Chapter 1719 Capture the Void Boat!

Jiang Chen beheaded four void thieves one after another, which also stunned the two fighting over the ship.

Especially the burly middle-aged man on the side of the Void Rogue, his look couldn’t help but change drastically.

Although the burly middle-aged man knew the strength of the boy in front of him was not weak, he did not expect his combat power to be so terrifying.

Eagle-eyed man, but his right-hand man, Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the second-tier Celestial God.

Coupled with the simultaneous shots of two first-tier deities, even if they face a strong third-tier deity, they can still contend against one or two.

I didn’t expect it.

This kid was just an understatement and killed the three in seconds!

“Ok… so strong!”

On the golden boat, the woman in Tsing Yi, who was firmly guarded by the old man in golden robe and several guards, also showed unconcealed shock in her beautiful eyes.

Kill three strong gods in one move!

This…this is too scary.

“Boy, who are you on earth?”

The burly middle-aged man pushed back the old man in the golden robe on the boat, and the look at Jiang Chen instantly became frightened.

Jiang Chen was expressionless and said lightly: “People passing by!”

“This little brother, since you are passing by, it is a misunderstanding. As long as you don’t interfere in this matter, I can let you leave.”

The burly middle-aged took a deep breath and said solemnly to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen beheaded four of his subordinates in succession, and his team’s vitality was greatly injured. Naturally, the burly middle-aged man wanted to rush to kill him.

But at this moment, he did not dare to act rashly.

after all.

Jiang Chen’s combat power is too strong, except for him, no one in his team can resist.

Although his strength is much stronger than the old man in the golden robe, everyone is a powerhouse of Tier 4, and it is difficult to kill him for a while.

Once he is delayed by the old man in the golden robe, own’s subordinates are very likely to be wiped out in Jiang Chen’s hands.

not to mention……

His purpose this time is for Zhuxinyu.

If it was because of this kid’s intervention that the plan failed, it would be more than worthwhile.


The burly middle-aged can only suppress his anger and choose slippers with Jiang Chen.

“Little brother, the thieves of the void are all insidious and cunning people who have not reached their goals and are unscrupulous. You must not believe his words.”

Hearing the words, the old man in the golden robe couldn’t help but quickly said.

Although Jiang Chen killed the four thieves, the strength of their side was still at an absolute disadvantage.

If Jiang Chen left, they would definitely lose.

It can be said.

Joining forces with Jiang Chen to deal with these void thieves is already their only opportunity.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, he didn’t pay attention to the two at all, and he turned and headed in the opposite direction.

Seeing this scene, the burly middle-aged complexion couldn’t help but be slightly overjoyed.

While waiting for the old man in the golden robe and the others on the boat upstairs, his complexion became extremely pale.

“This kid…he couldn’t save his life!”

A golden armored guard looked at Jiang Chen who turned to leave, his expression instantly becoming frightened.

“We have never known him. It is our love to save others, and it is our duty not to save. If we change to us, we won’t necessarily be nosy when we encounter such a situation.”

The woman in Tsing Yi gave a wry smile: “Uncle Qing, let’s go and leave me alone.”

In this battle, they have no chance of winning at all.

Since the target of these void thieves is her, as long as she stays, the others may still have a chance to escape.

If the fight continues, I’m afraid none of them will want to leave alive.

“Miss, don’t worry, even if the old man fights this fate, he will definitely protect you and send you safely to the great wilderness.”

The old man in the golden robe looked resolutely authentic.

“Xinyu Miss, the life I waited for was originally given by you. Without you, we would have been no longer in this world. Even if we die today, we will never leave you behind.”

The four golden armor guards also guarded Zhu Xinyu as if they were dead, and had no intention of leaving.

“Hehe… loyalty is commendable.”

“Since you have to stay and die, then I will fulfill you!”

The burly middle-aged voice fell, and just as he was about to make a move, there was a sudden scream of screams behind him.

The burly middle-aged complexion changed, and he looked back quickly.

I saw that the black-clothed youth who had just turned around did not leave at all, but directly killed their void boat!

At this moment.

The burly middle-aged brought out the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm, and there were only some logistics members of the True God Realm on the Void Boat. How could they resist Jiang Chen?

Just blink of an eye.

More than a dozen pirates of the True God Realm had already been wiped out by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen has never been a master who likes to suffer. Since these void thieves dare to attack him, he will make these guys pay a heavy price.

He didn’t directly engage with the burly middle-aged man, mainly because of this Void Boat.

after all.

He was going to the Great Wilderness from here, there was still a very long distance.

If he can win this Void Boat, it will not only save him a lot of time and effort while walking in the Eternal Void, but it will also be able to quietly cultivate in the Void Boat, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

“Shameless little thief, you…you dare to fool me!”

The burly middle-aged lungs almost exploded suddenly.

He didn’t expect that this kid not only didn’t leave, but also took advantage of his unpreparedness to take their void boat!

Around the burly middle-aged, many void thieves in the Heavenly God Realm were frightened.

Flying wild geese all day long, and finally being pecked by wild geese!

As the thieves of the void, they have always been the only ones who rob others. Unexpectedly, one day they would be robbed by others.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I was just passing by, but your people have to do it to me. Since you want to make peace now, it’s not impossible, this void boat, just take it as an apologize for me.”

“Kill him and take back the void boat!”

The burly middle-aged face was cold, and he led many strong heavenly gods directly to abandon the golden robe old man and the others on the ship, and killed Jiang Chen.

This void boat was built by someone who spent countless efforts.

Although it is not as luxurious as the Void Ship, its speed, concealment, and defense are all top-notch.

It can be said.

This void boat is his domineering capital in the eternal void.

not to mention……

On the Void Boat, there are still a lot of resources he plundered in the Eternal Void. Once Jiang Chen has all taken away, he will really vomit blood for three liters!


The burly middle-aged even chose to give up the mission goal and turned to kill Jiang Chen directly.

the other side.

On the golden boat, Zhu Xinyu and others couldn’t help being dumbfounded as they watched the sudden change.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen just turned around and didn’t want to leave, but directly and neatly seized these thieves’ void boats!

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