third prince’s mansion and injured the guests of the third prince in public. How can I let you leave easily!”

“Brothers, take him down for me!”

The guard screamed, and saw that the seven or eight guards at the entrance of the mansion rushed up instantly, surrounding Jiang Chen in the center.

“What about the Mansion of the Three Princes, I will come and leave if I want, and it is not your turn to interfere!”

Jiang Chen’s face became cold: “Get away from me!”

“Hmph, in front of the third prince’s mansion, you can’t help but be presumptuous here!”

“If you are more acquainted, you’ll be obediently obedient!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude to you!”

The headed guard snorted coldly and stared at Jiang Chen murderously, in a posture that he had to do something if he didn’t agree with him.

“good very good!”

“Since you won’t let me leave, then I will break into the residence of the third prince!”

“I’m going to ask him, he invited me to come to today’s dinner, but he didn’t let me in, what on earth he wanted to do!”

Jiang Chen laughed extremely angry, and his whole person instantly became murderous!

“Stop it all!”

Just when Jiang Chen and the seven or eight guards around him were about to fight.

A sharp shout suddenly came out from the mansion.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw the third prince Xia Xuanlong walking out of the mansion.

“Meet the third prince!”

The seven or eight guards saw the arrival of the three princes and could not help hurriedly salute.

Xia Xuan waved his hand, motioning them to move away.

He walked directly to Jiang Chen and said with an apologetic expression: “Brother Jiang Chen, at the Yuehen Chamber of Commerce that day, Xia was negligent at some point and forgot to post the invitation. I hope you will not be offended.”


Seeing the polite attitude of the third prince Xia Xuan to Jiang Chen, everyone’s eyes widened, revealing an unbelievable look.

I wiped it!

Who is this kid, so awesome!

Even among the younger generation of the six major powers of the Great Xia Empire, there are few people who can make Xia Xuan so polite, right?

“The third prince, do you really want him to go to your house for a dinner?”

“Then I can tell you clearly now that he will be without me, and I will be without him at this dinner tonight!”

At this moment, Dan Xiuming’s angry voice came over instantly.

Xia Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his head to look at Dan Xiuming, who was embarrassed, and said in a daze, “Brother Dan, what’s the matter with you?”

Dan Xiuming looked gloomy and stared at Jiang Chen gnashing his teeth and said, “Why did I become like this? Ask him yourself!”

“Yes, because I had a personal grievance with him, I beat him up for a while without holding back.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “If the third prince feels embarrassed, I will leave now and not attend tonight’s dinner party.”

“Brother Jiang Chen, wait a minute!”

Xia Xuan quickly stopped Jiang Chen, who was about to turn around and leave.

Then he glanced at Dan Xiuming again and said with a smile: “Both of them are distinguished guests invited by Xia today. I wonder if you can give me a Face. This is the end of the matter today?”

The two people in front of him are extremely important to him.

One is one of the core figures of the younger generation of the Dan family, who can represent the Dan family to a certain extent.

An Elder possessing the Supreme Gold Order of the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce, with a status comparable to that of the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce.

If he could get the help of these two people, it would definitely be of great benefit to him to seize the position of prince.

“End here? Never possible!”

Dan Xiuming’s face was gloomy and authentic: “The third prince, if you let him have a banquet tonight, I, Dan Xiuming, will never step into your mansion!”

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